Hello! :)


I joined after reading reviews here for seeds I wanted to purchase. I ended up choosing planetskunk since I live in Australia and they seemed good. It seems I have five blueberry seeds coming my way any day I am SO looking forward to. I don't plan on selling or anything - just want some for personal use. Considering I only smoke about an ounce a month (probably more one those seeds grow, lol!) I should be good for a loooooong while. I've been smoking about 2 years and still have not been able to have a Bob Marley sized joint which is what I wanna do.

Two of my dealers got busted so I looked around and my friend gave me a guy that charged $400 an ounce for the CRAPPIEST bush ever. Not even dried properly and I've smoked better orange peels. srsly. (okay I never actually smoked orange peels but seriously it lit like that!) I quit for 2 months just because I refused to give money to that moron.. who also, by the way, 'stocked up' on half an ounce a week. LOL newbie.

Huge into for a stoner..whoops...

so anyway, looking forward to my blueberry... quick question.. as it's growing, can I pluck a few leaves off and pop them in the dehydrator for a quickie smoke? not quality, i know.. but desperate measures...
I was JUST there! like YESTERDAY. ugh. Is weed legal there? I saw a heaaaaaap of bongs for sale in the city and a bunch of men in business suits were talking about the price of bongs being too high!! I was like... o_O;


Well-Known Member
that's Canberra for you :-)... Everyone smokes it, but no one talks about it...lol.... Weed carries on the spot fines here, for small amounts, large growers still get prosecuted to the full extent of the law...:-)
Of course. Stupid laws. Never understood them. What's so dangerous about a 23 year old woman in her own house giggling and eating a bag of macaroons?

Man I really need to go back to Canberra and talk to some suits into giving me a joint or two.

When I was in Melbs some guy in a club just offered it to me to buy.

I wish I could find it so easy where I live. It sucks my dealer got busted because he was a good friend too. :( They monitor his movements so he doesn't see/call me anymore either. *sigh*