Hello to all. Heading to Colorado and looking for info


New Member
Hey guys. First post. Thought I would introduce myself. I'm just a normal guy with a wife and a couple kiddos. Love to work and make a good honest living at what I do. Pay my taxes. Stay out of trouble. You know....all the things society says us potheads do. The wife and I will be visiting Denver coming up soon for the herb.(and they said people wouldn't visit for cannabis). Plan on visiting the art museum and the downtown area. I've been researching online and thought it would be nice to just ask the people there. We will be staying in the downtown area. I guess my questions are........ where would the best place be to get it close by since we will be using taxi during our stay?(No drive and weed for me). Where the heck can we smoke it? Gonna be in a hotel. Can't seem to find reviews that say which ones are pot friendly. If we can't smoke in public and we don't live there what do you suggest? Or do any of you fellas have a garage or storage building in the downtown area furnished with a seat and a heater that the wife and I can smoke in? Haha. Really excited about visiting Colorado again. One day I'll be telling my kids "Me and your momma got to Colorado as fast as we could after the first laws were passed"! Any info is much appreciated.
For purchasing it you can go to one of the rec stores (real expensive) or hit up craigslist searching for a64 mmj etc.

To smoke you can use your best judgement, you can discreetly consume in a variety of ways.
Wait so if I have a medical card in another state and decide to visit calorado to purchase some trees. Do I have to buy another medical card?
To buy in Colorado you don't have to be medical at all!!!! Yes I hear it's cheaper but if your just visiting for vacation like myself and the wife then just pay the taxes on it and enjoy.
hate to disagree but CL is NOT the way to go.
whatever people will try to get you to believe they arent sellling legally. yes its expensive to shop at a rec store but why risk trouble?
unfortunately colorado doesnt accept out of state cards so even if you have one in your home state it doesnt matter here.
As far as smoking is concerned, you can smoke in private so if you have a smoking room you should be fine.
have fun on your trip!
Thank u guys. I didn't realize buying off cl was illegal. Makes perfect sense now. Lol. We actually leave tomorrow. We are so excited to enjoy what a lot of you have worked hard to make happen in your state. Can't wait for all to follow. We plan on buying from a store legally. Happy to pay the taxes. It's 60 a 3.5 here and it's most likely crap compared to co so no worries. The fact that we don't have to fear prosecution is well worth it. The museum is already planned. Reviewed it online and it looks cool. Thank you for the link also. Will make sure to check it out. Are there any bars or smoke shops that you can smoke at. Would be cool to chill with like minded people.