Hello new guys/gal's. ;)


Well-Known Member
well, just harvested some plants, from my first grow. the poor things. I think there was like 2 cfls for 5 plants, and some misc lights that were most likely the wrong spectrum. These buds are really airy (I figure cause of the cfls) they did give me some sweet smelling fingers while I was trimming them, and they died of mysterious causes. I really wish I had a pic of the plants, but I just went ahead and cut them down. I would have liked to know the mystery behind their passing, so as not to make the same mistake. They were definately deficient on all three macronutes, and probably more micronutes too, but they were greener when I left them last, and now they just died suddenly. no fungus or rotten smells or anything, just like their will to live left them. I am gonna make qwiso out of them, mostly, I think it will make the smoke more enjoyable, at least longer lasting. it was fun trimming them, but not that fun, since they were mostly air. it was my first attempt, and I seriously though I lost them 2-3 months ago, and then moved on with my life, luckily I got a call from a friend of mine who wanted me to check out some weed he was growing. HEY look!!! those are my plants!!! wooo hooo they aren't dead! They were so bad looking though, but I don't hold it against him, I was experimenting with bagseed next time will be so much better!


Well-Known Member
2013-10-03 02.14.27.jpg2013-10-03 02.14.14.jpg2013-10-03 02.14.04.jpg2013-10-03 02.13.57.jpg

ok so transplanted to a 3.5 gal
the container it was in was white so light was getting through it had some kind of fungus going around the edges so i trimmed the root ball up some going to let it veg in this container for a while i think im going to set it in the middle of my box and see what happens
fuckin 10 week haze >.< its a survivor i can say that much definitely bushing up after defoliation i think i might of made a good call on that i know its a controversial subject lol

2013-10-03 01.38.30.jpg my AKR seeds are growing but very slowly #impatient

re-arranged my box a bit think i might go with one gal's in between the purple haze branches :)
2013-10-03 03.03.14.jpg2013-10-03 03.02.46.jpg
2013-10-03 03.02.17.jpg my ALK polyploid / whirl what ever thing is showing alot of purple :confused: If only i had something purple to pollinate it with i would be set


Well-Known Member
nice looking ladies you got there tekdc. I have heard that polyploids can't be pollinated by regular plants (diploids) because they don't have the same # of chromosomes. I have also seen a quadroploid breed, that supposedly gave you 4 branches each node instead of the usual 2, so I don't know. I love the Micky'dees cup in there, looks just like my first grow (cept I had penn station cups up the wazoo) The purple might be a Mg deficiency, I have some bagseeds that I thought were purpling because of the cold, but it turns out its cause of Mg. Glad I looked it up


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Just to let you guys/gals know I will be doing an update of a few of my ladies here in alittle bit. Gotta cut the grass real quick, then I will be doing the update. I hope to see you guys there. The link to my thread is in my sig.

You guys take er easy till then..



Well-Known Member
nice looking ladies you got there tekdc. I have heard that polyploids can't be pollinated by regular plants (diploids) because they don't have the same # of chromosomes. I have also seen a quadroploid breed, that supposedly gave you 4 branches each node instead of the usual 2, so I don't know. I love the Micky'dees cup in there, looks just like my first grow (cept I had penn station cups up the wazoo) The purple might be a Mg deficiency, I have some bagseeds that I thought were purpling because of the cold, but it turns out its cause of Mg. Glad I looked it up
it started as 3 shoots 1 node then one took over
and started zig zag growth then spit out another tri one made a budsite ,one stretched as a top back to zig zag growth and one has 4 tops on it
i think its temp maybe calmag but this plant has needed 0 nutes so far and its about in flower might be a true 60-70 day its getting pollinated if it takes or not fuck it
this has actually been fun to grow it bonsai's very easy
i kinda like the triangle shaped stems
2013-10-03 20.06.21.jpg i could always just CS it if i cant use regular pollen

lol ya about the cups there all different sizes im trying to find the perfect size small container i can pack a shit load of in my box if i can get a 8th-1/4 oz in a 6"x6" space then im getting a oz roughly a sq ft my box is 3'x4' the numbers would be better in theory in a shorter amount of time just more overhead in nutes
and i can stagger ages roughly harvest about the time the last batch is drying up and going to jars small yields but constantly adding to the jars
i only smoke a 1/4 a week maybe so i would be able to put some back fairly easy i believe


Well-Known Member
if you get the drink carriers they have for drive through, it helps hold them so they don't fall over then you got a handle to carry 4 at a time, of course its only in the 32 oz cups, I'm not sure how big they'd get while flowering though. I did have an almost 12 inch bush in a 32 oz cup, not flowering though


Well-Known Member
i think if i pinch and defoliate early i can keep them lollipops
after i figure out the size of the container im going to use
ill just find a square pot with that volume so it doesnt fall over so easy and i can pack them in tighter


Well-Known Member
Just updated the thread with about 3 to 4 new updates. I would say they are in the last few pg's now.. Hope to have you fella's check them out.. Please let me know your thoughts.. :??: Thanks guys/gals..



Well-Known Member
raining right now or I'd be harvesting more of my purple afghan, I just don't need a 20 mile bike ride in the rain with a haphazard container of freshly plucked fruit in my pocket. I got a probably ride, but if I don't get a call in 3 hours I'll... oh shit that was him on the phone!!! wish me luck peeps!


Well-Known Member
so... I can't figure out why my computer isn't letting me post pictures... I can save them mileventy times if I wanted to, but I can't "find" them on my flashdrive, or on the desktop either... wonder why? I might have to go back to the library. Anyway, got 23.4 grams of the grape smelling afghan, took some pics, and now can't show them.


Well-Known Member
first ever grow here guys. Afghan Hindu Kush from WoS. planted 7/1 harvested 10/05. total weight wet: 23.4 (a little more but I got hungry)



New Member
Hello guys! I am a new wannabe grower. I am in studying phase, because of my income, but I am shore that by the new year I would be ready or already having my flowering. :) I think that I have choosed the right items so far for my growbox. And still looking in soil and nutrients.


Well-Known Member
By far! I have been growing/breeding strains 11 yrs growing, 4 yrs breeding/crossing strains. And I have to say, the benefits of growing far outseeds the "work"! ;)
And also, you get to sit back & "watch" something you planted from seed grow into a huge tree you can toke on.. :mrgreen: what's not to love about that :??:
I just love it myself.. ;)
Yer too modest Dank;););););)

Noobs....what he failed to mention is that he was learning the trade years before that:):):):):) I've watched his work long enough to know, he knows his shit;):mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, like I had said b4. I don't like tooting my own horn.. ;)
But also on the other hand would like for guys/glas to stop in and check um out. Jnows what I mean :??: I mean, don't get me wrong. There's been a ton of guys/gals visit the thread. But a lot visit once, maybe twice and that's it... They don't even stick around to watch the "show".. Hell, that's the best part. Me myself, I like the entire process (seed to flower).. Fun to record each stage and put it all in one clip and sit back and watch.. :mrgreen: Damn I sure miss my computer!! :(