Hello new guys/gal's. ;)


Well-Known Member
its getting around a 7 gal when i finally decide to flower it
if i flower in the next couple weeks i should be able to have it in jars for a week or so when xmas rolls around
2013-09-25 20.12.18.jpg
lol its so stunted it should be around 3-4' by now
and ya its pushing roots up and stretching the container its not choked out i do let it dry up very well between waters to kinda air prune the sides of the pot when the root ball shrinks up
but ya the leaves get crinkly but not crunchy on this one when its root bound and starving out


Active Member
its getting around a 7 gal when i finally decide to flower it
if i flower in the next couple weeks i should be able to have it in jars for a week or so when xmas rolls around
View attachment 2835997
lol its so stunted it should be around 3-4' by now
It will be done that fast after you transplant? How long are you gonna let it veg in the new pot? Im just wondering because I thought ive read somewhere that the plant will take energy away from roots and slow their growth, what size pot do you have now?


Well-Known Member
it was root bound in a 1 gal for a couple months then its in a 2.5 gal or so now
didnt think about transplant shock or whatever its pretty hardy i dont think it will have a issue it exploded in a couple days after it got transplanted out of the 1 gal i just used a little B-1 thrive alive organic and some sugar daddy and a dab of root 66 and it took off

if i have to harvest early im cool with it its super fkkin heady smoke anyway


Active Member
it was root bound in a 1 gal for a couple months then its in a 2.5 gal or so now
didnt think about transplant shock or whatever its pretty hardy i dont think it will have a issue it exploded in a couple days after it got transplanted out of the 1 gal i just used a little B-1 thrive alive organic and some sugar daddy and a dab of root 66 and it took off

if i have to harvest early im cool with it its super fkkin heady smoke anyway
Ah do you have a 5 gal laying around? Do you think you will need a 7 gal and the roots need that much room? I'm curious because I transplanted a 12/12 from seed plant into a bigger pot and it didnt even need it, but then again I have used and abused this poor girl and figured the roots wouldnt need that much more as the plant would stop focus on roots and shift focus to bud production. Also sorry if im coming off rude, I dont mean to, just in a lota bit of pain right now just medicated a few mins ago and trying to get whats in my head into words on to here :) I know im a complicated kinda person lol.


Well-Known Member
i can save money on nutes if i use more soil is my theory its a nute hog and im trying to get around it :)
i was going to use a plastic dishwashing tub its 7 gals and just drill holes in one and use another for a catch pan / hempy
its like perfect fit it takes up a little less than 1/3 of my box so i can still have auto's goin on 12/12 to help boost the pull a bit


Well-Known Member
and now that i think about it
they take 2 weeks to flip usually ? isnt that enough time to recover from a t plant ?
that was the plan anyway transplant then flip right after
someone chime in and correct me if im wrong its been awhile since i had to use a timer


Well-Known Member
I use the solar powered timer in the sky. This winter I will finally be able to have my growlight closer than 1 parsec from the canopy!


Well-Known Member
I'm about to take some pictures of the ladies I have left. The pollen more than took, I'm now seeing a lot of knocked up whore's in my backyard instead of the virginal church going goody two-shoes I had 2 weeks ago. Even my afghan/hindu's are preggo! I thought they were done, and was gonna chop 2 today, but it looks like there is new growth again!! I will be taking pics, I got 2 questions:
1. the camera I'm using is my friends iPhone. how do I turn off the geotag thingy on it? I only use iPhone to take pics, and other than that I've never used an apple product before in my life, I've heard of that geotag thing, and I would like it turned off if its turned on
2. is it ok if I post the pics here? I have about 20 plants that I'm gonna take pics of, I might just throw up a couple of my best (but its weed, I like to think they are all my best) and then post the rest on my thread that no one reads.

At least since my males busted a nut I will not have to buy seeds for a long long long time :D


Well-Known Member
Hello. The answers to your questions : #1 I have NO clue about iphones bro. #2. Yes, feel free to post as many pictures as you like. Any of you at that. If you have something you want to show off, go 4 it!! :mrgreen:
I'm about to take some pictures of the ladies I have left. The pollen more than took, I'm now seeing a lot of knocked up whore's in my backyard instead of the virginal church going goody two-shoes I had 2 weeks ago. Even my afghan/hindu's are preggo! I thought they were done, and was gonna chop 2 today, but it looks like there is new growth again!! I will be taking pics, I got 2 questions:
1. the camera I'm using is my friends iPhone. how do I turn off the geotag thingy on it? I only use iPhone to take pics, and other than that I've never used an apple product before in my life, I've heard of that geotag thing, and I would like it turned off if its turned on
2. is it ok if I post the pics here? I have about 20 plants that I'm gonna take pics of, I might just throw up a couple of my best (but its weed, I like to think they are all my best) and then post the rest on my thread that no one reads.

At least since my males busted a nut I will not have to buy seeds for a long long long time :D


Well-Known Member
Hey! Do you happen to have a picture of the lady (full plant shot) that your showing her stalk in the picture :??:
its getting around a 7 gal when i finally decide to flower it
if i flower in the next couple weeks i should be able to have it in jars for a week or so when xmas rolls around
View attachment 2835997
lol its so stunted it should be around 3-4' by now
and ya its pushing roots up and stretching the container its not choked out i do let it dry up very well between waters to kinda air prune the sides of the pot when the root ball shrinks up
but ya the leaves get crinkly but not crunchy on this one when its root bound and starving out


Well-Known Member
have you played with defoliation before ?
i defoliated my purple haze to promote shoot growth
it seems to be working well
how long does it need to recover before flip ?
i want it to hermi but
one that is controlled and just 1 branch preferably >.<
after a stressful life how long does it need the perfect conditions before i can flip is what im asking i guess


Well-Known Member
2013-09-30 19.56.13.jpg2013-09-30 19.55.30.jpg2013-09-30 19.55.02.jpg ill have to unpack my box to get it out but thats most of it its a lanky zig zag growth woody SOB barely hit a shoot and you knock it off lst is at inch or two at a time >.<


Well-Known Member
I would give it a week or so before flipping. Yeah, I've messed with it b4. Don't much anymore though. My Dad always taught me that that's where a plant sucks it nutrients from while flowering. So I just leave um alone until they turn yellow and fall off.
have you played with defoliation before ?
i defoliated my purple haze to promote shoot growth
it seems to be working well
how long does it need to recover before flip ?
i want it to hermi but
one that is controlled and just 1 branch preferably >.<
after a stressful life how long does it need the perfect conditions before i can flip is what im asking i guess


Well-Known Member
i did it because i was setting it up for a little scrog action
but the shoots breaking so easy kinda killed that idea for me


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2841586View attachment 2841587View attachment 2841588 ill have to unpack my box to get it out but thats most of it its a lanky zig zag growth woody SOB barely hit a shoot and you knock it off lst is at inch or two at a time >.<

Yeah, but still she should give ya a nice harvest. ;) That's the way my Sins OG is doing! I like those nice short & compact trees myself. And this old thing is lanky as hell, so I went and did LST on her thinking it would get alittle thicker! Nope... Now she's looking more like a spider with its legs sprawled out!! Lol


Well-Known Member
i still cant believe i had it rolled up the size of that container it takes up half my box unrolled >.<
i need to lst it anyway i have to take it out for that ill take a pic when its out
can this thing be beast ? with a couple more weeks veg and some news shoe's ?