Hello Future Mass Caregivers and Patients!

Insurance agencies and entities like federal banks do not get involved with medical marijuana. Also, outdoor grows is not covered by the medical program. If you get caught, your license will not protect you.
I teach people organic growing procedures. Typically, this does involve grow site analysis, design and implementation. Both indoor and outdoor, almost all plants.


I would be curious to see what your rates are for all of this "analysis". Also, do you have any licensing to do business, or any insurance on your work? If I get my room built by you, and my lights come crashing and burn my house down, can you be held liable for that in any way?
I would be curious to see what your rates are for all of this "analysis". Also, do you have any licensing to do business, or any insurance on your work? If I get my room built by you, and my lights come crashing and burn my house down, can you be held liable for that in any way?

Rates? Huh???

It is a website to ask organic growing questions...I do not charge for this.

Actually, I do not charge for anything! Unless of course you come to my farm and buy my produce and flowers!

And I am a a master electrician, fully licensed and insured, own my own green house and that is fully insured. All my employees have all the liability coverage and more as well.

As for marijuana growing specifically, Living Roots simply helps out growers who ask us questions! It is much like Rollitup in this regard, but more personalized without a bunch of people *ahem* trying to pick flames/fights.

Lights come crashing down and burn the house down?! Lol. This isn't amateur hour, son. I have never had experience with that.

Hello Snafu,

First of all, I meant no disrespect with my original comment. I was simply looking for key words like "licensed" and ïnsured". I work in business management and consulting outside of my hobby of cultivation, and I wanted to find out more about what you offer. Your website looks like you have a fee associated with your services, but now I understand that you offer free consultation and help. I would only say good luck in having people reveal their spaces and grow situations.

However, do you ever charge your clients at all for any reason? Perhaps for offering services like onsight gardening skills or etc?
Hello Snafu,

First of all, I meant no disrespect with my original comment. I was simply looking for key words like "licensed" and ïnsured". I work in business management and consulting outside of my hobby of cultivation, and I wanted to find out more about what you offer. Your website looks like you have a fee associated with your services, but now I understand that you offer free consultation and help. I would only say good luck in having people reveal their spaces and grow situations.

However, do you ever charge your clients at all for any reason? Perhaps for offering services like on sight gardening skills or etc?

Thank you for your kind comments. I currently work with a few clients. I do not charge for my discourse. They ask me questions, I help answer them. They have problems, I help them with a solution. All in all, it works great for them and feeds my undying passion for cannabis cultivation and use.

Once clients meet me I have never had a problem consulting with them in or at their grow space. For me it is not a matter of luck, as I am pretty selective with whom I work with and will not work with just anyone. Again, I do not charge for this service. It is nice to enjoy so many different types of cannabis at any given time, though.

If you are interested in beginning a discourse about organics, I would love to begin sharing with you what I know. I am not really looking for any business partners or anything if that is what the inclination is, however I would love to talk to you about and hear what you have to say about growing organically. And if you do, just shoot me an e-mail at Roots.

Sounds like you enjoy what you do Snafu. When you mean organic growing, do you mean in soil or is there a preferred medium? I try to use nothing but organic nutrients, but all of my girls rest in hydroponic buckets, and not all nutrients come in organic form. What do you like to use for your organic farming?
sooo no outdoors gardens allowed? How did you find out Friendly Caregiver, just curious

Every states starts with no outdoor growing. Growing outdoors opens up a variety of issues for the medical community. It is a very educated guess, and I hope they do not allow outdoor growing. Stay classy, keep your girls indoors and clean.
Sounds like you enjoy what you do Snafu. When you mean organic growing, do you mean in soil or is there a preferred medium? I try to use nothing but organic nutrients, but all of my girls rest in hydroponic buckets, and not all nutrients come in organic form. What do you like to use for your organic farming?

I am not an organic 'purist' by any means, but I do employ numerous organic practices. A true oranic purist grows under the sun with organic soil amendments:)

I amend and make my own soil with soil amendments, focusing on building a dynamic soil food web to help provide for the plant.

I utilize bacteras and fungi to do all of the work for me. I do not PH my water, and I water all of my plants with a gravity fed drip system.

I innoculate once every two weeks with a high quality AACT, made out of my own homemade worm castings.

I like to top dress with nutrients as the plants need them. Otherwise, my base soil concentrate that I cook up takes care of the finishign stages.

Hey everybody been looking for a legit cg in southcoast mass having an extremely difficult time. I had been talking to another roll it up member but unfortunately he is in western ma n due to my condition I can no longer drive please help. thank you
Hey everybody been looking for a legit cg in southcoast mass having an extremely difficult time. I had been talking to another roll it up member but unfortunately he is in western ma n due to my condition I can no longer drive please help. thank you

massmedmarijuana.com They connect caregivers
so i need a primary care to get the rec?
what you need to do is locate a doctor or clinic that specializes in mm...there's a place in northampton (ma) for example, google around and you'll find her. but i'm not saying you're guaranteed to get one, you gotta have some sort of debilitating condition you know.