Hello Future Mass Caregivers and Patients!

i think its a bad idea to register to do anything until things are legal federally. you pretty much are blacklisting yourself when you are legally signed up to do anything with weed IMO at this point in time, and even though states are making it "legal" i think its best to stay quiet until things are legal federally.

i have thought about that too myself. i mean fuck it. you wont get caught. if anything its the paranoia that gets you because u know ur doing something illegal. i kinda had that feeling when i first got my drivers license, I thought to myself oh shit this is awesome and felt like butterflies in my stomach(anxiety) and felt like i could still get in trouble. but when i thought, wait i have my license, i cant get in trouble. anyways, back on the weed subject. just because u have a state license doesnt mean that you can't still get busted because its still illegal federally. but we can all safely assume the feds arent gonna bust you if your running a couple lights. also we can assume you wont get busted by the local's if you grow without smell leaking outside and word of mouth getting to the authorities.
i think its a bad idea to register to do anything until things are legal federally. you pretty much are blacklisting yourself when you are legally signed up to do anything with weed IMO at this point in time, and even though states are making it "legal" i think its best to stay quiet until things are legal federally.

Based on the feelings of the Obama administration I don't think medical marijuana will be sanctioned on the federal level anytime soon.
i think its a bad idea to register to do anything until things are legal federally. you pretty much are blacklisting yourself when you are legally signed up to do anything with weed IMO at this point in time, and even though states are making it "legal" i think its best to stay quiet until things are legal federally.

In my opinion, the health department in Rhode Island is doing an amazing job of keeping the licensees anonymous. Our cards do not even have anything else except an expiration date and a medical number. No names, addresses or etc. They also do not and will not release information to local authorities. This gives us some privacy regarding getting "blacklisted".

My concern is for the society we are in today regarding growing, not whether big brother has be on a blacklist. I have hope for the future, but relationships do change when you inform others of your medical status. Try keeping a professional level job and have co-workers know what you do at home. It has never happened to me but I can imagine the agony and annoyance.
Ahh the beginning of mmj in another state. MA will be similar to AZ as thats the law it was modeled after. There will def be a time period for caregjvers to get growing before the dispensaries get up and running ( atleast 1 year). Once they open home growing does nkt look very viable but it depends how the state sets the specific rules for hardship vouchers. Also plant numbers, patient numbers and medicine weight limits have not been specified. There is still much to flesh out in this law and knowing MA it will not be fast. As far as being paranoid about being on a list, i ask people this would you rather take the chance of not having medical protection under the law or be on a confidential list with hundreds of thousands of other people? In addition there is no cases of federal agents going after small time patients through a state registry. Mentalities will start to change once the law goes into effect. However i wojld not advise in someone brjning medicjne, plants, etc. Over state lines, say up 95 from providence to boston. That is interstate trafficing and carries serious federal charges.
Ahh the beginning of mmj in another state. MA will be similar to AZ as thats the law it was modeled after. There will def be a time period for caregjvers to get growing before the dispensaries get up and running ( atleast 1 year). Once they open home growing does nkt look very viable but it depends how the state sets the specific rules for hardship vouchers. Also plant numbers, patient numbers and medicine weight limits have not been specified. There is still much to flesh out in this law and knowing MA it will not be fast. As far as being paranoid about being on a list, i ask people this would you rather take the chance of not having medical protection under the law or be on a confidential list with hundreds of thousands of other people? In addition there is no cases of federal agents going after small time patients through a state registry. Mentalities will start to change once the law goes into effect. However i wojld not advise in someone brjning medicjne, plants, etc. Over state lines, say up 95 from providence to boston. That is interstate trafficing and carries serious federal charges.

Sound Advice Mr. Ganja. Did you go through the AZ experience personally? Speaking of interstate commerce. It's interesting to see all of the Cali folks posting ads in the MA craigslist for quality west coast meds.
Lol I am only a Mr ganja because I have posted so much on here. And yes I have been and still am going through the mmj scene in az. I have family in MA. So I have been keeping an eye on the law.
Lol I am only a Mr ganja because I have posted so much on here. And yes I have been and still am going through the mmj scene in az. I have family in MA. So I have been keeping an eye on the law.

I have been catching up on the arizona posts to see what Ma may be in store for. I don't think we will have an issue with 25 miles. But it will be interesting to see what happens the first couple of weeks after folks start visiting there doctor. If you read the local papers around here a lot of selectmen in these small little towns are really trying to make things difficult. But I suppose that is expected. Even though MA is a liberal state we still have our fair share of puritans who think they came over on the mayflower
The ma law actually has a very similar law to the 25 mile rule for ma it is 35 miles, however they did add in the hardship vouchers which could either be good or bad jn the long run depending upon how lax they are at issuing the vouchers. It may take a few years but dispensaries will open up over the entire state. There js too much money involved. Stay informed of the latest news about your law and get your doc rec asap and start growing in the mean time.
Cool beans, been waiting for this shit since I was sixteen! I've been looking into becoming a caregiver/or helping my dad get his card to grow himself to get him off the dozen of so prescriptions he has for stress, etc. Though I do fully support medical legalization, I still fell as though its going to be hard as hell for inexperienced growers to break into the market as I and a friend of mine would like to do. I've been growing on and off for about three years now, and I'd like to put that knowledge to good use. Either way, I'ma grow my own sheeba for head smoke regardless, but its great to hear that your planning on opening a dispensary in my home state. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BROTHA!!!
I don't think MA is going to make much in the way of money, it's not
taxed so all yhey get are the fee's associated with the licensing. The real winners are the people that need the medicine and non profits that get donations from the dispensory if i am not mistaken.
NIn az the state has not received any revenue in the form of taxes on medicine sales. They still grossed 6 million in application fees alone. Also the MA law is so vague that there is much room for revenue from the states end.
I don't think MA is going to make much in the way of money, it's not
taxed so all yhey get are the fee's associated with the licensing. The real winners are the people that need the medicine and non profits that get donations from the dispensory if i am not mistaken.

Rhode island used to have their licensing fees at 75$, but now they increased it to 200$. What a dramatic increase in one day. The states sure do know how to make their money.

Also, medical marijuana can be seen as a great marketing tool for tourism. Colorado tourism center started making commercials for people to visit their marijuana friendly state. Mass will most likely have a surge of people moving into the state to stay permanently, especially those who like me who left the state they loved to go to another friendly Mmj state. Also want to mention the jobs it creates which are taxed; hydro stores, glass stores, the sale from any and every building equipment used in growing, like home depot and lowes.

What I am trying to say is the ripple effects of their action in legalizing medical marijuana. It is, in the end, legalizing an entire industry where the barrier of entry is as simple as popping a few seeds and opening a book.
Its so strange to me that with such lax decriminalized possession laws they still have the paraphernalia laws. Makes me thunk there will be w distillate industry created that is "medical equipment" should be interesting.
Good point about the stores paying taxes Caregiver. I wonder if there will be any laws against having 2,3 orhowever many caregivers getting together and combining
resources to have a pseudo dispensory . They could avoid the $5000 fees for the application.