Hello from North Carolina

Howdy cannabis lovers. I am 59 and been growing and smoking since I was 15.
Clandestinely of course as you see what state I live in. Always grown outdoors guerrilla.
Have much experience but would love to learn more.

Lost a pretty nice collection of genetics back in early 90s and though I have done pretty
well collecting again would love to get DJ Short blueberry back again. I used to be known
as the blueberry man. In late 70s had some of the real panama red but didnt know then
what I really had, sadly it is gone.

Grow all organic regenerative usually in the ground. Have many cultivars from Trinidad area
of Norcal if anyone is interested in trading. Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you! There's a fair amount of trade on this site from what I understand. I'd be skeptical about anything besides a local meet up kind of thing though. Lots of folks are getting scammed. I hope you find some good information and improve your skills in this wonderful hobby of ours!


Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome! I'm pretty new here as well -- and definitely more new to growing than you. I'm in an adjacent state. Nothing to trade since I haven't grown the first plant yet, but glad to see you here and hope to learn from you soon. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, 'fresh.
I'm just across the line in Georgia. At least there are hemp farms just north of me...


Howdy cannabis lovers. I am 59 and been growing and smoking since I was 15.
Clandestinely of course as you see what state I live in. Always grown outdoors guerrilla.
Have much experience but would love to learn more.

Lost a pretty nice collection of genetics back in early 90s and though I have done pretty
well collecting again would love to get DJ Short blueberry back again. I used to be known
as the blueberry man. In late 70s had some of the real panama red but didnt know then
what I really had, sadly it is gone.

Grow all organic regenerative usually in the ground. Have many cultivars from Trinidad area
of Norcal if anyone is interested in trading. Have a great day.
AHHH, Trinidad..... The small drinking town with a fishing problem! haha... I miss that place! Welcome to the forums brother.