Hello everyone from Ukraine

Доброго вечора ми з України!!!!!Питання війни в Україні, дуже болюча тема для нас. Розуміючи що цього питання - треба зробити грамотну та однозначну відповідь. Про себе я можу сказати лише я внутрішньо переміщена особа, від фронту найближче десь 110 км.Якщо ми з тобою познайомлюсь можливо я розкажу тобі свою історію, але не зараз і не у пабліку. Я намагався п'ять днів порозмовляти з росіянами, зрозуміти чому вони ставляться до цього питання байдуже, чому їм не болить душа за це горе. Мене забаніли на публікацію. Ось наше життя я цей кущ, нас намагаються зламати та зробити рабами. За допомогою війни роблять геноцид нашої нації.Наше ЗСУ як ця монета не дає цього зробити. Дякую богу, всьому Миру за допомогу, ми це нескінченно цінуємо. Ми вільні, бо живі. Якби не ця допомога мій народ у рабстві Путіна під дулом кулемета знищував весь мир. Історія знає Фашизм з Німеччини, тепер Рашизм с росії.

Моя країна не впаде на коліна
Міста стали горою, повірте
І ніхто не перешкодить нам свободою напитись
Доки в кожному з нас живе душа Українця! (c)

Good evening, we are from Ukraine!!!!! The issue of the war in Ukraine is a very painful topic for us. Understanding that this question requires a competent and unambiguous answer. About myself, I can only say that I am an internally displaced person, the nearest one is about 110 km from the front. If we meet you, maybe I will tell you my story, but not now and not in public. I tried for five days to talk with the Russians, to understand why they are indifferent to this issue, why their souls do not ache for this grief. I was banned from posting. This is our life, I am this bush, they are trying to break us and make us slaves. With the help of war, they commit genocide of our nation. Our Armed Forces, like this coin, does not allow this to be done. Thank God, the whole world for your help, we appreciate it infinitely. We are free because we are alive. If it weren't for this help, my people in Putin's slavery would destroy the whole world under the barrel of a machine gun. History knows Fascism from Germany, now Racism from Russia.

My country does not fall into a knee
Town became a mountain, believe me
And no one can harm us with freedom to get drunk
As long as the Ukrainian soul lives in each of us! (c)
Post translate.jpgphoto_2023-03-04_05-09-22.jpg
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Comming from a bordering country to Ukraine, I completely empathize with you brother. We stand with you and your country. My mother was imprisoned by Russian guards (KGB) for reading anti Russian anti communist flyers posted in the subway. (In OUR COUNTRY) They drew their rifles and told people to put their eyes to the floor while they ripped the posters down. She looked up and read what it said and a officer caught her and she was arrested. She picked her nose in jail so it would bleed profusely and they had to call the ambulance, which was her occupation at the time and her friends were the ones to arrive. They said they needed to take her to hospital as she faked a seizure and they fled back home. This was in the late 70's ish People in the west don't understand that things are VERY different there. People mysteriously die all the time and it's usually labeled as suicide or murder/suicide when they decide to kill your entire family as well. The amount of propaganda spewed by Russia is fucking crazy, and most people fear reprocussion so they just blindly follow whatever shit is spewed out of the commies mouths to keep on living. What do you think happened to the people captured for protesting the war? Most likely killed or beaten tortured and killed or their families killed. Shit is fucking real there. Not like here where everyone has somewhat freedom.
My grandfather fought against the Nazis in WW2. He was high ranking. A captain who led his battalion behind a stolen Soviet tank. He was captured and lined up for execution twice where they shot every other man in line and twice he evaded the bullet. He used to cry telling me stories about the war and the people he lost. My grandmother told me stories of the Nazis bringing every person in her town into the town centre and they made everyone watch as they made a little girl run away while they released the dogs on her and tore her to shreds infront of everyone... this was the price she paid for her family harbouring Jews in their home and a warning to others that this would be their fate if they were Jews or were hiding Jews. War is no joke. Freedom isn't free. There is a price.
I see the ignorance from some who make jokes like dont use the dirt there etc. It's clearly privilege. Joking about innocent people's families dying and people being blown up isn't a fucking joke. It's extremely sad. This comes from western privilege, where freedom is taken for granted. Maybe think twice before you make jokes about someone living in a war torn country. It's really, really in poor taste
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View attachment 5266457
View attachment 5266456
Доброго вечора ми з України!!!!!Питання війни в Україні, дуже болюча тема для нас. Розуміючи що цього питання - треба зробити грамотну та однозначну відповідь. Про себе я можу сказати лише я внутрішньо переміщена особа, від фронту найближче десь 110 км.Якщо ми з тобою познайомлюсь можливо я розкажу тобі свою історію, але не зараз і не у пабліку. Я намагався п'ять днів порозмовляти з росіянами, зрозуміти чому вони ставляться до цього питання байдуже, чому їм не болить душа за це горе. Мене забаніли на публікацію. Ось наше життя я цей кущ, нас намагаються зламати та зробити рабами. За допомогою війни роблять геноцид нашої нації.Наше ЗСУ як ця монета не дає цього зробити. Дякую богу, всьому Миру за допомогу, ми це нескінченно цінуємо. Ми вільні, бо живі. Якби не ця допомога мій народ у рабстві Путіна під дулом кулемета знищував весь мир. Історія знає Фашизм з Німеччини, тепер Рашизм с росії.

Моя країна не впаде на коліна
Міста стали горою, повірте
І ніхто не перешкодить нам свободою напитись
Доки в кожному з нас живе душа Українця! (c)

Good evening, we are from Ukraine!!!!! The issue of the war in Ukraine is a very painful topic for us. Understanding that this question requires a competent and unambiguous answer. About myself, I can only say that I am an internally displaced person, the nearest one is about 110 km from the front. If we meet you, maybe I will tell you my story, but not now and not in public. I tried for five days to talk with the Russians, to understand why they are indifferent to this issue, why their souls do not ache for this grief. I was banned from posting. This is our life, I am this bush, they are trying to break us and make us slaves. With the help of war, they commit genocide of our nation. Our Armed Forces, like this coin, does not allow this to be done. Thank God, the whole world for your help, we appreciate it infinitely. We are free because we are alive. If it weren't for this help, my people in Putin's slavery would destroy the whole world under the barrel of a machine gun. History knows Fascism from Germany, now Racism from Russia.

My country does not fall into a knee
Town became a mountain, believe me
And no one can harm us with freedom to get drunk
As long as the Ukrainian soul lives in each of us! (c)
View attachment 5266460
People with PTSD have increased CB1 receptors so it's postulated that cannabis is a potential therapeutic for this illness. Considering where you are you should be growing as much as you can as I'm sure every single person could benefit from this.

Keep growing, keep surviving, do what you need to do. My best wishes you make it through.
hoping all will turn out good for you in the end.

do you observe any benefits or damages doing this?
There is no other way. That eagle has been laid on a fork more than once.
bro promise not to cum in surprise and you will understand what light is. You will understand what the Ukrainian sun is. All I do is one thing, but what does the lamp from Castaman do)))))) Test bro
Comming from a bordering country to Ukraine, I completely empathize with you brother. We stand with you and your country. My mother was imprisoned by Russian guards (KGB) for reading anti Russian anti communist flyers posted in the subway. (In OUR COUNTRY) They drew their rifles and told people to put their eyes to the floor while they ripped the posters down. She looked up and read what it said and a officer caught her and she was arrested. She picked her nose in jail so it would bleed profusely and they had to call the ambulance, which was her occupation at the time and her friends were the ones to arrive. They said they needed to take her to hospital as she faked a seizure and they fled back home. This was in the late 70's ish People in the west don't understand that things are VERY different there. People mysteriously die all the time and it's usually labeled as suicide or murder/suicide when they decide to kill your entire family as well. The amount of propaganda spewed by Russia is fucking crazy, and most people fear reprocussion so they just blindly follow whatever shit is spewed out of the commies mouths to keep on living. What do you think happened to the people captured for protesting the war? Most likely killed or beaten tortured and killed or their families killed. Shit is fucking real there. Not like here where everyone has somewhat freedom.
My grandfather fought against the Nazis in WW2. He was high ranking. A captain who led his battalion behind a stolen Soviet tank. He was captured and lined up for execution twice where they shot every other man in line and twice he evaded the bullet. He used to cry telling me stories about the war and the people he lost. My grandmother told me stories of the Nazis bringing every person in her town into the town centre and they made everyone watch as they made a little girl run away while they released the dogs on her and tore her to shreds infront of everyone... this was the price she paid for her family harbouring Jews in their home and a warning to others that this would be their fate if they were Jews or were hiding Jews. War is no joke. Freedom isn't free. There is a price.
I see the ignorance from some who make jokes like dont use the dirt there etc. It's clearly privilege. Joking about innocent people's families dying and people being blown up isn't a fucking joke. It's extremely sad. This comes from western privilege, where freedom is taken for granted. Maybe think twice before you make jokes about someone living in a war torn country. It's really, really in poor taste
World bro. I really understand your pain. The world is huge to him indifference sick or tired. Brace yourself.....our journey is yet to come. I'm not ready to expose myself to these horrors yet. That nightmare isn't over yet. Thank you for your support, thank you for the hope to clear the way for light.
People with PTSD have increased CB1 receptors so it's postulated that cannabis is a potential therapeutic for this illness. Considering where you are you should be growing as much as you can as I'm sure every single person could benefit from this.

Keep growing, keep surviving, do what you need to do. My best wishes you make it through.
Bro you got it in the highlight) I had to choose or drink a lot of medicines or find my own. Bro in the past I worked a lot in medicine plus my thirst for knowledge)
Good evening, we are from Ukraine!!!!!Let me introduce you to my stinky Valera))) HE decided to hang out with me for the winter, they accepted him) The children love him) Valera loves Archidei and ganjubas very much)
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