Alex Ponchik
Hello everyone from Ukraine. I want to share my photos, experience and write at least. I am a batan and the topic of growing indoors has become very interesting to me. I had to study a lot from batanics to electricity, light and a bunch of everything I had to do in the current situation in the country.
So let's get acquainted with what I have now.
Greenhouse )))))
Light UHE LED Е4-380UVFR
soil original soil mixture: Chernozem, alumina, perlite, vermiculite, coconut subtract, biohumus. This was all thoroughly mixed and the worms started up after landing.
Pot size 5 liters
bankseeds Ganja Seeds Ukraine
Auto Bubble Gum feminised Ganja Seeds
26 december 2022

So let's get acquainted with what I have now.
Greenhouse )))))
Light UHE LED Е4-380UVFR
UVA | 20 мкмоль/с |
Far Red | 22 мкмоль/с |
основний | 378 мкмоль/с |
soil original soil mixture: Chernozem, alumina, perlite, vermiculite, coconut subtract, biohumus. This was all thoroughly mixed and the worms started up after landing.
Pot size 5 liters
bankseeds Ganja Seeds Ukraine
Auto Bubble Gum feminised Ganja Seeds
26 december 2022