Hello Admin :wave:


New Member
So you guys want your account so that you can't log in again? that can be arranged, I'll do it in a moment.

Once you stop posting on here you'll get lost amidst a mass of paperwork anyway. Exactly the same way if your account got deleted. Nothing on the web ever completely disappears. Google for a start. Deleting your account here would do nothing. Your posts would still be here, likewise a link from you to this site. You said yourself your account is still there it just says cancelled, well our says banned. Same thing. Info' is still there. capiche?

You're arguing over nothing, when right now you should be busying yourself by helping your persona on this site get buried. You do that by not posting, and filling this site with more of your garbage.

dankseeds, if you change your mind... you can stay, just give me enough profanity like the second guy (skunkcz) and i'll ban you.

skunkcz, you're lingo is unwarranted and demeans this site.


Well-Known Member
i don't get it.

what does "canceling" your account do and why the big concern?

just don't log in. ever.


Well-Known Member
when i first started looking for growing forums last year i registered with every grow site i could find. then i found this one and haven't left since. i have never returned to any of the other sites. i have open accounts all over the net. so..............?????????????
please moderators, web masters I dont care who but I need to change my screen name thats it please help me change my screen name change it to bigchunkysticks please i dont care what you change it too make fun of me in it i dont care i'll be able to find out what it is when i request my password change through my email. please help me pleeeeasse their gonna get me and i'm not kidding.