Hello Admin :wave:


Well-Known Member
if i wanted advice from the peanut gallery i'd ask for it
i want my account to be deleted
keep your advice and shove it
Children... where you going to go.....really, where you going to go..

IP Location:
- Texas - Dallas - Theplanet.com Internet Services Inc

IP Location:
- Maryland - Rockville - Capital Stores

IP Location:
- Michigan - Lansing - Liquid Web Inc

IP Location:
- British Columbia - Vancouver - Peer1 Internet Bandwidth

Cannabis Culture
IP Location:
- British Columbia - Vancouver - Avalonsunsplash

IP Location:
- Softlayer Technologies Inc

Grow Kind
IP Location:
- Colorado - Englewood - Ntt America Inc

IP Location:
- Michigan - Lansing - Liquid Web Inc

IP Location:
- Texas - Dallas - Theplanet.com Internet Services Inc

and so on and so on............What are you going to do......block all pictures, ad's, and so on that are on the sites you surf also.

If I wanted to record IPs from a site, all I need to do is post on that site with a picture of something (not an upload, but just gving the web address of the image from another server), then when you read the post, you download the picture/image from the/my server so it will be seen in your internet explorer, or some other web browser, and for that picture to make it to your computer, you have to give your IP address (just like your tele#), and so I have logged your IP on the/my server. And if you got highspeed internet, then you have a static IP, so it never changes, unless you reset it.

Do you see that no matter how safe the server maybe of the forum you are going too, their are ways to get around that, and record IPs of the people that go to these sites. If you want to be safe.. do what the people in china do, use a proxy, then all your ISP sees on their server is you going to the proxy, and all the forums or sites see on their server is the proxy IP. That is how one stays safe........just ask someone in china.



ISP -- (Internet Service Provider)An institution that provides access to the Internet in some form, usually for money.

IP Number -- (Internet Protocol Number)Sometimes called a dotted quad. A unique number consisting of 4 parts separated by dots, e.g. machine that is on the Internet has a unique IP number - if a machine does not have an IP number, it is not really on the Internet. Many machines (especially servers) also have one or more Domain Names that are easier for people to remember.
Proxy Server A Proxy Server sits in between a Client and the "real" Server that a Client is trying to use. Client's are sometimes configured to use a Proxy Server, usually an HTTP server. The clients makes all of it's requests from the Proxy Server, which then makes requests from the "real" server and passes the result back to the Client. Sometimes the Proxy server will store the results and give a stored result instead of making a new one (to reduce use of a Network). Proxy servers are commonly established on Local Area Networks


Well-Known Member
Do you think your Cannabis-World.org is a safe place to post also?

What you get from their site.......
"The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority." (may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server)

children... when will they learn anything......... you posted 5 things and most are about nothing... if you do not want to be here, just don't come back..........is that too hard to do?


Well-Known Member
don't come back and do a system destruct on your pc. this way mommy cannot see what you are looking at. and for future refference, do not create a profile somewhere if the next day you want it deleted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I am so glad I have NO idea what you are all talking about..

except I know one thing.. wheather you call your self a realist, buddhist, christian, atheist or a jack ass.. you are still just making a false identity....


try BEING -

feels good huh...



Well-Known Member
I am requesting to be deleted also as I don't frequent this site anymore but keep receiving e-mails which has been very annoying. Thank you
Much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Well i just don't get it. You sign up to a website that you don't trust, and then you post saying you wish to be deleted..
Simple route to take....DON'T POST.

But as I always say.. Chill Winston!

If the cops wanted to stop growers most of the people on here would be picking up soap in a jail washroom....

Except FDD, because he'd roundhousebong them and they'd be so dazed by it.. [ he'd jump out the window ;) ]


Master of Mayhem
This thread is hilarious...why the fuck would you join a site like this only to turn around and want your account deleted..lol. I guess you got all the info you needed to grow in a shoebox under your bed.


Active Member
some people just arnt intrested in having extra accounts around, its a perfectly legitimate queshtion... on many other sites you can easily delete your username... and realisticly i must say... this is not all that of a site... i read this thread thinking about deleting my account as well... not that this is a bad site by anymeans.. i'm sure people people really enjoy it... but i can compleatly understand a person wanting to delete there accouont and not want to have any part of it... no more log in, no more emails... even if the posts are still on the server, which they could go back and edit out if they wanted to.... at least there account would be marked for deletion.. / username permnantly disabled.. thats not alot to ask.. and to an administrator, its a couple clickes to give everyone that permshion.... to each there own.. but personaly i would like to have the ability to delete my account if i so desire..


Well-Known Member
some people just arnt intrested in having extra accounts around, its a perfectly legitimate queshtion... on many other sites you can easily delete your username... and realisticly i must say... this is not all that of a site... i read this thread thinking about deleting my account as well... not that this is a bad site by anymeans.. i'm sure people people really enjoy it... but i can compleatly understand a person wanting to delete there accouont and not want to have any part of it... no more log in, no more emails... even if the posts are still on the server, which they could go back and edit out if they wanted to.... at least there account would be marked for deletion.. / username permnantly disabled.. thats not alot to ask.. and to an administrator, its a couple clickes to give everyone that permshion.... to each there own.. but personaly i would like to have the ability to delete my account if i so desire..

i beg to differ.:blsmoke::peace:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
on many other sites you can easily delete your username... and realisticly i must say... .

Hmm.... Hi DANK.... I have neevr seen a site that you can actually erase your POSTS..or YOUR user name... These MESSAGE BOARD forums are content based..

meaning - these sites are only as good as their content... If i removed my name and my entire account, that would effect 4000+ threads.... it is not just the posts that would disappear but the functionality of the thread... threads are suppose to help people...

if posts are missing, then the threads become OBSTACLES rather helpful....

this is not acceptable...

It would be nice if ONE could erase there posts but it is just not functional...


durban poison

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the thread won't make any sense.....On my forum, If a member leaves or is deleted, the post stays, but the space say's "Guest" :peace:


New Member
i am looking for lawyer because this is web is bull shit i am sorry but i ask admin 10 times delete my accaunt i am sick 23 years old boy and i send my aplication aboout use medic mariuhana so my Family doctor saing my aplication so if i get my licence this take couple weeks then i will be looking for lawyer..Thank you MR cock Admin


Active Member
its not about deleting your posts... i didn't say about deleting my posts, just the option to cancel my account.... , not to say that i even nesscarly want to cancel m account, but i don't even have the option to if i want to.... there isn't much of anything i can do about it... i'm just saying it would be kewl if i could cancel my account, not ease my posts.. if i want to erase my posts i can personally go back and edit them out.... i'm just talking about cancellation of the account, as in there is no longer a valid id... hell over on ICmag you can cancel your account i don't think it removes your posts, but it does turn off your account so it can no longer get posted from and removes your basic information then i be leave it marks it canceled instead of baned... and conidring this is the same message board software as there.. i just think this is a little newer version.. then the administrator can check a box and give us all the privilege of being able to "cancel" our account / subscription to this message board...

its all about basic freedoms.. if you don't give the people the freedom to choose your no better then the man him self.... its not right to suppress an indevigouls freedom of choice.. i feel we should have the right to cancel our accounts if we want to.... now you guys can fight about this all you want... options are like assholes.. everyones got one... this is just mine... an I'm letting it shine.....

ohh and p.s. in the previous post to this i should have said "cancel" my account instead of "delete" by delete i ment to cancel, as to disable the account...

this is exactly the reason i would like to disable my account on this server, even the people with tun of posts, don't understand that this site may just not be for some people and that they would like to cancel there account.... i have no problem with this site... its just when you go to a site, try something out, then decide its not for you... you should have the ability to cancel your account... by canceling your account, i by no means mean erasing all of the posts that a person made on the system, its simply eraseing there profile information and deactivating there log in.... this forum software has the ability to give people that specific privlage... the forum software is designed to retain the data of the community.... if the admin is reading this he knows what i'm talking about... i just don't understand that if people want to cancel there accounts.. why is the privlage is not granted? ... to me it dosn't seam like a lot to ask for...