Heat/light stress or something more


So this has really started to go downhill in the last few days in my eyes, getting worried now. Leaves seem to be pretty consistently crispy on edges, yellowing browning tips and then they crumble away. Even ones NOT right under lights. They were nice and green 2-3 weeks ago with no browning or crumbling then started praying a bit too much I thought so I just pulled the lights up 6-8 inches. They were 18" or so away from tops before my raise 2 days ago. I was trying to maximize light and minimize stretch in the first few weeks of flower. Seems like heat stress from research (many pics match exactly with ones I've seen) and I DID have some issues with high heat which I have mostly dealt with and of course I've raised the lights. But what about ones that really were not very close to the light?...that's why maybe something else going on???

My temps run right at canopy highs at 90ish at one or two lights 80- 85 at others. Room in general (soil level far edges of beds sits around 73-80 lights on 65-70 lights off

I am in soil (Fox Farm/ Sunshine #4 peat mix amended well) in a 20x11x8 room running 5000w 2x Dimlux pro series, 3x old school xxxl hoods. 5- 4x5ft beds 6-7 plants in each. Co2 in mostly sealed room. I am 3-4 weeks into flower and have been having issues with fungus gnats as well for 3-4 freaking weeks (so maybe finally made their way to roots, hope not). Can't seem to shake them I have used at different times through this nemotods, green clean, big time exterminator doing the mosquito bit (BTI) tea now. I DO already use a BTI product (BMC Microbe lift) in MY own tea mixture but thought maybe it expired or just not working.

Everyday seems a new problem to solve..."one by one I'll knock you out"....
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Boss man by the looks of it you have nutrient burn on the tips of your leaves lol
Can you please take pics with hps light off? And normal white light on?
Boss man by the looks of it you have nutrient burn on the tips of your leaves lol
Can you please take pics with hps light off? And normal white light on?
ok here's some nighttime photos. I tend to agree with your assessment of nute burn. Although strange as I'd actually thought that I diluted my mix the last 3-4 waterings.


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What did you do previously?
Well I had my lights a bit close 18" no glass no cooling of hoods. I have been battling a fungus gnat issue for 3-4 freaking weeks as described above.
This is from my other thread on things growing in my water can. Perhaps NOTE : I HAVE watered with the mysterious growth water and subsequently the growth itself (no idea if this matters or not, it's a tough one there)

What I generally do is… mix a 5 gal concentrated bucket of tea of which I mix 50:1 with water so a gal of nute tea per 55gal can…and yes the tea also contains water. The 5 gal bucket is kept in a separate room under no heat/cold control so it gets hot and cold whatever(mostly cold now-I am in CO) and I have no problem with growths. The 55 is in my room I’ve measured the temp in there at 60 to 85ish maybe even above but not this past 3 days. This 55 only lasts for 3-4 waterings so it is constantly changed out and cleaned. This has now happened 3 or4 times consecutively and I am a bit stumped. I have wasted a bunch of nutes as I’ve tossed a good 50 gal of water/nute mix when I notice this growth (I HAVE also watered with the contaminated? water on accident). As you can see darker looking floaties and there are also fuzzy. kinda mold looking things floating around. They do settle to bottom of can, of course this is where the pump is.

To be honest I thought my mixture to be a bit weaker than usual the last 3 waterings as I'd added an extra gallon of water to what I normally do. I should add this is a proven mix that has been used by many for decades with powerful results. I am due to switch up nutes this week to second half of flower stage, until then I think I may just proceed with water for 3-4 days for now, see what I can see.

New nighttime pics above......
Well I had my lights a bit close 18" no glass no cooling of hoods. I have been battling a fungus gnat issue for 3-4 freaking weeks as described above.
This is from my other thread on things growing in my water can. Perhaps NOTE : I HAVE watered with the mysterious growth water and subsequently the growth itself (no idea if this matters or not, it's a tough one there)

What I generally do is… mix a 5 gal concentrated bucket of tea of which I mix 50:1 with water so a gal of nute tea per 55gal can…and yes the tea also contains water. The 5 gal bucket is kept in a separate room under no heat/cold control so it gets hot and cold whatever(mostly cold now-I am in CO) and I have no problem with growths. The 55 is in my room I’ve measured the temp in there at 60 to 85ish maybe even above but not this past 3 days. This 55 only lasts for 3-4 waterings so it is constantly changed out and cleaned. This has now happened 3 or4 times consecutively and I am a bit stumped. I have wasted a bunch of nutes as I’ve tossed a good 50 gal of water/nute mix when I notice this growth (I HAVE also watered with the contaminated? water on accident). As you can see darker looking floaties and there are also fuzzy. kinda mold looking things floating around. They do settle to bottom of can, of course this is where the pump is.

To be honest I thought my mixture to be a bit weaker than usual the last 3 waterings as I'd added an extra gallon of water to what I normally do. I should add this is a proven mix that has been used by many for decades with powerful results. I am due to switch up nutes this week to second half of flower stage, until then I think I may just proceed with water for 3-4 days for now, see what I can see.

New nighttime pics above......

This is the water growth.....


To be honest I thought my mixture to be a bit weaker than usual the last 3 waterings as I'd added an extra gallon of water to what I normally do.
Perhaps it's nutrients left behind in the medium that has built up over time, can have similar symptoms to nute burn. This could explain the problem contrary to light feedings. If it is the case going light on nutes might slow or stop the progression.
Perhaps it's nutrients left behind in the medium that has built up over time, can have similar symptoms to nute burn. This could explain the problem contrary to light feedings. If it is the case going light on nutes might slow or stop the progression.
No doubt I AM going to ease back almost completely on the nutes.