Well-Known Member
The english language is fun..if you took that statement for literal definition of the words,its hilarious!.."dont touch me while I'm 'rolling balls'"..hahaha...I kid...
Did you know the definition of literally has had figuratively added to it in the newest edition of the American Heritage Dictionary.The english language is fun..if you took that statement for literal definition of the words,its hilarious!.."dont touch me while I'm 'rolling balls'"..hahaha...I kid...
I should qualify my experience and say that i know more people whov taken LSD or Shrooms alot and are fine than are messed up. But the ones who have developed problems regret ever taking anything.
I think this accurately describes the situation. Most people when they take a psychedelic can rationalize the experience. Those with a predisposition toward a mental issue, whether it be anxiety, phobias, or schizophrenia, should, in almost every situation, avoid these substances, as they are known to trigger an underlying mental condition. With that said, I seriously believe, and there is plenty of research to back it up, that psychedelics, and even compounds such as MDMA, have a far larger safety margin than does alcohol, cocaine, opiates, benzos, as well as various other research chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Cannabis is incredibly safe, but can carry the same dangers as psychedelics to those with mental conditions. Alcohol is also a known potentiator of anxiety disorders, and many other mental health issues.
Here is an article that suggests that Psychedelic Drugs are even linked to a lower risk of mental illness.
Link (
I think people can also learn and grow from bad trips. One example I experienced myself. I was tripping regularly on shrooms, dealing shrooms and weed, and my place was turning into a party house. Always 10-20 people a day. Then one bad acid trip, and I had bad anxiety after. So I took hold of my life, and made some serious changes. Kicked all the major drugies out of my life, stopped selling, cut my plants (cause i was freaking out, with the right too, my place was being watched) I think if it weren't for that bad trip i would have ended up in jail or in some kind of trouble, possibly could have lost my house. Any ways, complete turn around, quit it all, just smoked weed. The anxiety went away after a while of feeling like i had nothing to worry about. Since then i have done LSD once and shrooms 2 or 3 times, no problems, actually enjoyed myself.
In a friends case, he was a heavy drinker, smoked marijuana and cigarettes, he took way too much mescaline, had a horrible time, since then he has quit drinking, quit smoking weed, and a few months of weening himself off, quit smoking cigs. Now his main addiction is working out, hes a health freak now. Complete turn around, just needed a bad trip to open his eyes.
Im not in anyway saying this is always the case. Just putting it out there, maybe there is something she needs to work out, mentally.
Also i didnt read this whole thread, just realized there is 7 pages lol so I might not be on topic anymore.
I have seen horrible reactions to pot. Part of it was the unexpected potency of the drug that I offered, part was latent tendancies in the user, a few were Viet Nam vets who had not yet come to grips with their PTSD (back then it was just another way for vets to get attention, right? I mean Agent Orange was benign and seeing your best friend blown to bits, having his guts and blood all over him isn't lastingly traumatic, right?). In these people, a session of hash smoking precipitated breakdowns, bizare behavior and attempted suicide. Would that have happened without the pot? I don't know, but I doubt it. On the other hand I never did see lasting ill effects of LSD on anyone. Of course, many mental disorders begin to manifest themselves in men (or women) just after they exit their teens. Back then, we were just beginning to take LSD during those years so no one can ever be sure that acid had the effect the media portrayed.
Well posted though, it is difficult to say ANYTHING bad about pot on this forum without someone getting bent out of shape. After all, Pot is the benign panacea given us by God himself.
Said he wouldnt do it again to trip out and party, but to learn something new, when hes ready for it again.
Damn canndo,you really seem to loath trip often,and usually for fun times,but no matter when,how or what I trip on,there is allways a few thought of introspection,wether its fleeting or I study on it for a few hours..I don't know how anyone can take a psychedelic without having just one thought of how to bettter oneself..sometimes that thought will manifest later(example your bad trip) or right then at the precise moment you think of it..I've seen people look at a cig and say'no more'...and never light up again..I feel america needs to be dosed,but not smoke pot!lol..I kid..