Health issues(or benefits) from using Hallucinatory Substances....

Ok, mushrooms and lsd are safe on your body, I think people have made that clear enough. But there is a real danger when it comes to your mentality. My only advice would be to be prepared. Like duck is saying, be prepared to lose your filters.

It's like regular life, just without the filters. Not sure how to explain the filters.. I guess the filters are your thoughts on society.. caring what people think.. holding your thoughts and creativity back to fit in. You will lose them, and then you might not fit into society because the things they do will seem fucking stupid..

in regular life.. there's happy people, and depressed people. Not so black and white, but I hope you get what I'm saying. When you trip, you're shown a whole other world, and once again, there will be happy people and depressed people. I wish everybody was mentally prepared for psychedelics, but that is just not the truth. Sorry

but hey, regular life can still be amazingly great :) I'd be very happy to just live life even if I couldn't take any psychedelics.

I'm sorry to hear about your gf, sticky.. That honestly does touch me. I don't talk to people in real life about my anxiety created by the drug I took.. They just cannot relate and it doesn't leave a good feeling. I hardly talk about it with my gf, and she's the person I trust most.
to shorten my response.. ever heard that saying, "ignorance is bliss"?

edit:.. umm, I've been drinking and have just realized I went on a rant that doesn't fully relate to your situation.. My apologies. I do feel your gf's pain though. I hope the best for you two
Filters are how our brains process the overwhelming amount of information we would otherwise be bombarded with. The way a field of grass looks when you're frying balls and you can see all of the hues of color and every blade of grass and it's just amazing is awesome when you're able to take a drug in a safe setting but imagine seeing the world like that if you had to run from predators! You'd get distracted by something shiny and end up getting eaten. Diminishing them, even for a short period of time lets us see the world from a very different point of view. Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.
Acid was probably my favorite drug during the 70's along with cannabis, but it is not for the faint of heart. I have had great trips and some shitty ones, all having to do with the quality of the acid and the place and people you are tripping with. It is definitely life altering, and if you have mental issues like depression, I would lean away from taking it because it will bring them to the forefront big time. It will change your perception on existence, that is for sure. People that have tripped in their life are just nicer people in my opinion, and if more people did it the world would be a nicer place to live. But that being said, if you drop just make sure you are with some good friends in a good place and remember it is just a trip, and you will be fine. Peace
While I agree that people with mental issues are more at risk when tripping but they can also benefit greatly. I really don't think I could have ever gotten any handle on my depression without these drugs. The risks are enough that I wouldn't suggest them as a first line treatment and without significant research but there is a lot of therapeutic promise to these drugs.
I found myself immune to marketing and sales campaigns after using LSD, and mushrooms and such. I suspect many are, they are not prompted by the same motivations those marketing campaigns attempt to stimulate. Sure, product recognition is enhanced but I am not induced to act upon that recognition. It tends to give me freedom most don't have. I suspect it happens to many of us, we simply don't care as much about having one thing or another simply because we are told we need or want it.
I agree wife gets angry I don't fall for all the 'buy this crappy stuff for your family now' clips..but hey,I got dvr so I flip through,I wouldn't get eaten,my lsd induced cat like ninja reflexes would pull me through!...
Yes ssri's diminish best friend ate 8 hits of L,then 4 more and 1 hit of 25b(first time) and was dissapointed..I'm sure he's on med,tho he says its antianxiety meds..but he told me of his dissapoitmkent and exclaimed 'i don't know what's wrong with me'..he wants to get crushed but can't..mushrooms tho seem to work just fine for him..
SSRIs should be blocking mushies too. Many of them are prescribed for anxiety and without the patient really understanding what they are.
So glad I didn't start taking the Lexapro that my Dr. prescribed. I would hate to not be able to trip. My mind depends on tripping to stay balanced. I start becoming negative and mean without psychedelics.
So glad I didn't start taking the Lexapro that my Dr. prescribed. I would hate to not be able to trip. My mind depends on tripping to stay balanced. I start becoming negative and mean without psychedelics.
Me too. I swear I gotta do shrooms every 4-8 weeks to kind of reset.
Yea duck this friend won't say one way or the other if he's on meds..and when I hear of hbim eating L,he's not dosed up he feels..I've see him geek on some dank shrooms tho...last time we dosed together he said he was putting the pieces together two days later..and doesn't know still if he fully least that's his take...I've seen hin trip on L..perhaps if he's on meds he takes em sporadically..idk.
Dude I had trays of gels...clear to rainbow..even black..I miss em..I got one 9X ant the corners were like 3mm thick!!..and green gels that had sparkle on the time you look at a flouresscent light fixture with that plastic sheet with the squares...that's the mold for gels...damn do I miss that old school silver !
Ok, mushrooms and lsd are safe on your body, I think people have made that clear enough. But there is a real danger when it comes to your mentality. My only advice would be to be prepared. Like duck is saying, be prepared to lose your filters.

It's like regular life, just without the filters. Not sure how to explain the filters.. I guess the filters are your thoughts on society.. caring what people think.. holding your thoughts and creativity back to fit in. You will lose them, and then you might not fit into society because the things they do will seem fucking stupid..

in regular life.. there's happy people, and depressed people. Not so black and white, but I hope you get what I'm saying. When you trip, you're shown a whole other world, and once again, there will be happy people and depressed people. I wish everybody was mentally prepared for psychedelics, but that is just not the truth. Sorry

but hey, regular life can still be amazingly great :) I'd be very happy to just live life even if I couldn't take any psychedelics.

I'm sorry to hear about your gf, sticky.. That honestly does touch me. I don't talk to people in real life about my anxiety created by the drug I took.. They just cannot relate and it doesn't leave a good feeling. I hardly talk about it with my gf, and she's the person I trust most.

I never talk about it with my gf and we been together 3 years. but yeah it does make cpmplate sense the way you explained it. I guess at the end of the day its about being okay with whatever.
riu is one of the only places you can read such valuable information.. imagine how crazy ppl who have never tripped think we are haha funny thing is they are the fuckin nut jobs.. sorry lol