Ok, mushrooms and lsd are safe on your body, I think people have made that clear enough. But there is a real danger when it comes to your mentality. My only advice would be to be prepared. Like duck is saying, be prepared to lose your filters.
It's like regular life, just without the filters. Not sure how to explain the filters.. I guess the filters are your thoughts on society.. caring what people think.. holding your thoughts and creativity back to fit in. You will lose them, and then you might not fit into society because the things they do will seem fucking stupid..
in regular life.. there's happy people, and depressed people. Not so black and white, but I hope you get what I'm saying. When you trip, you're shown a whole other world, and once again, there will be happy people and depressed people. I wish everybody was mentally prepared for psychedelics, but that is just not the truth. Sorry
but hey, regular life can still be amazingly great

I'd be very happy to just live life even if I couldn't take any psychedelics.
I'm sorry to hear about your gf, sticky.. That honestly does touch me. I don't talk to people in real life about my anxiety created by the drug I took.. They just cannot relate and it doesn't leave a good feeling. I hardly talk about it with my gf, and she's the person I trust most.