Health care is not a human right


Well-Known Member
Commercial health care can be a civil right, but not a human right.
Civil rights generally emerge from the dynamic of equal protection to take part in the commercial world.
Human rights are those that are self evident and naturally endowed.
In other words, short of hurting someone else in your effort, you have a human right to heal yourself by whatever means available, including the use of natural plants.
It is also a human right to get help healing from another person or people who choose from their own free will to help you.
It is not a human right to get medical help from the commercial medical industry, that would be a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
Commercial health care can be a civil right, but not a human right.
Civil rights generally emerge from the dynamic of equal protection to take part in the commercial world.
Human rights are those that are self evident and naturally endowed.
In other words, short of hurting someone else in your effort, you have a human right to heal yourself by whatever means available, including the use of natural plants.
It is also a human right to get help healing from another person or people who choose from their own free will to help you.
It is not a human right to get medical help from the commercial medical industry, that would be a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
Intelligence is not a human right. You have proven this amply.
A person who has no health insurance is 40x more likely to die as they would be if they had health insurance. Seems like one of the things we lead the world in these days is stupidity

Access to health care (edit) insurance can also be considered a civil right based on equal protection, but not a human right.
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Does not every developed nation in the world currently have national health care, except for the US? Why I wonder is that. Maybe it's because the ones running this country have plenty of good wonderful health insurance and those who do not, well they are just not that important. Maybe when the rest of us stop putting up with this bullshit, then a program of national healthcare will be implemented. As far as priorities go its way up near the top of my list far above a stupid fucking wall
How is that relevant to the fundamental difference between a civil right and a human right?

So far I can still only respond as I already have.
I would add though that in observation of the responses here so far it would seem that this kind of lack of critical thinking is the same void that corporate legalization came from to shove down our throats rather than fighting for human rights to grow and use natural plants to be restored, which is part and inseparable from any notion of self care. Self care is the human right.
Access to goods and services falls under the category of "civil right".
With your natural human right to self care disparaged to the point that it has been, then what fills the gap?
Unless one is fighting to restore the "human right" to self care and the related human rights that would make self care doable, then I would still see inequity from a broken equation.
Commercial health care can be a civil right, but not a human right.
Civil rights generally emerge from the dynamic of equal protection to take part in the commercial world.
Human rights are those that are self evident and naturally endowed.
In other words, short of hurting someone else in your effort, you have a human right to heal yourself by whatever means available, including the use of natural plants.
It is also a human right to get help healing from another person or people who choose from their own free will to help you.
It is not a human right to get medical help from the commercial medical industry, that would be a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
Lol so the differnce between human rights and civil rights is capitalism? What's wrong with a civil right to healthcare? When does a civil right become a human right? Idc what you want to call it, human right or civil, but most people think differently, so I'd actually argue that what you're posturing is based upon a false pretense.
Lol so the differnce between human rights and civil rights is capitalism? What's wrong with a civil right to healthcare? When does a civil right become a human right? Idc what you want to call it, human right or civil, but most people think differently, so I'd actually argue that what you're posturing is based upon a false pretense.

Who said there was anything wrong with a civil right to health care?
The point is that access to goods and services or "health care" is classified in law as a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
A human right is that which is self evident/naturally endowed, and can be thought of as self care.
You have a self evident naturally endowed human right to self care.
You have a civil right to access "health care", insurance etc.
Who said there was anything wrong with a civil right to health care?
The point is that access to goods and services or "health care" is classified in law as a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
A human right is that which is self evident/naturally endowed, and can be thought of as self care.
You have a self evident naturally endowed human right to self care.
You have a civil right to access "health care", insurance etc.

One is protected by law, the other isn't?

What's the point of distinction except to exclude? Do we protect human rights under civil code? It seems one supercedes another and you're trying to drive a wedge between what's validated outrage when it comes to the equal access to healthcare debate, and what's lawfully present. Laws can be changed and are created by the people, so if the majority thinks that healthcare is a human right, then it is a human right.
Civil right = rights of citizens. Citizens are human...well, some are.

There's a reason the planet has a crime called "Crimes Against Humanity". It is reserved for the most extreme violations of civil rights.

One day, when the OP graduates from the 5th grade (God willing), he'll understand that.
we are the richest country on can we not take care of our citizens/workers that make america great?:roll:
a healthy america is a productive america.....republicans refuse to see that
Who said there was anything wrong with a civil right to health care?
The point is that access to goods and services or "health care" is classified in law as a civil right on the basis of equal protection.
A human right is that which is self evident/naturally endowed, and can be thought of as self care.
You have a self evident naturally endowed human right to self care.
You have a civil right to access "health care", insurance etc.
It is evident that you are poorly endowed.

Sorry if your sky daddy told you different, but a human right is whatever the fuck society wants it to be.