Healing the Woodsman - Its time folks.

my thoughts exactly! good friend of my wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. had to leave her job and now only gets disability. had run out of some necessities before her next check was in finally saying she needed some things. wife made a few big bags up and dropped it off. no worries we r all in need at some point.. I have a decent sized pantry with everything from ramen noodles to tooth paste and toilet paper stocked up. and everything in between. razors, sugar, salt flour, Kleenex. like I said lemme know
Wishing you the best Woodsman, I've always admired and respected your spirit here. I'll be sure to do my part to make sure you get the meds you need brother!
Sorry to hear Woodsman, Praying for your health and your family. Good to read that Rick is helping you out as well. Stay optimistic and win this fight!
Winters looking rough. Winter gear for a 7year old would be greatly appreciated, all favors returnable once I get back up and if not Ill cover you in my will via my caregivers. No rock unturned.

I am planning a trip out to see woodsman this weekend. No later than Tuesday (11/26). I'm leaving some wiggle room because my wifes grandma is on her death bed and she apparently only has a few days left. If the funeral falls on the weekend then I may have to push my trip back to Tuesday.

Anyway, if anyone living in the metro area wants to get something to woodsman I'd be more than happy to meet you ahead of time and bring it with me. Just shoot me a pm.
Stow, I will PM you Bro Sunday with details.
I don't understand sizes real well - is it an 8 for everything? shoes, shirt, pants, coat?
I could make a trip to Target and save receipts just in case.
