He Has A Daughter.


Well-Known Member
The first dude is the only one I truly want. But since he is pretty much out of the picture, I have dude two and three... Three doesnt want a relationship, but does want to take me out on a date, etc... Dude two played me and I thought he was out of the picture until he tried to make up for it... so it wasnt planned and Im not playing them against each other. Its just circumstance

The first dude is hurting me... at the first word from him I'd drop everyone else. But he doesnt want to date me. He also told me from the beginning to go talk to and kiss other people

Dude two has hurt me before and is trying to make up for it. We're thinking about dating we dont know.

I just met dude three, he doesnt want to date me but is really nice...
Doctor Howard ...Doctor Fine...Doctor Howard
Doctor Howard....Doctor Fine...Doctor Howard.... I'm soooo confused


Well-Known Member
I'm moving in with a guy like dude 1. I'd drop the whole fucking world for him, I do everything for him, but it seems he wants to date or fuck any girl on the planet apart from me -_-;

But I worry for you hun, this older dude... It just makes me wonder if you'll end up like his baby's momma.

Please, ask yourself if you LOVE any of them- if you do, then I think it's worth tearing yourself up over of you must.

You're a nice person and I want to see you treated nice...


Well-Known Member
Oh btw...I like the Marc Chagall like ink on ur arm...err...where ever it is I mean.
my avatar? i drew it with liquid eyeliner, filled it in with face power, eyeshadow, lipstick and blush on my thigh... it took like an hour to blend all the right colors


Well-Known Member
Hey Urca, why don't you give proper body paint a try? I think the optical illusions you can create with body contours is really cool.

Your pic is cool too- it reminds me of Moschino's old advertising art.

EDIT: I assume it stands for 'Quoted for Truth'


Well-Known Member
if i could actually upload pic onto this site like I have tried to do over and over again, id show more drawings I have done


Well-Known Member
Ive been waiting all day to see what you were going to post ...it always interesting and entertaining ..


bud bootlegger
if i could actually upload pic onto this site like I have tried to do over and over again, id show more drawings I have done
urca, go to the go advanced section of the posts.. when you do that, another screen will open up... you'll see a bunch of lil icons on the top of the post box now.. pick the one that looks like a small paper clip.. click on that.. when you do, it will take you to another screen.. it will say upload pix.. click that, then below it it will say choose files.. click on that. it will then take you to your computer so you can choose whatever files you want to upload.. mine are usually in my pictures file, so i open that, choose the pix i want to upload, and then when done, click on the bottom where it says i think upload pix, and you're pretty much done..
if i can figure it out, it's not too hard as i'm pretty much a computer idiot, lol... hope that helps you some..