Hawaii Growers

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
no just a newbie. i used miracle grow soil and ferts. it grew too lanky and not very dense. i had to pull it early, bugs. live and learn and try again

unfortunately cannabis is not gonna grow good with MG. 'Miracle Grow' was not invented with cannabis in mind,more like Roses & Orchids. If you grow with MG chances are the end product is gonna burn hot when smoking! It's just a fact, some people swear it doesn't burn that much,...until you smoke herb that has been grown in an organic medium. Then you'll realize just how fucked MG really is!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I woke up to find two of them dead.
Here's a couple pics, my last rescue attempt on this was to keep it out of the sun and the soil was pretty dry. Any ideas?
1)Haze(yellowing on one of bottom leaves, droopy and shriveled a few leaves. a bit defromed ) -___-
2) Danky Doodle:wall:

Should I just dump this grow, I'm starting to feel depressed, this has gone horrible.
Anyway I can save any of my plants to hopefully be fem?
BTW: White tub danky doodle is still alive, odds of it being fem?
Sorry for all the questionss. Yes, I'm a clueless newb, so cut me some slack!!
kkday is probably near the problem. I'm not sure it's a compost as much as some "super soill" from Walmart for $3.50 for 15 pound bag! Brah, why do you think cannabis cost so much on the "Black Market"? It's because the grower has pass down his cost to the dealer. Who in turns passes it down to the consummer. Dude, during a long season grow, a grower spends about $200.00 per plant thru the long season in nutrients, mediums, etc.,etc..
So when you have a chance to grow the plant you so cherish and love, why would you invest cheaply into that love? Remember what Grandma use to always say," you get what you pay for"
Wassup everybody! I've been lurking on rollitup for a couple months and don't know how I missed this thread for so long. This thread is loaded with a wealth of information and I just knew I had to make my first post here! I got a question and figure this would be the best place to ask. My dad is getting his MMJ card and were gonna start growing indoors. We also might be the caregiver for another MMJ patient. If we stay within the legal plant limits is there a chance that our house could be taken away? I know that the chance of it happening is slim but it still is a huge concern of mine. This house has been in my family for thirty years and is mortage free so it would be a huge blow if that happened. Any help would be appreciated and I can't wait to contribute to the hawaii growing threads in the future!


Well-Known Member
If you are following the state laws to a "t" and with the feds backing off I doubt you would have any trouble. Just remember even if you have your med card like me ts best to keep a low profile about the grow and your use of the meds. It would suck to have someone break in to steal your stuff. Weed is still very expensive in Hawaii, it can be over 400 an ounce. People who you think are your friends will fuck you for that kind of money. Its a shame but its just the way it is sometimes. Good luck.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Wassup everybody! I've been lurking on rollitup for a couple months and don't know how I missed this thread for so long. This thread is loaded with a wealth of information and I just knew I had to make my first post here! I got a question and figure this would be the best place to ask. My dad is getting his MMJ card and were gonna start growing indoors. We also might be the caregiver for another MMJ patient. If we stay within the legal plant limits is there a chance that our house could be taken away? I know that the chance of it happening is slim but it still is a huge concern of mine. This house has been in my family for thirty years and is mortage free so it would be a huge blow if that happened. Any help would be appreciated and I can't wait to contribute to the hawaii growing threads in the future!
congratulations to your father for getting his medical cannabis card. Don't ever forget, even with this card it is not recognized in a federal court room. As a matter of I believe you can't even mention in a federal courtroom that you are a Medical Cannabis patient. To them that piece of blue paper we so cherish is like toliet paper. I highly suggest that you stay 100% within the boundries of the law written for our state. You're right, no way do you wanna loose your home that is free of a mortgage. Once you have registered for a Medical cannabis license you are a marked man/family. California is going through the same problem right now. Card holding patients having their homes buzzed by state "ghetto birds", and it will remain that way until we the Medical cannabis patients come out of the shadows and bitch & complain about your,our rights!
Until the state transfer over the power from "Public Safety" to the "Health Dept.", things will remain sketchy in the Aloha State.

This one more reason why I have decided to be more of an 'Cannabis advocate', instead of an "armchair quarterback", bitch'in & moaning. Things are coming to a head! Mark Emery's encarceration, Ghetto birds flying weekly over here, it's all coming to a head, and the FEDS will win unless we all get involved!
Sorry about the ranting...
Thanks for the quick replies everyone! It makes me want to get a grow location that isn't my home just because theirs so much at risk. It's a shame that a med patient even has to worry about losing their home just because of the medicine that they grow. All we all know with home prices on Oahu how much is really at stake. Hopefully one day me and my family wont have to live in fear.


Well-Known Member
Short Season is good times..
Watch the rains.. watch the damn caterpillars..
Good Luck...

A Purple Bubblegum grape flavored pheno.
3 pics below



Well-Known Member
I am a local boy gone mainland. 'Used to grow planty in Hawaii Kai in the 80's.

Is HPD and Law Enforcement still ought to wipe out all marijuana growers? If so, that's why you have the ice problem! I'm happy to see some of da bradahs growing the pakas.....someone needs to keep doing it.

PS: I'm growing on the mainland now; no can do all year, but still a good long season in the southeast. Shaka!


Well-Known Member
Shaka brah! Yup , they still doing the same old , same old,,,,, it's getting old!

That's why gotta overgrow!!! Aloha
Mahalo brah!

Wow, you would tink da broke dicks would wise up and realize "just let 'em go already!" That's why Halawa's inmate pop is like 70% batu related.

Here's the answer to Hawaii's crime surge --> :weed:


got great stuff from green hands today. they were very helpful and good prices. gonna try a smart pot and see what happens


Well-Known Member
that batu is so damn bad. but I think its getting better here. Its been a long time since i have been asked if I want to but some. or even seen anyone smoking it like i did in the late 90's


Well-Known Member
ho braddahs Im in arizona now and I have been missing hawaii. The weed up here is alright for the most part, but only because it all comes from cali :)

I cant wait to get back in the summer to grow some greenz of my own.

Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
thanks mtngrow let us know how it goes and if there are any questions. hey guys we got a new doctor yesterday to be hooked up with us so if anyone needs a new card or a renew come down we will give you his number hes cheaper i think to then the ewa guy was. Aloha HK


Well-Known Member
aloha all, aunty here. been checking out the thread everyday, too bummed to post. this waiting for the buds to form is getting me down. also the spiter mites and all my bugs. shit, got plants dying on me, can't find anything wrong. one branch at a time, before you know it, the whole thing is dryed up. cut open the stems to see if was worms, nothing. root ball was big, but shrivled. oh shit, got me stumped. thought the SSH are doing real well since i started using Super Thrive.
well, it is a beauiful day, guess i'll take off. laters.


Active Member
I hope things start lookin better for you aunty! Consider urself extremely lucky to have a ssh going. I saw the pics of doctor g's & kkdays ssh....lookin ono fo sho. Take care
aloha bradahz & sistahz of hawaii nei