Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Here he goes with his ditch weed againe^^^^^^^ you need to lay off the miracle brotha!! All burnt up! Lmao I know old habits die hard. lol

buddy remember I come from a family of law inforcement including HPD, and DEA. (now no one will trust me lol) I have a a family member retired from DEA that was higher then any agent that step foot on your door step. Just like puna said don't trust these guys. Nothing has changed, don't be sloppy we love you guys to much to lose you. MJ is dope to the man equal to crank. Don't believe a word they say. Best of luck to you guys!! Aloha


Well-Known Member
GRASSIFIED what's up cuz???? Long time!!! Hopefully prices are good in Arizona, let me know if you want some sweet Hawaiian pakalolo, I'll fed ex some to you lol nah joke screw that!!!

( just trying to make lite of a fucked up situation)

budy budman

Well-Known Member
aloha all, aunty here. CV and budy, as well as an herbman, our prayers and good thoughts go out to you and to all that are being persercuterd, the clock is ticking, the finish line is insight. tonight, blessing to all that will step up into the light and show your support for ASA and the new tomorrow. Shit,:bigjoint: i must be baked. i get like that once in awhile:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:, grandstanding. anyway, imua, malama, Akua be with us. laters, lehua
Mahalo and bless you Aunty, I will PM a recap of the meeting 100 + people!!!???? No one from RUI??? hmmmm

budy budman

Well-Known Member
Please give us an update.. I was not able to attend but I am hoping that we were well represented...
:leaf:Sheck,Great turn out, Brian Murhy flew in along with others from outer islands,local TV etc keep your eyes open in media for info on new Hawaii policy......will PM you with details.:clap:


budy budman

Well-Known Member
Here he goes with his ditch weed againe^^^^^^^ you need to lay off the miracle brotha!! All burnt up! Lmao I know old habits die hard. lol

buddy remember I come from a family of law inforcement including HPD, and DEA. (now no one will trust me lol) I have a a family member retired from DEA that was higher then any agent that step foot on your door step. Just like puna said don't trust these guys. Nothing has changed, don't be sloppy we love you guys to much to lose you. MJ is dope to the man equal to crank. Don't believe a word they say. Best of luck to you guys!! Aloha
:peace:KK..................Mahalo. This topic is now history, nothing more will be said here...............We appreciate your love and concern. Best of luck to all of you. See you on the playing field. Take Care my brother Aloha.:bigjoint:

budy budman

Well-Known Member
please include me with this pm

:peace: OK......and Dr G will pm update...........are those what I think they are??? Beautiful dude ................you da man........somehow keepn it going.


That guy not saying much and cruzing

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey budy! no they're not hijack:mrgreen: they are actually bagseed:D good to see ya back buddy, no hard feelings. love you guys man! take care always!!!! and positive vibes your way my friend:hug:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey budy, I always wondered about that dude too, no posts but checks everybodys homepage in HI,,,, I even left him a visitor message awhile back with no reply....hmmmm

budy budman

Well-Known Member
hey budy, I always wondered about that dude too, no posts but checks everybodys homepage in HI,,,, I even left him a visitor message awhile back with no reply....hmmmm
:peace::roll: I know Doc..................??????

Following him now.............da kine? 10/25 2009 4:00 am on my profile as well. Aloha Allbline808 and hmmmmm?

budy budman

Well-Known Member
hey budy! no they're not hijack:mrgreen: they are actually bagseed:D good to see ya back buddy, no hard feelings. love you guys man! take care always!!!! and positive vibes your way my friend:hug:

bongsmiliebongsmilieMahalos Dr Greenhorn............Mahalos, the feelings are mutual, always brothers:peace: check PMbongsmilie Had me fooled there, still nice............very nice.

KKday was telling u prefer to grow with miracle grow??? Nahw.........right?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah, we got an ongoing joke cause punabud hates miraclegrow and I'm not a big fan either, but kkday loves the stuff:rolleyes:LOL , so anytime kkday mentions miraclegrow:rolleyes:I razz him!:razz::fire:LOL.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Yeah, we got an ongoing joke cause punabud hates miraclegrow and I'm not a big fan either, but kkday loves the stuff:rolleyes:LOL , so anytime kkday mentions miraclegrow:rolleyes:I razz him!:razz::fire:LOL.
I don't hate miracle grow. Shit works good on house plants, roses,orchids etc.,etc.,but the shit wasn't intended for cannabis.....period! I really enjoy the way it rips through one's throat when smoking 'Miracle weed'.:cuss:

More cussing too! I realized that I wasn't paying proper attention to what was going on on the farm! Powdery Mildew whipped out my entire late crop!!! It was so prevelant in my cannabis stuff(tools,bags,etc.), and in my dry room too. I was drying a landrace plant for a friend. Powdery Mildew wiped out all of his plant, 100% of it! Sorry brah,will figure something out later, much later. I'm worried it's everywhere!?!?!

So I have 3 Hijack & 3 Greenhouse(Great White Shark, White Rhino & Cheese),unfortunately Lemon Skunk didn't make it! All were put in soil Aug 28th. So about one more month!:bigjoint:

pictures are of damaged goods 1/2 pound or more!


Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
all these flyovers & plant dieases got me thinking about moving on! A friend told me that in New Jersey the sex market is wide open for old farts like myself. There seems to be a bunch of middle aged women there, who smoke by the way. But are extremely horny and looking for old farts who's nut sacks touch the back of there knees. That's me!!!!! Nah, nah just joking, I no can go. New Jersey no more tradewinds there, and Lord knows I need a 30 mile an hour tradewind to get my "Uli" going!;-)


Well-Known Member
Wow that sucks puna. Are you just throwing it away in your compost pile or somthing? (thats what the pics look like) I wuld feed it to a cow then whait for it to poo then eat the shrooms from that. And if that don't work out a stoned cow is funny too. lol ignore me.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
howzit brah! I no see any Maui boyz posting lately, when I was up there, had plenty deisel and blood strain going around. welcome to the forums :leaf: