Well-Known Member
yay! just chopped a couple plants up...damn i had no idea how tedious trimming is. but now to take a break and smoke the scissor hash! 

So, who's the pervert, you or me? lolMy Old Lady insists on trimming, and shes pretty good at, I just supervise
nah, they been doing this on the daily for awhile.Well, thought maybe with new fiscal year GH may not have received funding. Guess I was wrong. Chopper 200-300 yards from my house, over wooded area, with a person (officer?) by cable under. They just lowered him and are now circling? WTF!!!! shouldn't they be securing WackyWacky for big meeting in November.
BTW - First time I've seen them in weeks. Anybody else?
ya. one has to wonder. I don't sweat it anymore though cause I'm not growing at the moment, lol. but even kkday has told me he recently seen them do a flyover than send guys in to pick up plants. this was near the bridge right before the mililani exits if your heading north on the H2.Wow wonder huh?
sure it worth calling the FAA. With each call their grip the community is a little less! Fuzznutz, if everybody took the attitude that their complaint wasn't important. These "fuckers" will keep pissing on our backs if we do nothing. Why do you think we are allowed to have 24 plants here, and you only 7 on all other islands? Because as a whole, the cannabis community on the Big Island is more active than any other island...period! The "ghetto birds"fly over here, and you can bet your sweet bippy that plenty people are calling and complaining! You folks need to stay vigilant on that.Coot - Yes, exact same bird. I watched them make five trips. That is to say, they went to one area of the "forrest" picked up a person by cable and transported him/her, dangling, about a mile down the ridge. They did this five times. This is a chopper I've never seen used before. I can't say with certainty it was GH, but what what else could they be. Damn, just a couple 100 yards for the homestead. What do you make of it.... GH as well? Oh, and yes, it's residential but they are careful to stay directly over the wooded area but are VERY low. Wondering if its worth reporting to FAA as excessive noise and constant flyovers. Guessing won't make a diff.
okay, just your simple iPhone app. I use the app call 50-radio. Once you dial in your area code, blam, you can then listen to all the first responders in your area!Puna - Care to elaborate how to do the iPhone thing. Sounds promising.
Would love to know how GH is funded. The federal budgeting cycle starts October 1, so if they are still flying, that tells me they are good to go for another 12 months.
[video=youtube;4smim2MNvF8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4smim2MNvF8[/video]Ok... Got it. Time to keep tabs on da man.