Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Its ok though most everything is out now, they think I am stupid, but I am not!!!
Keep in mind if they start with the racial shit and you get assaulted over.. that is a hate crime and that’s a federal offence….that way you can by-pass the local police. Call a civil right lawyer….Some fuck’en moke ran me off the road one time yelling fucking haole and all the usual stupid shit….to make a long story short he went to jail and he paid to have my car fixed…if you have a phone with a video recorder, record them harassing you, terroristic threatening and hate crimes are severely punishable….if the local police wont help you call the fbi…maybe call the fbi anyways and let them know the local police refuse to help you….also call the BI police internal affairs dept and make a complaint against the officer who failed to help you


Well-Known Member
I'd never say chase someone around with a bat, but it worked for someone I know that lost 6K last weekend....


Well-Known Member
I really am too, love to bake hahaha and to make my man happy, I don't require much even come with my own money lol ;)

I think you should PM b-dawg, I have a feeling you guy’s might get along (cooter shooting his cupid love arrows) heh heh heh.
On a lighter note, I blew a magnificent fart today, it was wall to wall stink, let me tell you…it was so nasty that my dog turned around and smelled his own butt, then he growled at me and ran out side, haven’t seen him since…I almost died laughing

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

I think you should PM b-dawg, I have a feeling you guy’s might get along (cooter shooting his cupid love arrows) heh heh heh.
On a lighter note, I blew a magnificent fart today, it was wall to wall stink, let me tell you…it was so nasty that my dog turned around and smelled his own butt, then he growled at me and ran out side, haven’t seen him since…I almost died laughing
you know it's nasty when the dog turns around to smell his own ass, lol!


Well-Known Member
you know it's nasty when the dog turns around to smell his own ass, lol!
HAHAHA it was awful Doc!...just awful! I’m contemplating changing my profile name to “swamp ass”....I hope the stanky ass stays with me until tomorrow, I’d love to crop dust a few co-workers
Misery loves company…chaaahooo!