having seed troubles!!!


New Member
so i ordered some nirvana short rider seeds from attitude, i germinated them, and just planted them 2 days ago. all i have is my 150 watt hps light. so they have been under this light for 2 days now and they still have not sprouted. how long does it usually take???

if they do not pop up eventually, then is there something i can do to get new seeds from attitude???

any help is greatly appreciated and anyone who wants a +rep let me know


Active Member
can somebody help me out??
Hey man, I know it's frustrating I was pretty much in your shoes this time yesterday, give them a few days, make sure you don't overwater, and let them do their thing. They can take anywhere from 1-14 days to sprout, after 14 you can poke around in there and see whats up but try not to get too eager and disturb them, they're very delicate right now!!

Keep it up, it gets exciting! :bigjoint:


Active Member
As long as the light isn't right on top of them, they should be just fine. Raise the light to the top of the cab,closet, room whatever and you shouldn't have any issues


dirt doesn't need light, sprouts do

give it 3-5 days after germination (my results so far) , depends on depth, strain, etc...


Well-Known Member
yes, very low levels of light is needed right now. dont water to much, make it reach for light and water. dont be to anxious, calm down and wait another couple days


Active Member
so shotty, u think it will be ok to have them 8-12 inches from my 150 hps
That shouldn't burn the sprouts but its going to dry the top of your soil a lot so make sure you don't over-water, make sure it really needs water before you give it any!

Also you may want to get a humidity dome to keep the moisture up for your seedlings. It also gives you a kind of guide for how high your light has to be (if its burning the dome it's too close)


Well-Known Member
yes a dome will help alot. close but 12" is close for seedlings. they need just a few house hold cfl's for about 2 weeks.