Having germination problems


Well-Known Member
actually, I am a farmer and I have 2000 plants in small pots/32 and 72 cell flats in my greenhouse that will be transplanted into the ground may first. It's a waste of time planting right into a huge pot and your plant drowning in all that wet soil until it has enough roots to use it, but oh wait you make it even more stupid by using a misting bottle rather than just transplanting like all the Real successful growers do. your roots will drown if you water the pot or will dry up if you water them with a mister , they may grow but you would have much better growth if you did it right. don't compare farming to container grown weed especially when you don't know what the fux you're talking about. Tobacco, Tomato, Peppers, cabbage brocolli lettuces and more all get transplanted by farmers every year in fact they make specialized equipment to do it. get over it we aren't growing commercial corn here
this site is quite comical. the things people say and do. plant it in a freakin beer cup with holes poked in it. cover with seran wrap done. don't pre germ it in paper towels don't put it in your finishing size pot, and if you wan't to soak it in water thats fine but 6 hr. is plenty of time. just plant the damn thing it isn't rocket science your all insane. I may not have been growing for 35 years or even be 35 years old yet(close) but I have been growing for almost 2 decades and every time I ever tried pre germing or soaking or any othe super top secret magical bull shit guess what happened..... those bitches died. and come on really scarifying seeds, Plant those bitches in soil transplant em in a couple weeks and put em in their final pot 2 weeks before switching to flower. Done thats it.

ever see farmers planting their crops in small pots only to have to handle them again to plant into something larger? doubling handling and a waste of time. i've grown thousands of plants from seeds and only handle them once. that only makes sense.
I germinate seeds in a cup full of my own seamen in hopes that they will come out fat and sticky just like me!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
actually, I am a farmer and I have 2000 plants in small pots/32 and 72 cell flats in my greenhouse that will be transplanted into the ground may first. It's a waste of time planting right into a huge pot and your plant drowning in all that wet soil until it has enough roots to use it, but oh wait you make it even more stupid by using a misting bottle rather than just transplanting like all the Real successful growers do. your roots will drown if you water the pot or will dry up if you water them with a mister , they may grow but you would have much better growth if you did it right. don't compare farming to container grown weed especially when you don't know what the fux you're talking about. Tobacco, Tomato, Peppers, cabbage brocolli lettuces and more all get transplanted by farmers every year in fact they make specialized equipment to do it. get over it we aren't growing commercial corn here

such a small vision u have, the fuk u say!


Well-Known Member
your come back is " the fuck you say" good one po boy, I am devistated. small vision, thats right I'm just a stupid redneck farmer that never lurnted to reed, better than running around making false statments
actually, I am a farmer and I have 2000 plants in small pots/32 and 72 cell flats in my greenhouse that will be transplanted into the ground may first. It's a waste of time planting right into a huge pot and your plant drowning in all that wet soil until it has enough roots to use it, but oh wait you make it even more stupid by using a misting bottle rather than just transplanting like all the Real successful growers do. your roots will drown if you water the pot or will dry up if you water them with a mister , they may grow but you would have much better growth if you did it right. don't compare farming to container grown weed especially when you don't know what the fux you're talking about. Tobacco, Tomato, Peppers, cabbage brocolli lettuces and more all get transplanted by farmers every year in fact they make specialized equipment to do it. get over it we aren't growing commercial corn here

such small vision u have, the fuk u say!
plant seeds in a 2 inch pot cover and wait. 2 weeks transplant to a gallon and final pot 2 weeks before flowering

Po boy

Well-Known Member
your come back is " the fuck you say" good one po boy, I am devistated. small vision, thats right I'm just a stupid redneck farmer that never lurnted to reed, better than running around making false statments
plant seeds in a 2 inch pot cover and wait. 2 weeks transplant to a gallon and final pot 2 weeks before flowering
that's fine. but don't say your way is the only way. there are many ways to grow. to each their own. GL


Active Member
LadyZandra I liked your comments, and I agree with you about having to pre-spout your seeds for viability. I just miserably failed at germinating my 2nd order of seeds. Not a single one germinated. 5 the first time from Single Seed Centre, and 12 the last time from cannibasseeds.com. Yes! I'm saying the names cause I want feedback my fellow smokers cause I'm hurtin right now. It's really not so much the money, the anticipation..the preparation, it's the fact that I didn't get ONE dam sprout. Now here's the thing, I'm a 60 year old female pothead, been smokin since I was 16. I was sprouting seeds before some of you were born probably (lol). But never really serious about it, toss the dam things out eventually. Alright enough venting I feel better now, just needed to share. Let me tell you what I did with these seeds cause I'm serious about this now. The first 5, I thought I'd try the water in the glass method, seeds dropped, moved them to a plate with the paper towel and all that crap. 17 days nothing, and of course by day 10 I've ordered more seeds from some other company thinking I've been ripped off right. New seeds come, so I read several websites that says Nooooooo!!! don't soak the seeds first just use the paper towel. Okay so we do the paper towel thing, cause I'm confident now, that I got this s**t down pat right, I drop all 12 seeds on a paper towel, used the good water, covered them with another moist towel, put in tupperware container, spayed the top with water and sealed, put them in the drawer. That was almost three weeks ago, so yesterday I tossed them out. My point is, I've got 13 6-inch plants from bagseeds growing right now, half sprouted right in the shot glass, and the other half sprouted on the paper towel, one died. What did I do wrong guys? My dream is get just 1 or may 2 females of any kind, you know, one that I grew and can identify, then I can just clone from then on. Do you think I'm being ripped off. I cracked 2 or 3 of the seeds and all I saw was some white shit inside, only one looked like an embryo. What the hell was that white stuff inside? These seeds were all feminised. Is there something special about feminised seeds that I should know when it comes to germinating them. Oh yeah! Found a new germination technique, "scuffing". Should I try it? I will report back soon about the 13 mystery plants.

It was nice talking to you guys. All feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
That's a bummer to hear lander. I can relate on the anticipation factor...this past month I've been hovering over the various seeds I've planted for my garden, just trying to will them to sprout. I'm doing my first cannabis grow this year, and the same as my cukes and tomatoes, I want to watch them like a hawk.

I can't tell you what you did wrong, or if you did anything wrong per se...perhaps you were sold bunk seeds. Going back to earlier in this thread, I can tell you what I did that worked for me...I simply planted the seed in a pot of soil, watered once and then kept it moist and warm (I found placing sandwich bag over the pot and putting it by the vent of my TV kept it moist and warm). I won't tell you what the right way is or the best way, but the way I did it worked for me. I planted two seeds and have two seedlings. Good luck in your future endeavors...it's only as hard as you make it.