Have you seen this before?? What are these?!

Hello again, thank you to everyone for taking the time to reply (even if it was not helpful).
ill try to respond to all of the comments / questions.

The pots are called root pouches, similar to smart pots. They seem to air prune the roots decently. This is the plants second stop before their forever home.

Am using around 30-40% perlite to ensure proper drainage, and am watering one cup 2x per day approx. 12 hours apart. (They are in one gallon containers currently) There isn’t a ton of drainoff, but i suspect more than 10%.

Some more context , I did reuse these pots from my previous grow that I was almost for sure overwatering which created some algae. I should have cleaned them thoroughly before using. Algae never really worried me to be honest, I spray down with peroxide, it subsides I move forward. The guys at the grow store didn’t seem too worried about a little algae as well. Anyways, the algae this go around, I do not believe to have been created this round, but rather transferred from last time. (Not sure that makes it any better ...)

it did get quite warm during germination, and also quite warm during early seedling stages. Maybe 29-30 celsius. Eventually I increased airflow significantly and added more exhausting to reduce temps. Humidity is quite low due to a heat wave that just passed through. I have another tent in late flower in the same room and had to crank the ac to keep things suitable for ripening, and hence lost a lot of humidity in the smaller tent. So thank you.I will increase humidity.

I am using a blue lab ph pen, and every feeding has been around 6.2 as I was told/ read that until they are a bit older it’s best to stay high for better calmag levels in the water. I will calibrate this again though, to ensure it’s accuracy.

My main concern was the plant structures of the non-typical looking plants in the front of the first picture. I love potatoes, but I’m not in love with potatoes. Do I keep feeding those things? I was more worried about them being detrimental to the good plants, or perhaps being more susceptible to bugs etc.

The seeds are from reputable seed banks, real money was spent. (The humboldts were freebies, skywalkers were purchased)
Calibrate pH meters early and often. They’re drifty bastards.
Hello again, thank you to everyone for taking the time to reply (even if it was not helpful).
ill try to respond to all of the comments / questions.

The pots are called root pouches, similar to smart pots. They seem to air prune the roots decently. This is the plants second stop before their forever home.

Am using around 30-40% perlite to ensure proper drainage, and am watering one cup 2x per day approx. 12 hours apart. (They are in one gallon containers currently) There isn’t a ton of drainoff, but i suspect more than 10%.

Some more context , I did reuse these pots from my previous grow that I was almost for sure overwatering which created some algae. I should have cleaned them thoroughly before using. Algae never really worried me to be honest, I spray down with peroxide, it subsides I move forward. The guys at the grow store didn’t seem too worried about a little algae as well. Anyways, the algae this go around, I do not believe to have been created this round, but rather transferred from last time. (Not sure that makes it any better ...)

it did get quite warm during germination, and also quite warm during early seedling stages. Maybe 29-30 celsius. Eventually I increased airflow significantly and added more exhausting to reduce temps. Humidity is quite low due to a heat wave that just passed through. I have another tent in late flower in the same room and had to crank the ac to keep things suitable for ripening, and hence lost a lot of humidity in the smaller tent. So thank you.I will increase humidity.

I am using a blue lab ph pen, and every feeding has been around 6.2 as I was told/ read that until they are a bit older it’s best to stay high for better calmag levels in the water. I will calibrate this again though, to ensure it’s accuracy.

My main concern was the plant structures of the non-typical looking plants in the front of the first picture. I love potatoes, but I’m not in love with potatoes. Do I keep feeding those things? I was more worried about them being detrimental to the good plants, or perhaps being more susceptible to bugs etc.

The seeds are from reputable seed banks, real money was spent. (The humboldts were freebies, skywalkers were purchased)
Just a quick comment on the algae. My plants love the stuff and they grow outside. The more algaed the water (like rainwater that sat awhile), the more they thrive. I have some algae that grew so thick in the birdbath that I swiped it up by the handfuls, dried it out, cut it up, and put it in with my Fish and Guane nutes. No problem here.