Have i overwatered, need help!!

I flushed because i know my ph wasnt adjusted last time. something like 840 ppm water came out of my soil.. but i give them few days- to week lets see.. i hope theyll be ok. nice plants they were before :(...

lets hope the best.

That guy 420

New Member
They should be fine judging on the size of the plant they probably have pretty decent root growth in that pot and that pot isn't an extremely big. It looks like you have a decent amount of perlite in the soil so you should have good drainage. I wouldn't worry too much marijuana plants are extremely resilient. Just do what Joe Blows trees said and let them dry out.


bud bootlegger
they are over watered and they'll be fine if you let them dry out a bit before giving more water..

secondly, stop checking the ph of your soil and dumping water through the medium in an attempt to correct a non issue as you only create problems that didn't exist prior..


they are over watered and they'll be fine if you let them dry out a bit before giving more water..

secondly, stop checking the ph of your soil and dumping water through the medium in an attempt to correct a non issue as you only create problems that didn't exist prior..
I agree although I am a new member to this site I can see that their over watered...In my personal mistakes I believe that it's a antsy thing going on meaning a continuous need to make sure the plants are hydrated when they haven't drink what's already there.

That guy 420

New Member
When was the last time you watered them? Also what type of lights are you using and how long are you using them for is it 24 hour or 16-8. Also 28 degrees Celsius is a little warm I like to keep my plants between 23 and 26. Do you have good airflow?


Well-Known Member
Overwatered and underwater ed is all in the stem. Yours stick up and don't droop. So there not underwatered. Either asleep or overwatered . There fine. Relax. What kind of light and size pot?


Well-Known Member
WELCOME to RIU. You will find a lot of great information on here, but also some not so great information. The most important thing is to continue to learn and do individual research to find what works best for you in your garden. Make use of the forums search bar, as this is a great way to find threads that are posted on topics and questions you may have. Furthermore, don't take information as being a 100% valid without verification, I prefer members who have photos, videos, etc to back there claims, but even then every garden and grower are different.

Finally, please know that "Well-Known Member" doesn't necessarily equal "Great/Knowledgable Grower" as many new members tend to make this assumption. I am a prime example of a new grower, who has received this status simply because of my activity on the forum!

Best of lucky with all your grows and again welcome to the RIU community!

Ever think of potting up? If its dry 2 inches deep then they are probably not over watered. Overwatered your plant will wilt and feel wet, underwater and your plant will wilt and then collapse. I'd consider potting up in size, this will give you an idea of the health of whats underneath the surface as well. Just my two cents worth.
WELCOME to RIU. You will find a lot of great information on here, but also some not so great information. The most important thing is to continue to learn and do individual research to find what works best for you in your garden. Make use of the forums search bar, as this is a great way to find threads that are posted on topics and questions you may have. Furthermore, don't take information as being a 100% valid without verification, I prefer members who have photos, videos, etc to back there claims, but even then every garden and grower are different.

Finally, please know that "Well-Known Member" doesn't necessarily equal "Great/Knowledgable Grower" as many new members tend to make this assumption. I am a prime example of a new grower, who has received this status simply because of my activity on the forum!

Best of lucky with all your grows and again welcome to the RIU community!

Ever think of potting up? If its dry 2 inches deep then they are probably not over watered. Overwatered your plant will wilt and feel wet, underwater and your plant will wilt and then collapse. I'd consider potting up in size, this will give you an idea of the health of whats underneath the surface as well. Just my two cents worth.

You know what...... i watered them with 1/2 tomato fertilizer... and they look happier than ever, this was somehow underwater thing

Thanks for thinking with me but the video on youtube helped me. there was said when its overwater the leafs turn down, but when underwater the leaf stems will also stair down... that was my case .. 1 hour after watering they looked almost like nothing happened...