Have any of you DIY COB Growers finished a crop under 1000W DE HPS? - POLL

Have any of you DIY COB Growers have actually finished a crop under 1000W DE HPS?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • No

    Votes: 79 70.5%

  • Total voters
So even within my little hypothetical scenario where money is no object, you're saying a 400 watt hps is the better light for obtaining the highest quality and yield? At what point or under what circumstances would you recommend an led then?

I promise I'm not trying to stir shit. I really am curious.
You dont want to build a rig that matches your setup?
So even within my little hypothetical scenario where money is no object, you're saying a 400 watt hps is the better light for obtaining the highest quality and yield? At what point or under what circumstances would you recommend an led then?

I promise I'm not trying to stir shit. I really am curious.

If you see yourself growing season after season for 4-5 years, COB starts looking like a good option, but asking a question like you did doesn't say much about your experience growing and whether you'll even make it to a harvest. Also, a 3x3 just happens to be a nice even footprint for a 400W HPS, while HPS doesn't work as well in a 4x2.
or 65 pages :)
but asking a question like you did doesn't say much about your experience growing and whether you'll even make it to a harvest.
You're right, it actually doesn't say anything about my growing experience because I didn't ask you how to germinate a seed or how to keep the leaves green through harvest on a 12-14 week sativa; perhaps it did say a little about my experience with lighting outside hps though.

I asked you a simple straight forward question and you answered it, albeit not thoroughly and with a snarky false assumption. I 'spose I'll stick with my hps. Thanks for the info bud.
Well thank you for actually making a decent argument!
Now, if you could avoid being such a condescending egotistical prick, these discussions might be more productive and less troll-ish.

Tell me though, why does it makes a difference between blurple and white if it's all light=heat anyway... :rolleyes:

White Cobs, specifically 3K-4K Temp, are delivering more radiant energy per watt in the visible spectrum than any other light source you mentioned or cited, with a broader spectrum.
Note: The white light (brand? Model?) raises the leaf temp more than the Black Dog, but uses the same wattage. I wonder what PAR/ LUX readings were? Also, what were the specs on that COB grow FLIR pic?

You keep referring to wattage, which is relative to the (yes, I'm gonna say it) efficiency of the light source. Higher efficiency = More light regardless of wattage.
But what kind of light? Visible Light.
What stimulates photosynthesis? Visible light.
What visible wavelengths raise leaf temps? ALL visible wavelengths. Not Just IR.

"Additionally, much of the visible light HPS bulbs produce is yellow and not highly-utilized by plants. This radiation not used for photosynthesis or other chemical reactions only serves to heat up the leaves"

In fact, CLEARLY leaf temperatures will raise even with the absence of IR.
As the FLIR pics you posted show, Leaf temp is easily manipulated with adjustments in ambient temp, regardless of the light source.
If Leaf temps are equal, the light emitting more photons in the photosynthetically active range gets my vote.

Please let me know where I have lied, made shit up, or insinuated a scenario involving a light in a vacuum chamber.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass, and attempt some critical thinking before trying to "straw man" everybody?
Only Satisvied would keep his old ventilation after switching to LED and then complain about cold temperatures instead of turning down the ventilation.
Only Satisvied would keep his old ventilation after switching to LED and then complain about cold temperatures instead of turning down the ventilation.

I never run air exchange without a thermostat/temp control switch. Depending on where the air is drawn from there is going to be fluctuations. Of course everyone knows that a rigid environment is key. I like the thermostat switches that have day/night settings
never a legend, LOL, nope but I did go from HID to Flouro so no reason to go back
have yet to find smoke that is better ,,,,,, so ???

Okay, well when "LED Fans" make the argument that 3000k 80cri white cob spectrum produces a better quality smoke than HPS, this is shrugged off as unproven. I don't even believe it myself, but feel free to exaggerate the usefulness of way too much blue.

I used to waste my money on designer spectrum flouros like Hagen and corallife actinic and aquaglo back in the early 00s... You're just defensive about your decision to pay 20+ bucks a tube for too much blue.

Straight up, only noobs flower with florescent lamps.
Okay, well when "LED Fans" make the argument that 3000k 80cri white cob spectrum produces a better quality smoke than HPS, this is shrugged off as unproven. I don't even believe it myself, but feel free to exaggerate the usefulness of way too much blue.

I used to waste my money on designer spectrum flouros like Hagen and corallife actinic and aquaglo back in the early 00s... You're just defensive about your decision to pay 20+ bucks a tube for too much blue.
not defensive at all, da proof is in da smoke and other members here that have smoked my gear have posted that what I say is true ,,,,,,,,, sorry
not defensive at all, da proof is in da smoke and other members here that have smoked my gear have posted that what I say is true ,,,,,,,,, sorry

In order to prove it, you'd have to show an analysis with percent THC, etc. I don't believe a word of what you're saying otherwise.