I just said I like LED for it's scaleablity and modularity... Honestly it works just as well for probably about 80% of the growers out there. There is no universal 'best' light source. HID isn't for every one.... I don't know why my opinions keep getting boiled down to me claiming the LED is unilaterally the ultimate light source available for everyone... I've never said that...
What I did say was that LED's offer flexibility and options that can't be matched by HID. Also that the UV output from most HID bulbs is minimal at best..
Well all the high end lamp manufactures toute either longer bulb lifespan or more output without the EMI from high frequency ballasts. The 315w CMH bulbs are but all the 600w fixtures are sin wave and/or high frequency AFAIK.
You're just arguing to argue man. I'm not putting things into black and white categories.... There's no argument to be won here and I'm not a secretary. So take my opinion for what it's worth. I'm listing things I've had to deal with that led me to this point.
Exaggerated? A little bit I'll admit, but really I started out with 600w hps bulbs. I wouldn't have gone through the effort to learn how to build my own cob units if there wasn't some merit to to my point. I don't like being confined to a specific form factor and HID bulbs force me into that situation. What If my closet it L shaped, oblong, or otherwise not a clean cut a-symmetrical square shape? What if I have fickle desires and completely remodel my basement
The reason I liken the CPU/COB combo to lego's is that I can take the same CPU/COB from a 600w high intensity build for flowering cannabis in a 4x4 and re purpose them into 8 grow cabs for lettuce. Or three veg spaces, or two lettuce chambers and a micro cab... or 4 2x2's at the exact same ppfd for running different strains/perpetual. Yes it's more of a novelty feature, but one which could be exploited for certain situations. I can't take a 1kw gavita commercial fixture, cram it in a PC case and make it work. Just not gonna happen

Shades of grey and all that. Are you honestly going to sit here and say that HPS is the best with no defining factors on what exactly 'best' is? Before you say it, no I'm not moving the goal post, these are just some of
MY motivating factors and experience.... You already know what my goals are with lighting tech of any sort. I'm not trying to find a one dimensional 'best'....