Have a look at this weird comparison between two plants !!!


Hi folk

There are 2 plants Jack herrer from greenhouse seeds and barneys farm's critical kush both at the start of week 3 flowering

1st Jack Herrer grown from clone

This is the one which is having strange growth, leaves are soft, buds are forming but not yet producing any thc smell, roots are a lot less for this plant and generally it looks different from whats expected form marijuana plant. I know it sounds a bit ridiculous so I am asking if you guys had any experience with this Thanks for your input any questions fire away

pics for jack herrer


2nd Critical kush which looks great, smells good, already getting kinda sticky



Well-Known Member
That Jack Herer looks pretty good to me. The leaves are rolled in a little (whats your humidity?), but it looks healthy and on track. Keep in mind Jack Herer is a strong sativa. It might flower for 2-3 weeks longer than that kush.

You're dealing with two very different animals flowering Jack and a kush at the same time. Don't get caught up comparing the two, as they are very different strains.