hash prices! plz help


Active Member
Depends on the hash.... If its made of ground up leaves n stems n shit it will be a black/brownish hash... with contaminates as previously stated.. (bottom of page 2, last comment) its an easy cheap way to get some mid to low grade shit cookin.... i'd say that goes for about $900 U.S. for a Q.P..... maybe 10 or 20 a G....

Now if you got some yellowish hash... its probably made from ground up buds... (buds ground up, sifted through many screens and the last 18% you get is what you compact and cook in your oven...) this shit is a hell of alot more.... I'd say $60 an 1/8...

Hope this helps you out man.

Peace n Pot



Well-Known Member
nicely put killermac that is what i was getting at the lighter the better i know this is off the sublect a bit but i was going to buy some hash and the guy had some good regs so i was like wtf im gettin it i gotta say this was some good homegrown almost dank lots of red hairs no seeds i gotta say north the east florida is stepping there game up the bud gets stronger every day happy to see that jamacin and central america swag which roll up from mia that was dirt


Well-Known Member
killermac is talking of blender hash i made some very long ago but i think i had to put mine in the oven basicly you blend it with ice water more ice than water run it through some silk screens into a cupp let sis in the refrigarator for like an hour you will see lots of white at the bottom of the cup try and get all the water out of the cup then run that through silk screen multuple time then rap it in wax paper or even selaphone i did a small batch in that and put it in the oven for a while pull it out and press it and wala you got Hash its a cheap way to make it and i perfer the butane method but if you dont have the funds or knowledge try it


Well-Known Member
lol you must be pretty high in the pyrimid if you know where the source is
lol not at all

alot of the hash in the uk is shipped over from morocco, because of the proximity. its all the crap low grade stuff, i guess its a small amount of kief and shitloads of plastic, oil, whatever they can find to chuck in there. it is not possible to buy good hash in the uk. i have no idea where the good stuff goes but it sure aint here. the hash first hits spain and france so they probably keep the good stuff and send us the rest of the shit.

lol at the guy who said hash was hash. he has no idea.


Active Member
I have the vid on my comp that doesnt work.... i'll try to explain i dont want to give any wrong info..

You grind up your buds or stems and leaves and such, then you sift it through silk screens???.. I believe... your only gonna get about 18% of keef or THC out of what you sifted.... you then press this into paper... and fold, press it, fold it press it.... almost like your folding and compacting this shit into the paper.... then you tape the end of the paper... run the paper under water (only to dampen it so it doesnt burn in the oven) then you put it in your oven (not sure of the temp) and basically it all melts together... and turns into brick hash.... man i wish i had that vid.....



SCORE dudes an dudets


Feast your eyes and hit that bowl

hope it tells all :)


Well-Known Member
ok thats the same way i make it except i skip the oven process. you just need a wine bottle full of HOT water, roll that over the kief wrapped up in wax paper or i use the clear stretch wrap. and you get a nice hash cookie but without the water and the risk of burning it in the oven. but i perfer to keep my kief in powder form so i can top a bowl with it ( burns much better like that). and when i want to smoke some hash i just put a little pile in the middle of my hand and press it with my thumb till it sticks togeather.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Here in CT for good quality its around $800-$1200 an O thats from this connect with Strawberry Cough...the low side is if you know him, and the high side is if you don't lol Also he does bubble hash, and thats from the 45micron screens if you want from the 70-220 its a bit lower, and from the 25 screen is a bit more, but I personally stick to the 45 level.


Well-Known Member
i still think the best way is with butane man thats some good honey and its done here with white widow or dynamite which has a very high thc level 26%+ the plant in my avatar is dynammite

Herbal Overdoser

Active Member
I think i paid $45 for a gram last summer, that was the only time I ever bought hash though...Usually have to make it if I'm fortunate enough to have some