HASH: my questions


Well-Known Member
So i wanted to look up the difference (or similarities) or 'bubble hash' and this method [youtube]rWfMi5nnj_k[/youtube] I found this wikipedia page on hash and came across this...

Examine ashes

The smoke and ashes of burnt hash should be light-gray or white in color. The ash (which is edible) should be soft enough to break apart easily, taste good, and contain no hard "cinders". Dark, acrid smoke and poor ease of inhaling smoke signify that the material is contaminated. It is always best to compost any such unacceptable hashish rather than continue using it in hopes of achieving a high
any truth to this?
and could any1 explain the diff in types of hash?



Well-Known Member
I had an idea about a new way to make 100% pure hash oil . . . .

it would involve a pump vaporizer, and some way to condense the vapor back down to a solid without it spreading too much.

that could yield upwards of 99% cannabinoid material right off the bat.

just an idea though. as far as types of hash I don't know enough to explain in detail.


New Member
I had an idea about a new way to make 100% pure hash oil . . . .

it would involve a pump vaporizer, and some way to condense the vapor back down to a solid without it spreading too much.

that could yield upwards of 99% cannabinoid material right off the bat.

just an idea though. as far as types of hash I don't know enough to explain in detail.
There are tons of liquid extractions methods. (Illegal in Ca now i guess) isopropyl alcohol at above 90% I hear is great was to make a rock of tricome.

The method i know about uses fresh plant matter in a mason jar with an amount of isopropyl for a 30-60 second wash(agitating). I hear you can use the alcohol for several washes then you dry it out (BE CAREFUL!!!!)

It leaves a pure amber rock, pure resin tricomes. Crushes up into a fine powder...


New Member
I had an idea about a new way to make 100% pure hash oil . . . .

it would involve a pump vaporizer, and some way to condense the vapor back down to a solid without it spreading too much.

that could yield upwards of 99% cannabinoid material right off the bat.

just an idea though. as far as types of hash I don't know enough to explain in detail.

You don't need to recondense the liquid, its just the alcohol(or whatever resin soluable agent you are using) burning off. When its gone the substance left behind is the alcohol soluble resin, and usually the remaining % in the iso alcohol is water, that is evaped away, leaving only your solid resin rock.

BTW this is totally different from hash. This is a chemical method of extraction rather than an physical extraction.


Well-Known Member
ok well there's water-ice extraction in which you use buckets and the trichomes sink to the bottom.

then there's bubble bags, where you just bash around the trim in bubble bags and then you get it finer and finer with the smaller holes with each bag.

and then I guess there are ways of converting hash oil into hash. I guess that's half of what Budder is.


New Member
This is the dry sift method of making hash. Similar to how hash is made in Afganistan.

I would argue bubble bags are much more efficient unless you are using a butane extraction on the leaf and buds after your done.


New Member
and then I guess there are ways of converting hash oil into hash.
if you continue the evap process, even butane can make a "rock" of trichomes. Not always but I have evaped my butane extractions down to solids in the past...


Active Member
I had an idea about a new way to make 100% pure hash oil . . . .

it would involve a pump vaporizer, and some way to condense the vapor back down to a solid without it spreading too much.

that could yield upwards of 99% cannabinoid material right off the bat.

just an idea though. as far as types of hash I don't know enough to explain in detail.
This would be interesting to do. I'm not sure about the chemistry behind it though. Hmmm.