Hash and Oil Picture Thread

youve gotta be the 40th person to say that haha. 20 or so said it looks like a brownie?? sure is potent, sticky, and smelly though. wish I knew a good way to smoke it.. right on the screen I guess
HHeat up a butter knife red hot(using g a gas burner or can use standard element off a stove get wee dolip of your lovely Goldy's on the end of a needle or pin touch onto red hot tip of knife cut a small piece off a strw to inhale the smoke!! This will kick ur ass in a big way especially if ukky haven't tried this before you'll live it but be weary if you start smoking really nice cold 1st wash then it won't be long& you'll find buds just arnt cutting it when trying to get wasted as oil is so very strong that once yr used to that builds ya immunity
THCA Diamonds. Made from trim and ohh so potent.
Diamonds in terp sauce...potent and tasty!
Made of Honor live resin. Made from fresh frozen flowers. (My personal favorite.)
Assorted BHOs all different strains.
Solvent less flower rosin...Just good stuff!

Puffed in the ole Puff Co Pro...Yes I stay VERY stoned.
THCA Diamonds. Made from trim and ohh so potent.
View attachment 4968802
Diamonds in terp sauce...potent and tasty!
View attachment 4968803View attachment 4968805
Made of Honor live resin. Made from fresh frozen flowers. (My personal favorite.)
View attachment 4968804
Assorted BHOs all different strains.
View attachment 4968806View attachment 4968807View attachment 4968808
Solvent less flower rosin...Just good stuff!
View attachment 4968809View attachment 4968810

Puffed in the ole Puff Co Pro...Yes I stay VERY stoned.
View attachment 4968812

I love the flavors from fresh frozen too!!
Something different I did last batch was to let the harvested plants hang for 48 hours before the frozen extraction, instead of just 24, it reduced the volume more and had no negative effect on quality.
I used this kief from my old grinder that I never touched for at least two year of owning it. (I gave my son half of the kief, but it was still a ton.) Then I lightly heated and compressed it for like an hour in some PTFE film until it became as hard as a rock.

The cool thing about it is it’s made of everything I’ve grown during that period. I haven’t smoked any yet, and I plan on saving it for special occasions.
I’m going to have to downsize my column or upgrade from a 1.9 to a 3.2 oven. My THC percentage must be climbing each grow.

This wasn’t even close to being finished degassing. I jockey’d it for over two hours. It eventually touched the back wall and threatened to hit the sides, so I had collapse it prematurely. I’m glad I hung up old PTFE film to act as a nonstick wall.
Wow, it was mostly gas. Every time a bubble pops it ejects material all over the place, apparently. Alcohol is a lot easier all around, you can just wash it out with water.
Are you talking my pictures?
I assume you are because I just realized that you are the cookie guy. There’s around 60 - 70 grams of shatter there. What you see is not splatter, thats an old piece of PTFE film with leftover wax on it from a less than perfect extraction a couple of years ago. It’s hung up to prevent the bho muffin from touching the walls. That is the result of using about a 1/2lb of material.
I assume you are because I just realized that you are the cookie guy. There’s around 60 - 70 grams of shatter there. What you see is not splatter, thats an old piece of PTFE film with leftover wax on it from a less than perfect extraction a couple of years ago. It’s hung up to prevent the bho muffin from touching the walls. That is the result of using about a 1/2lb of material.
Oh, I see, I thought it was bubble burst splatter. Good work, you extracted that nicely. Probably costly to buy that special oven but as long as you're happy with the results then to you it was worth it. But, yeah, I'm the Cookie Monster.
Oh, I see, I thought it was bubble burst splatter. Good work, you extracted that nicely. Probably costly to buy that special oven but as long as you're happy with the results then to you it was worth it. But, yeah, I'm the Cookie Monster.
I actually got a really good deal on it because they screwed up on Amazon. But yeah, it was still very expensive. I just checked, and I'll have owned it for five years in December. It's still in perfect condition. Across International is a great company.

That was about as perfect of a footprint as I've ever made. Usually you have big circular empty spots from bubbles or the muffin will expand unevenly and cause it to be oddly shaped and thicker in areas. It's hard for me to estimate the yield because of how evenly distributed it is. It looks a little light weight wise, but I'm not sure. Usually the first run of a new harvest is the lightest in both yield and color.
You got lucky there, with the Amazon price screwup. Butane does make a nice clear looking extract, it has quite a lot of extraneous stuff in it though, which is why it usually tests to about 70% THC/A. What's the other 30% huh? It's a mystery.
You got lucky there, with the Amazon price screwup. Butane does make a nice clear looking extract, it has quite a lot of extraneous stuff in it though, which is why it usually tests to about 70% THC/A. What's the other 30% huh? It's a mystery.
Mostly lipids. Same as yours.
Mostly lipids. Same as yours.
Can't be much lipids in mine, because I've done a base extraction on it and there was very little weight loss, I got white crystalline THCA after acidifying with citric acid. The only thing left after the base extraction was a very small amount of reddish oil, presumably mostly THC because it did get me high. I think most lipids may be left dissolved in the dilute alcohol when I let the resin settle out after adding water to the alcohol. It's still probably about 20% alcohol. Lipids are probably more soluble in dilute alcohol than THCA and just get washed out along with the water solubles. The net effect of the alcohol/water dropout process appears to be high purity THCA, probably greater than 90%. No alcohol residue, no water solubles and apparently little to no lipids either. I originally started doing it that way just to avoid alcohol vapor from evaporating a lot of alcohol indoors, but it turned to have a very good purifying effect.
Can't be much lipids in mine, because I've done a base extraction on it and there was very little weight loss, I got white crystalline THCA after acidifying with citric acid. The only thing left after the base extraction was a very small amount of reddish oil, presumably mostly THC because it did get me high. I think most lipids may be left dissolved in the dilute alcohol when I let the resin settle out after adding water to the alcohol. It's still probably about 20% alcohol. Lipids are probably more soluble in dilute alcohol than THCA and just get washed out along with the water solubles. The net effect of the alcohol/water dropout process appears to be high purity THCA, probably greater than 90%. No alcohol residue, no water solubles and apparently little to no lipids either. I originally started doing it that way just to avoid alcohol vapor from evaporating a lot of alcohol indoors, but it turned to have a very good purifying effect.
You have to freeze the alcohol to coagulate the lipids and then strain them out. This can be done in the BHO process by freezing a jacked column or packing it with dry ice. and using a ball valve to keep the butane in the column for a long enough to coagulate the lipids before running it through the filters and into the splatter platter. You can filter out a lot of the lipids without the dry ice if you do your run on a really cold night with a tightly packed column.
I wish I took pictures of a screwed up batch where the lipids coagulated in the shatter platter because I did the run on a super cold week in a jacketed splatter platter and didn't have a pump to run warm water through it. The butane stayed liquid for a week and all of the lipids formed ribbons throughout once it finally evaporated. It looked like some kind of weird candy. There was too much goop to separate the thc from the lipids using alcohol, so I ended up making edibles out of the roughly 65 grams of extract.
Also I only use Whip It Premium butane, which is about as clean as it comes. Any mystery substances that makes it into the shatter is coming from the buds. Alcohol has a broader solvent range than butane. Meaning you're pulling more plant compounds than me, and also destroying the terpenes in the process.