Hash and Oil Picture Thread


Well-Known Member
Performed a search and could not find one on RIU.

So, lets get this bad-boy Rollin'
This is my first successful run of shatter.

Lets see some images,who cares what it looks like...

Post up them pics...just 1 rule...NO BASHING.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrready set

hold up, rig time....

ahhh, propah.

many yall seen this already, but once again!













and thats just a few :] .. by mid week, i shoulddddddddddddddd have the coolest shatter piece EVER, we shall see. fresh, straight buds..

lets see what yall gots!

all about the macro mang. niceee little collection you got going on. i haad/have a decent accumulation, andddd now that i finally got a rig, im actually getting rid of my oils !

keep up the macros peoples. cmon guys, best of the best
lol. thanks!

its all trick photography.

the first picture is extreme butane bubbles youre looking at. haha. that seems to be when my stuff it the prettiest... the vacuum chamber just kills its color!!!

and the fifth picture is also a ton of butane youre looking at. I poured my golden butane INTO a dish of room temp water. the water got very cold very quick and made ice and severly underpurged... thats what youre seeing in the pic before (or is it after?) the 5th pic there on the blade ;)
yea the fifth pic, that beautiful gold on the blade. that color in itself is awesome. the first pic I was kinda trippin out too. I stopped looking at it as an oil bubble and almost as if it were a crazy painting or something and started seeing some weird shit in it, kinda cool. but once I snapped outta it and remembered what it was I was looking at, I kinda lost it. super spacey today I guess. how much dothose pucks weigh? can I ask what they ran you?
they weigh around 22 gram each. all within 2 g of each other I believe.

one of the was soft as a marshmallow, and one was rock hard, could barely be cut with a brand new utility knife.. yet they still weighed the same. weird.

I didnt buy all 5, but he sells it for 15$ a gram. last time I bought 2 pucks, 33 grams was 450 I think.
youve gotta be the 40th person to say that haha. 20 or so said it looks like a brownie?? sure is potent, sticky, and smelly though. wish I knew a good way to smoke it.. right on the screen I guess
Grab a hash bowl and glass/quartz rod.

The hash bowl has holes near the top of the bowl.

hash goes in the bowl..heat the rod with torch, insert rod (gigidy)..

Inhale smoke.

I believe it's called a ” full melt bowl”