Has Trump the Right to Nuke ..without consultation?

Has my president the right to nuke a country without consultation from advosors

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Gen John Hyten (left): "If you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail."

The top nuclear commander in the US says he would resist any "illegal" presidential order to launch a strike.

Air Force Gen John Hyten, said as head of the US Strategic Command he provided advice to a president

and expected that a legal alternative would be found.

His comments come just days after US senators discussed a president's authority to launch a nuclear attack.

Some of them expressed concern that President Donald Trump might irresponsibly order such a strike.

Others though said a president must have the authority to act without meddling from lawyers.

It was the first such hearing in more than 40 years.

In August, Mr Trump vowed to unleash "fire and fury like the world

has never seen" on North Korea if it threatened the US.

Last month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Republican chairman, Senator Bob Corker,

accused the president of setting the US "on a path to World War Three".

Speaking at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, Gen Hyten said:

"We think about these things a lot. When you have this responsibility, how do you not think about it?"

As for the legality of a strike, the general said that he had studied US laws of armed

conflict for many years which stipulates key criteria the president must consider before launching any attack:

  • Distinction
  • Necessity
  • Proportionality
  • Unnecessary suffering
The armed conflict report quotes an International Court of Justice ruling which states that

while the threat or use of nuclear weapons is not prohibited by international law,

"the use of such weapons seems scarcely reconcilable with respect for the requirements

of the law applicable in armed conflict".

While Senators and expert witnesses agree the president has full authority to defend the nation,

commentators have pointed out that because there is no all-encompassing definition of

"imminent attack", the president is not given an entirely free hand.

"I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do," Gen Hyten said.

"And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen? I'm going to say: 'Mr President, that's illegal.'

And guess what he's going to do? He's going to say, 'What would be legal?'

And we'll come up with options, of a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is,

and that's the way it works.

"It's not that complicated," Gen Hyten added.

He added: "If you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail.

You could go to jail for the rest of your life."

President Trump has not publicly commented on Gen Hyten's remarks.

Nothing would be better for Trump's Approval Ratings than if he Issues a Strike and the General Calls it off and a Mass Catastrophic attack happens on US Soil.
Nothing would be better for Trump's Approval Ratings than if he Issues a Strike and the General Calls it off and a Mass Catastrophic attack happens on US Soil.

Buy now and get 3 Free? (S&H not included)
Lower the Corp tax rate to 15%??
Cancer rates are to double in 5 yrs (but without healthcare you wont know any better)
Why not just wait? The "invaders" have no need for Wasteland.
There is absolutely no legal reason why the President cannot launch a nuclear strike by himself.

There is a procedure to run through that involves other people, but none of them can oppose the order and they must execute their duties faithfully.

The President consults with the Joint Chiefs but ultimately is the only authority.

I don't agree with it, for any President, but it is the way it is...
Buy now and get 3 Free? (S&H not included)
Lower the Corp tax rate to 15%??
Cancer rates are to double in 5 yrs (but without healthcare you wont know any better)
Why not just wait? The "invaders" have no need for Wasteland.

Sorry but im stoned so am confused, what i will argue is that Trump and not necessarily Trump as him self but his footprint he is leaving has brought light to the whole hollywood Sexual Assault Theme going on now and also to the Deep State figures such as Clinton making backdoor deals. And as North Korea Stands, i am not for Nuclear war with them, but like trump has done and is doing is smart, put tons of soldiers and Gear to the area so when the time is right, Carry out a Decapitation on the Regime and use the forces in the area their to stop any retaliation, The Corp Tax Rate and everything along those lines fluctuate depending on whos in charge and the enviornment, Cancer Rate's Yes that is a problem, and their are many factors that contribute to that, one being poor education and glorification of poor living habits in the mainstream media. Healthcare, I belive that everyone shall have free healthcare in the society that we are in today,
Sorry but im stoned so am confused, what i will argue is that Trump and not necessarily Trump as him self but his footprint he is leaving has brought light to the whole hollywood Sexual Assault Theme going on now and also to the Deep State figures such as Clinton making backdoor deals. And as North Korea Stands, i am not for Nuclear war with them, but like trump has done and is doing is smart, put tons of soldiers and Gear to the area so when the time is right, Carry out a Decapitation on the Regime and use the forces in the area their to stop any retaliation, The Corp Tax Rate and everything along those lines fluctuate depending on whos in charge and the enviornment, Cancer Rate's Yes that is a problem, and their are many factors that contribute to that, one being poor education and glorification of poor living habits in the mainstream media. Healthcare, I belive that everyone shall have free healthcare in the society that we are in today,

trump raped, groped, or sexually assaulted 20+ women and was caught on tape describing exactly how he does so.

he is the most corrupt grifter to ever illegitimately occupy the office and the united states is now not respected by any other nation except russia.

only racist stooges would say anything he does is smart.
trump raped, groped, or sexually assaulted 20+ women and was caught on tape describing exactly how he does so.

he is the most corrupt grifter to ever illegitimately occupy the office and the united states is now not respected by any other nation except russia.

only racist stooges would say anything he does is smart.

Who is stating he did these crimes?
Who is stating he did these crimes?

trump himself did.


you understand that is known as sexual assault, right? otherwise known as rape, right?

you know that trump has settled rape lawsuits with ivana trump, jill harth, and a 12 year old named katie kohnson as well right?

how many rape lawsuits have you had to settle, racist boi?
trump himself did.

you understand that is known as sexual assault, right? otherwise known as rape, right?

you know that trump has settled rape lawsuits with ivana trump, jill harth, and a 12 year old named katie kohnson as well right?

how many rape lawsuits have you had to settle, racist boi?

Your going to honestly sit their and tell me you have never made remarks similar to these?

I have had to settle none, but as you can imagine, somebody with money and power is open to these attacks true or not,
Your going to honestly sit their and tell me you have never made remarks similar to these?

I have had to settle none, but as you can imagine, somebody with money and power is open to these attacks true or not,
obama has lots of money and power and not one single accusation like this. mark cuban, bill gates, warren buffet, and many, many others have zero allegations whatsoever between them at all.

the 20+ women who trump raped, groped, or sexually assaulted don't even want any money you retard. they just want the truth to be known that trump is a pedophile and a rapist.

and no, i have never talked about how i like to rape women by grabbing them by their pussy without their permission. that is called rape. do you often talk about how you like to rape women you sick piece of shit?
obama has lots of money and power and not one single accusation like this. mark cuban, bill gates, warren buffet, and many, many others have zero allegations whatsoever between them at all.

the 20+ women who trump raped, groped, or sexually assaulted don't even want any money you retard. they just want the truth to be known that trump is a pedophile and a rapist.

and no, i have never talked about how i like to rape women by grabbing them by their pussy without their permission. that is called rape. do you often talk about how you like to rape women you sick piece of shit?

Ok Here we Go, First Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and even Mark Cuban, Are Richer and Are obviously more connected to the inside and The whole Clinton Compound, so would make sense why none of the Networks or Outlets would want to cover allegations into them,

Second, That does not strike you as suspicious that they do NOT WANT ANY MONEY?

Third, Not Actually say " i grab them by the pussy" but for example " Man would i like to get her in the sack" or possibly " That is a fine piece of ass"

You see Trump is not a predator, if you look at his family and his father and grandfather, you would understand that Trump has Morale's and Value's, He is not a Harvey Weinstein or a Charlie Sheen, He can weigh Pros and Cons of a decision, how else would he get to where he is?

Not all Clinton Supporters but a good amount are also Social Justice Warriors, they are feed info through the very same outlet that controls them and Choose not to think for themselves and put peices together, They are fully capable and intelligent individuals they are just Controlled/Programed to a degree.
wow, you are a fucking idiot. no wonder you love trump.

How am i a Idiot? You dont understand that False allegations are used as a tactical measure to change your opinion on that person? Trump is trying to change what the Dem's have been building for years and they do not like that, they want Trump Removed and will do what is needed to aid them,
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trump's grandpa ran a fucking brothel. they got their fortune off of exploiting women for sex you fucking idiot.

The first image is a good video editor, and as far as his Grandfather running a brothel, He was providing a service and an outlet for these women to make MONEY and PROVIDE for themselves, you see Brothels and Whore houses Happened ALL over the USA
Trump was not aware of certain Thing until he was briefed into office, so some promises to policy he made are going to change, Also the whole situation with North Korea, Trump is trying to Fix this problem peacefully so he is taking the route of Sanctions, that china hold power over so he has to strike a deal with China to allow these sanctions wich interfere with the policies he promised, so the Mainstream is using that to attack him,