Has marijuana ruined your life


Well-Known Member
now there are many pros to cannabis use, but I would like to listen to your cons about it, Have you lost any job from it? maybe you cant live a day without it? maybe suffering from pyschosis like i am.


Well-Known Member
I quit years ago because I stopped enjoying it. What I miss are the other people who smoke it. Folks who have never smoked weed are rather homogenous and boring as a whole.


Well-Known Member
the only way marijuana could ruin someones life is through the legal system.

marijuana does not have the ability to 'ruin peoples lives'


New Member
i lost good job 6 mo ago random test on jobsite had synthetic but couldnt get it 2 temp fast enough

ladies love asad

Active Member
well it depends on what you call " ruined life".

if you have 5 dollars left in your name, and you stole that from your mom to buy a nick bag, then yes, you are worthless.

totally ot ps:

super sweet 16: super stuntin celebrity bashes( yes thats the 100% accurate name), and i just have to say im 1000% thankful and grateful to god that P Douchey isnt my father. Also that i dont look anywhere as ugly as his son. What a disgrace these people are to money.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
totally ot ps:

super sweet 16: super stuntin celebrity bashes( yes thats the 100% accurate name), and i just have to say im 1000% thankful and grateful to god that P Douchey isnt my father. Also that i dont look anywhere as ugly as his son. What a disgrace these people are to money.

WTF????????????? I know those words are English... but I can't make out what they mean....


Well-Known Member
It is a drug, but no more harmfull or addictive than many other legal drugs, like caffeine,
But lets not kid ourselves, marijuana is the shit!!!
I wouldnt say it has ruined my life, but it has definitely made some aspects of life... monotonous, It is also addictive, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do some research on addictions, how they work, what causes them and what they are. And like all addictions, it will probably partialy lead to your death if you smoke it all the time :) but fear not no more than your addictions to certain emotions.

But I digress, pot has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life, its been there when noone else was, it gave value to my life until I was ready, or able to find value elsewear.
It has given me so much time, and taken away so much more, I consumed it util it consumed me. It's made me happy when I was sad, and calm when angry, it made me interested in things I never would have been interested in had I not been high as hell! It gave me time to read, learn, sit, watch, observe, quietly from a corner, that I sat in for years. It has taken away from me though, in a psycological way, or maybe not. Still I've learned so much from pot, and have probably fogoten twice that.

Its a trade off, at least for me, not a real, or natural one, but one that I have created, weather or not I would have been able to without it is something I'll never know, it makes you think... anyway for now, I'm going to stay here and smoke me some weed!


Well-Known Member
I guess I have had a few negative consequences as a result of my smoking. As a whole however my life is much improved because of cannabis. My party days are over now and I like to smoke after work sometimes and on the weekend. I don't smoke if I need to do something important either. I think it is important to moderate yourself to some extent. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i think weed is great .. never lost a job from it .. because i was always informed way ahead of time ... hey lay of the weed for a little... im just smart about it.. weed comes second to me .. i go handle everything i need to do that is important.. then after that its smoke .smoke and more smoke ... some people try to say hey weed ruined my life or others say see what dope will do to ur life.. i think its all bullshit... its a scapegoat .. most were doing other drugs or what ever happen to hey point blank im a fuck up .. i fuck everything up i do... i dont think u can actually blame anything on weed .. its more the persons choice to how they will live there life and make decions


Active Member
Ahhhh....Me and Mary met back in '02 and its been love at first sight..we have had our ups and downs.....but I Love Her :weed:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
now there are many pros to cannabis use, but I would like to listen to your cons about it, Have you lost any job from it? maybe you cant live a day without it? maybe suffering from pyschosis like i am.
I think we all know how I feel about this one, I've been pretty vocal on it.Mental addiction and physical addiction are two different things.I have neither.I recognize that marijuana could be mentally addictive for some folks.It gives a lot of pleasure and relaxation.But it is a sacred substance, not to be abused, to be used in moderation and with reverence.All you have to do is pay attention to your body, and how it is affected by a substance, and recognize when to back off.If you can't do that, as a responsible adult,then you're ruining it for the rest of us who can.(and this is not directed at you tckfui, but anyone who tries to say they are addicted to pot and can't stop.) Because all you're doing when you say that is lending creedence to the folks who are fighting this drug war against us.If a drug is being used as a crutch, or an escape(and we all use it to escape once in a while, but if you do it all the time)then you have bigger issues to worry about.If you're worried about tar, vaporize, if your worried about killing brain cells, don't breathe, because the carcinogens and toxins in the air will get you way before the weed does.If your life is ruined, that's not anyone's fault but your own, bottom line.Put the pipe down and go do something about it.Otherwise, light up and move on.:peace:
It is a drug, but no more harmfull or addictive than many other legal drugs, like caffeine,
But lets not kid ourselves, marijuana is the shit!!!
I wouldnt say it has ruined my life, but it has definitely made some aspects of life... monotonous, It is also addictive, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do some research on addictions, how they work, what causes them and what they are. And like all addictions, it will probably partialy lead to your death if you smoke it all the time :) but fear not no more than your addictions to certain emotions.

But I digress, pot has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life, its been there when noone else was, it gave value to my life until I was ready, or able to find value elsewear.
It has given me so much time, and taken away so much more, I consumed it util it consumed me. It's made me happy when I was sad, and calm when angry, it made me interested in things I never would have been interested in had I not been high as hell! It gave me time to read, learn, sit, watch, observe, quietly from a corner, that I sat in for years. It has taken away from me though, in a psycological way, or maybe not. Still I've learned so much from pot, and have probably fogoten twice that.

Its a trade off, at least for me, not a real, or natural one, but one that I have created, weather or not I would have been able to without it is something I'll never know, it makes you think... anyway for now, I'm going to stay here and smoke me some weed!


Active Member
if you have 5 dollars left in your name, and you stole that from your mom to buy a nick bag, then yes, you are worthless.
what if u ask for 10 bucks and steal her car when she goes to sleep to go get the weed? ya im worthless... well as worthless as my setup is

i met the slut back in 88 i never cheated on her :0)
i met her back in like 99-00 somethin like that, i feel like cryn evertime i see her with sum1 who doesint appreciate or treat her right..... n DONT call my LOVE a slut, she gives us everythin she can!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest negative that cannabis users face is from drug testing and the fact that marijuana is illegal. Unfortunately, most good employers want you to submit to urine testing before you can get the job, or possibly subject you to random testing. I can beat their stupid tests but it does cause stress on me having to strap a catheter bag full of urine to my leg. There are certain jobs that subject you to more invasive tests like supervised urine tests, hair tests, and blood tests, hard stuff to beat unless your clean.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
other than health effects which I don't really know or give a shit about I have never had a negative consequence involving marijuana...a few buzzkills but nothing too serious


Well-Known Member
Wow its great to here all your stories guys and girls! I just went and spent money on it that i needed that money for bills now im screwed!! I am so mentally addicted to the relaxation of weed it gives me, when i dont have it i feel super down, I actually felt like crying when i didnt have any, good to come to a place like this and talk with fellow stoners. thank you roll it up.


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest negative that cannabis users face is from drug testing and the fact that marijuana is illegal. Unfortunately, most good employers want you to submit to urine testing before you can get the job, or possibly subject you to random testing. I can beat their stupid tests but it does cause stress on me having to strap a catheter bag full of urine to my leg. There are certain jobs that subject you to more invasive tests like supervised urine tests, hair tests, and blood tests, hard stuff to beat unless your clean.
thats what living in the states will do.. no drug testing for jobs here in canada someitmes not even criminal checks I would hate to live in the states


Active Member
flatrider, marijuana doesn't ruin your life, people do themselves. I smoked everyday in high school yet I maintained an 80-85 average in all four years. It's all how you handle it, mentally and physically.