has any one successfully gotten rid of a bad spider mite infestation?


Well-Known Member
So a bit back I got some clones from a buddy, grew em out, took clones off em and they now are spider mite infested. I sprayed em multiple times with garlic, Cayan peper, and onion all in once juice, that didnt work. I then sprayed them with 9 parts water one part iso, didn't work. So now I resorted to some predatory mite blend that says 2k per bottle, i used 2 bottles across all the plants in veg top to bottom, and the medium of the flowering plants in another room. I have a tent in veg getting way too tall even with topping them multiple times that I now have to flower otherwise it will hit the light post stretch. So the big question is what should I do? Has anyone fully gotten rid of the nug eating pests? Should I get more predatory mites?
You should have went stronger with the Iso - ~20% iso, so ~4:1 with 91% iso.

I'd probably go with predatory mites in flower and any number of solutions in veg: Diatomeous earth, iso, neem, etc, etc, etc.
So a bit back I got some clones from a buddy, grew em out, took clones off em and they now are spider mite infested. I sprayed em multiple times with garlic, Cayan peper, and onion all in once juice, that didnt work. I then sprayed them with 9 parts water one part iso, didn't work. So now I resorted to some predatory mite blend that says 2k per bottle, i used 2 bottles across all the plants in veg top to bottom, and the medium of the flowering plants in another room. I have a tent in veg getting way too tall even with topping them multiple times that I now have to flower otherwise it will hit the light post stretch. So the big question is what should I do? Has anyone fully gotten rid of the nug eating pests? Should I get more predatory mites?
Piston tr does a fine job.
That ISO spray is too weak. I'd do 50/50 ISO to water. But you should alternate with different sprays. I've heard good things about habanero spray, but have never tried it. Also, you have to keep spraying every few days if you want to stop the cycle.

But I like predators too. That's what finally took care of them for good when I got them a couple years ago.
If still vegging, I've used a spray slurry of diatomaceous earth, 100% successful for insects with exoskeletons. No luck with all the other suggested home remedies. Get food grade DE.
I use Azamax and a pump sprayer. I completely spray the entire plant like a mofo making sure every leaf is dripping like sweat!
Shove the stick INSIDE the plant spraying and twisting around too.
Does'nt kill them instantly, but it makes them not wanna eat and reproduce and in a few days there's no further damage.
That takes them out but makes your floors all wet too!
So a bit back I got some clones from a buddy, grew em out, took clones off em and they now are spider mite infested. I sprayed em multiple times with garlic, Cayan peper, and onion all in once juice, that didnt work. I then sprayed them with 9 parts water one part iso, didn't work. So now I resorted to some predatory mite blend that says 2k per bottle, i used 2 bottles across all the plants in veg top to bottom, and the medium of the flowering plants in another room. I have a tent in veg getting way too tall even with topping them multiple times that I now have to flower otherwise it will hit the light post stretch. So the big question is what should I do? Has anyone fully gotten rid of the nug eating pests? Should I get more predatory mites?

Get Hot Shots No Pest Strips, hang a couple of them in the tent during lights out with ventilation off, three times a week for two weeks, no more spidermites. Do not stay in the same room for a long time.
put your pot inside of a garbage bag wrap the top of the garbage bag around the base of the stock tight tight that way you don’t lose any of your substrate when you do this next step…….. fill the bathtub with Luke warm water and a shit ton of Dawn soap it’s got to be regular soap none of that scented shit….it’s gota be dawn…… pick up your plant turn it upside down dunk it. Inside of that solution gently rotating it and swishing it back-and-forth in the tub do that for about two minutes take it out turn the shower on again lukewarm water rinse it off thoroughly and I mean thoroughly if you do that every other day for a week you will get everybody off of that plan and every time the eggs hatch it doesn’t matter because you’re hitting them again before they get old enough to reproduce that’s a mistake a lot of people make they hit these things with all these dangerous chemicals but they forget that every three days a new generation is hatching that’s why you Gotta do it every other day for a week straight I’ve done this outside with potted pepper plants as well…. I had a horrible spider mite and brood mite infestation which are notoriously hard to kill off and it worked like a charm…… bugs don’t have lungs they have vents in the thorax. That literally absorb oxygen out of the air the Dawn dish soap clogs that vent…. Because they’re so small it only takes a few seconds for that vent to be clogged and they’re done……
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The Dawn dish soap is also in emulsifying agent…. So if there’s eggs hidden in the very deepest nooks and crannies of that plant which they will because that’s they are favorite place they lay them….. Dawn dish soap emulsifies the naturally occurring adhesive on the outside of that egg that helps it stick to that plant …….when you’re swishing that plant back-and-forth in that solution you are mechanically separating those eggs from the plant not all of them but enough to make a big difference
Use what the cannabis plant naturally uses, (acetic acid), to defend it's self from bugs, and fungi, but most don't make and, or serrate enough of it to defend their selves due to over-breeding and, or geographical evolution! Use 1/2 cup acetic acid (white vinegar), per 1 gallon of water, and spray them down good, or if you have a lot a plants, get one of them narrow blue 42 gallon drums and fill it with 32 gallons of water and pour a gallon acetic acid (white vinegar) in and mix it up good, then flip each plant over and dunk them for 30 to 45 seconds, then air dry them with fans! And you can safely do that all the way through the grow cycle!!!
Please let us know if any of these options end up working to eradicate those pests.

I was reading that the terpene ocimene is a natural pest repellent. I'd like to grow a strain with that in the future.
So a bit back I got some clones from a buddy, grew em out, took clones off em and they now are spider mite infested. I sprayed em multiple times with garlic, Cayan peper, and onion all in once juice, that didnt work. I then sprayed them with 9 parts water one part iso, didn't work. So now I resorted to some predatory mite blend that says 2k per bottle, i used 2 bottles across all the plants in veg top to bottom, and the medium of the flowering plants in another room. I have a tent in veg getting way too tall even with topping them multiple times that I now have to flower otherwise it will hit the light post stretch. So the big question is what should I do? Has anyone fully gotten rid of the nug eating pests? Should I get more predatory mites?

The short answer to your question is no. Not only will your plants suffer, so will your wallet buying shit to try to kill them. They’re like terminators, they absolutely will not stop, ever.