Harvested buds with spider mites - are they dead?


Well-Known Member
So I have a spider mite problem growing in my closet. I harvested the worst affected plant, and neem sprayed the rest.
I hung the harvested plant in the shed for 5 days. Now I'm concerned about bringing it back into my room for bottling.
(A tiny bit concerned about smoking spider mites too, it would be nice to remove them.)

Does drying the buds kill the spider mites?
Does pinning the buds to the bottom of a bucket of water, drown spider mites? Maybe even remove most?
I went through this Take little baking powder and a little lemon juice warm water and gently wash buds. Then soak/rinse buds in room temp water to do final rinse. Lay buds on a paper towel and gently remove excess water and hang to dry.
All the remaining plants, that I used neem on, were very early in flower :)
Awesome, I remember seeing some sort of lemon bud wash on Youtube once, and was wondering what to do!