Harvest time?


Active Member
Just wanted to share pictures of my violator kush with you all and to see if people can estimate how long till harvest (winner get's a smiley face)

The facts:
Lights - CFL
Seed popped through soil - 8 weeks ago
Switched lights - 4 weeks ago
Early signs of sex - 2 weeks ago
Nutes - bio bizz, haven't had any major problems with nutes so no stunted growth or anything and she is growing fast (yay!)

My guess is 4-5 weeks.

What do you think ?



Well-Known Member
Those flowers just started forming, up until a week ago I bet they were just scattered pistils.
You've got at the very minimum seven weeks of flowering to go.


Well-Known Member
dude! fuck yeah its harvest time, you better hurry up and cut them bitches before they go bad...i would, i normally chop mine 4 days into veg, love that fresh green leafy taste, no high tho, and the green leafage is kinda hard to burn....

just fucking with ya man......looks like your doing good, yeah 5weeks minimum..


Active Member
lambofgod - gonna harvest when it's 50/50 on the trichomes.

I brought a kush because i heard that these strains have a pretty short flowering period. Everyday i'm seeing new growth : D i'll upload another picture over the weekend.
Anyone wanna make bets on the yield ?

I think maybe 15g dried - maybe that's a little too hopeful lol


Active Member
Right so a little update. You can see from the picture the white hairs have almost tripled since last post. But getting some brown marks on the tips of the leaves and got a random fan leaf half way up the plant that's randomly dying. Any ideas what could be causing it ? DSC01339.jpgDSC01340.jpgDSC01337.jpgDSC01349.jpgDSC01344.jpgDSC01351.jpgDSC01350.jpg


Well-Known Member
As the plant flowers its burning up the remainder of the nitrogen in the plant sending it up to the nugs. Its normal.


Well-Known Member
Hey at least ur further along than my out door Violator kush. It just started flowering beginning of September but here are sum pics.
I'm only 1.5 weeks into flower and don't expect her to be done until beginning of November. I don't mind cuz I have special kush going in at 6 week of flower :joint:
but I'm taking her to week nine



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you have going on, have you checked your soil PH? Have you flushed the soil lately? That would be where I started. I would also just remove that dying fan leaf, no harm done, then you don't have to look at it anymore. :)


Active Member
Hi newbefactor , Ive just finished a crop of the same strain, some of them where done on 8 weeks but two took 9 weeks, Depends on the size you wont em to grow too... and how you like it of course. But I would say to you somewhere between 8-9 and there done. They pack on a lot of weight near the end 6-7 so try not be tempted to chop
em down early as there is still a good bit of weight to be put on after that. I cant help you with why the yellowing out but it looks like a little bit of nute burn , Ease off a little on the ferts and it shold sort itself out. Ps its worth the wait some nice smoking...


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone. I haven't given her any nutes in a few weeks now, just plain water as the soil is already treated with MG plant food (well that's what it says on the packet)

Stumpjumper - the ph is around 6.8-7.1 (i don't have a digital meter just one that has a little arm that moves to which ever number so that's just an estimate roughly)
- your kush looks better then mine lol i love the last pic of her hiding in the bushes, nicely done :D


Active Member
Hi newbefactor , Ive just finished a crop of the same strain, some of them where done on 8 weeks but two took 9 weeks, Depends on the size you wont em to grow too... and how you like it of course. But I would say to you somewhere between 8-9 and there done. They pack on a lot of weight near the end 6-7 so try not be tempted to chop
em down early as there is still a good bit of weight to be put on after that. I cant help you with why the yellowing out but it looks like a little bit of nute burn , Ease off a little on the ferts and it shold sort itself out. Ps its worth the wait some nice smoking...
Was that 8-9 weeks from switching the lights to 12/12 or from when you sexed it ?


Active Member
It was from the light change over too 12/12 , I ph'd the water down to 6. to 6.5 , you should get a little ph tester kit in any garden centre or hardware store , very cheap
like less than 5 euro Or ten dollars dont know where you are in the world !! 7.1 seems a little high to me.


Well-Known Member
Well the time-release ferts in miracle grow is not a good flower fert.. I would flush it good and hit it with a bloom booster. I've used MG Bloom Booster with awesome results. Just use about 1/4 strengh, like 1/4 teaspoon per gallon or whatever it says.

Your buds are not going to get the nutes they need from that soil alone.. I would also start giving it molasses every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Thanx 4 the props newbe! I'm def subbed cuz I think your crop will be done before mine. I think my VK is flowering later because of transplant shock in mid August. And for the browning on your leaves It could be excess chlorine. Do you sit your water out for 24 hours to evaporate sum of the chemicals?


Active Member
It was from the light change over too 12/12 , I ph'd the water down to 6. to 6.5 , you should get a little ph tester kit in any garden centre or hardware store , very cheap
like less than 5 euro Or ten dollars dont know where you are in the world !! 7.1 seems a little high to me.
I wanna get a digital ph meter but money is a little tight at the moment so don't know if i'd be able to get it before harvest. I've got some ph down stuff so you reckon i should try and get the water ph between 6-7. Only problem with the ph stuff is i put a tiny amount of it in the water and it shoots down to something like 5 which is why i don't really use it. But i'll have a go at trying to get the soil just below 7. But doing this isn't going to harm the plant right ? i don't wanna keep messing up her ph whilst she's flowering and cause her problems/stress.


Active Member
Well the time-release ferts in miracle grow is not a good flower fert.. I would flush it good and hit it with a bloom booster. I've used MG Bloom Booster with awesome results. Just use about 1/4 strengh, like 1/4 teaspoon per gallon or whatever it says.

Your buds are not going to get the nutes they need from that soil alone.. I would also start giving it molasses every other watering.
It's MG potting mix which doesn't have the time release capsules in it. I don't have molasses, but i do have bio bizz - grow, bloom, top max and alg-a-mic now if i remember correctly i think i read something about alg-a-mic being made using seaweed and molasses.

Thanks treduece - it's nice to find someone with the same strain, i'll try and post pictures every week to keep you updated. And yes the water sits for about 2/3 days