Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks. i only need it to run 1 70w pump for as long as the power fails for....possibly overnight sometimes. and possibly some cfl's to keep my lighting schedule ok for the ladies. but mostly just for 1 pump.
so what size would you guys recomend?
It takes a big UPS to really back up the pump cycle for any length of time... on the order of about 500W UPS per pump/per hour. This is just an estimate - and your mileage may vary. You can look at various UPS devices on line and see what kind of time they provide driving various wattages.

In the end, a generator is the only true way to backup your op. Honda.

If you are home when the power goes out, there are a few things you can do... If you have a sizable UPS that can drive your pump, set the time to 1 on 10 off to maximize your battery life.

Without a UPS - tilt the front end of the flower unit up so water is retained in the fence post... you can hand water down the open end to keep 'em alive.

You can float veg and clone lids in the tub for quite some time (nutes will stain your bath tub too! haha).

Even a flashlight can trigger the light signal...

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
For rooting cuts - standard shop florescent lights... the 2' ones fit nicely over the Rubbermaid containers. Cool Whites have the most lumens (I use those), though full spectrum 'Sunlight' tubes are available and also seem to work well.

For rooted cuts - T5 lights work great. I use a 4 x 2' tubes fixture with excellent results. I use the 6500K spectrum. The white light keeps stretch to a minimum.
thanks. was not sure witch one to use.


Active Member
After 3 weeks the best 14 plants move to the veg system.

I use a dual container aeroponic system. The roots grow straight down which makes the plants easy to transfer to the flower room when the time comes.

The plants are under a 250W MH light set to 18/6.

Again, all my systems are on the same timer set to 1 minute on and 5 minutes off. This gives the roots the maximum amount of Oxygen without letting them dry out.

I run this nutrient formula for vegetative growth:

Botanicare Nutrients:

126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

I start at 1500 PPM and bring it up to 2000 PPM by the second week of veg. I change the nutrients every 3 weeks with each new crop.

I adjust my PH to 5.8

Stay tuned for more...
u the man!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever take those loose lower buds and compress them together while its still wet making a dense compact tight bud?

Of course, alot of the trichomes come off on your fingers but they are still crystalized..I just made a shitload of nice lookin nuggets!


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever take those loose lower buds and compress them together while its still wet making a dense compact tight bud?

Of course, alot of the trichomes come off on your fingers but they are still crystalized..I just made a shitload of nice lookin nuggets!
haha!! I can't believe you do this too!

I have a vacuum sealer--I put all my underdeveloped buds in one of the bags and vacuum the shit out of it! Leave that compressed ball alone for 1 day and break it apart the next.

You actually get pretty decent looking chunks that resemble nugs! From trash to stash baby!


Well-Known Member
So I read somewhere on RIU something about the Stanley Blower Fan and decided to check one out. I must say, for $50 bucks they are pretty bad ass. Oh yeah... it has 3 speeds too! 1100, 1800, and 2100 cfm i think. If you need something vented, blown, cooled or whatever and don't want to shell $200 for a "grow" fan, you might want to look at one.
Good Job! :blsmoke:


Active Member
Well I just finished reading all 597 pages and can not believe my eyes. It gives me hope for my friends and I who suffer from alot of ailments. From abuse that came from serving our country which we live in pain everyday of our lives with no help from the country we served.... to a few of us that have cancer which the treatments are the worse kind which I would have not wished on any enemy I faced while in the military.

Thank you Stinkbud and stinkbuddies... our country may have forgotten us but atleast the people we protected have not.

Thank you so much.



Well-Known Member
been a while since I stopped in. got everything built, everything is working great and all the units are now filled. now just to wait for the first harvest to begin the perpetual cycle. I'm using 1 flood tray from a previous setup and two flowering units. The third flowering unit, already completed and sitting off to the side, will replace the tray when its finished. Feel free to swing by the journal in my sig. thanks again for all the great info. Cheers. :hump:



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a DIY for this autodrain???

Like this:

kinda unrelated to this thread..... use the "search" feature on the forums at the top. that may help. I've also seen just that unit itself for sale a few places, you'd just have to do a bit of digging. good luck.


Active Member
Thanks... was going to use it in conjunciton with the SB system as I need to modify the system to fit the parameters of my location.

You see it gets 120 Deg where I live and need to condense the system to one res with a water chiller.... Just to be on the safe side.

Did do a search as well as just finished reading over 596 pages and no one has brought this subject up.

Also I think it would help alot of stinkbuddies who live in desert areas not just me.

Got another great Idea for a DIY water chiller that would be real inexpensive and help with 50 gal. res as well as all the way up to about a 150 gal. res. This my friend would more than help the stinkbud cause vs telling someone to just do a search being that summer is vastly apon us.

No matter... will most likely buy one and reverse engineer it and dedicate it to the cause.

Happy Growing.

P.S. Will post my idea once I get the DIY Autodrain made... You Desert guys are going to love it.


Well-Known Member
That is looking good delusional! Did you start those from seed? Some of the plants look like they have that first set of leaves they get before they grow the first true leaves. I have some seeds I got from Attitude that I want to start and put into the system, but I dont know how everybody does it. I have always just stuck them in the dirt and hoped for the best. I thank anybody for any help my might give me on this.


Well-Known Member
Thanks... was going to use it in conjunciton with the SB system as I need to modify the system to fit the parameters of my location.

You see it gets 120 Deg where I live and need to condense the system to one res with a water chiller.... Just to be on the safe side.

Did do a search as well as just finished reading over 596 pages and no one has brought this subject up.

Also I think it would help alot of stinkbuddies who live in desert areas not just me.

Got another great Idea for a DIY water chiller that would be real inexpensive and help with 50 gal. res as well as all the way up to about a 150 gal. res. This my friend would more than help the stinkbud cause vs telling someone to just do a search being that summer is vastly apon us.

No matter... will most likely buy one and reverse engineer it and dedicate it to the cause.

Happy Growing.

P.S. Will post my idea once I get the DIY Autodrain made... You Desert guys are going to love it.
you cant. one rez means you will not be able to flush them properly. when you go to flush your current harvest the others will be running the same flush...... not good :)


Well-Known Member
That is looking good delusional! Did you start those from seed? Some of the plants look like they have that first set of leaves they get before they grow the first true leaves. I have some seeds I got from Attitude that I want to start and put into the system, but I dont know how everybody does it. I have always just stuck them in the dirt and hoped for the best. I thank anybody for any help my might give me on this.

yes, most were started from seed for this new room. start the seeds in rapid rooters, once they sprout crumble the rooter away and put them in your cloner. simple.