Happy Election Day

No, he has exposed America for what it already was. The saddest part for me is the percentage of racists is higher than I'd thought.
We were raised that way. Not that we are or want to be. Both sides are labeled and sub divided. And all partake in the disrimination of those labels. Even as we speak in humor or sincerity. Yet never hear the words from the other labels point of view. It is a conscious choice and takes effort to just break speech patterns. Traditions are a much larger almost genetic issue.
Folks really want to vote. The guys in the van are covid positive voters casting their ballots this morning.

Biden is gonna decimate. Record turn out. Autocracy be damned, but yes...Thomas Jefferson warned of the dangers of a two party system.

Citizens United, the bill that allows unlimited black funding to go to any candidate, was the end of liberty. It was the end of Washington representing Americans. You will win no fight until you get the money out. The money is, has, and always will win. You're in the ring with an invisible opponent if you try to fight anything but campaign finance.

Out with the money, in with the integrity.

I mailed in Jorgensen cause big head is gonna win Indiana. Not a wasted vote, an offset statistic. The electoral college wasted my vote.
No, he has exposed America for what it already was. The saddest part for me is the percentage of racists is higher than I'd thought.
He's done that for sure, me too on racists and how deep the crazy went. It's a bit like being a drunk, yer half way cured when ya recognize ya got a problem, next step is to solve it, because it's an important problem, an existential problem. There are ways to solve this problem, not completely, but enough so that it won't fuck up society completely and distort policy.

It's not just racism and grievance however, it is the media support network that provides propaganda, the bullshit narratives, the lies, the social cohesion, the marching orders, a shared sense of identity and social support. In short an alternative reality, not just an information bubble, communities must share in an agreed upon common truth, churches with their creeds and doctrines are a good example of this. Countries like America and Canada are civil secular societies, what binds us are history, language, culture, constitutions, bills of rights and laws, we have an ethos of liberty that is incompatible with fascism or other totalitarian systems.
We were raised that way. Not that we are or want to be. Both sides are labeled and sub divided. And all partake in the disrimination of those labels. Even as we speak in humor or sincerity. Yet never hear the words from the other labels point of view. It is a conscious choice and takes effort to just break speech patterns. Traditions are a much larger almost genetic issue.
It's learned behavior that can be reversed through education.
Nothing at all too be happy about today, just the possibility that Trump will be relegated to the fucking trash bin of fucking History as a failed POTUS.
He spent 4 fucking years of our/my time only fixating on attacking Obama/Clinton, eliminating 8 years of progress achieved under Obama.
Where's the Health Care plan?
Where's the development of our fucked up infrastructure that he promised?
Where's the peace deal between Palestine & Israel that he promised?
Where is the plan to address climate change (that one is inexcusable)
Where the fuck is his plan to deal with COVID-19?
Nope, nothing at all actually too look forward too.
4 fucking wasted, detrimental years.
What a fucking shame
Be safe/wear a mask :)
One day he will discover that he was a Manchurian candidate for the GOP to pack the courts.
Donald will end up the Judas goat of the GOP, all of their sins will be cast upon him, but he really just represented their sins. They created a monster by allowing bigots and racists to control, then completely fill their party and now their monster is consuming them from the feet to the head, the base and Donald are symbiotic and feed of each other, the old style conmen republican politicians are caught in the middle. By 2022 this bunch of psychos and morons will be running hundreds of Qnon candidates and if they don't do Q they will get primaried by morons.

Donald is going to prison and as soon as he hits court he will be muzzled and his thumbs with twitter no more. I believe supermaxs allow monthly visits and no electronic devices. Donald will leave in a body bag.
Donald will end up the Judas goat of the GOP, all of their sins will be cast upon him, but he really just represented their sins. They created a monster by allowing bigots and racists to control, then completely fill their party and now their monster is consuming them from the feet to the head, the base and Donald are symbiotic and feed of each other, the old style conmen republican politicians are caught in the middle. By 2022 this bunch of psychos and morons will be running hundreds of Qnon candidates and if they don't do Q they will get primaried by morons.

Donald is going to prison and as soon as he hits court he will be muzzled and his thumbs with twitter no more. I believe supermaxs allow monthly visits and no electronic devices. Donald will leave in a body bag.
Nope. Lol
There's a fence around the White House. Another one was erected outside it in July. Now, another "non-scalable" fence is being erected around the Out House. The party at Trump's hotel in D.C. has been cancelled and is now going to be at the Out House. It doesn't sound like Dullard is very confident. In fact, it sounds like he's a scared little boy.
There's a fence around the White House. Another one was erected outside it in July. Now, another "non-scalable" fence is being erected around the Out House. The party at Trump's hotel in D.C. has been cancelled and is now going to be at the Out House. It doesn't sound like Dullard is very confident. In fact, it sounds like he's a scared little boy.
He said he was going to build a wall.