Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Active Member
Also i think i scored today at walmart, i was scrounging the isles and i spotted this..was marked down halfprice for 15 bucks..will work perfectly in my box
Only thing I can add is to recommend good ventilation/air flow, as the reflective insulation will trap heat.


Well-Known Member
yeah i havent updated in a while actually, but i guess i should throw up some new pics, they are looking pretty good, had some rusty leaves n stuff a lil while back but i think the problems corrected just looks fugly, but im not sweating it i know the plants are doing good other than that. I'll add some pics tomorrow, the lights are off right now.


Well-Known Member

Droopy- 28 day flowering, shes been growing slow from the start with all the issues shes having, but she smells realllllly nice though.
Deuce-23 day of flowering, been having deficiencies but i think i got everything ok cuz her buds are just exploding


Well-Known Member
looking at your pics.....I had similar issues a few days ago with my WW.....pic you up some CalMag by botonicare, shit works REALLY well!!


Well-Known Member
looking at your pics.....I had similar issues a few days ago with my WW.....pic you up some CalMag by botonicare, shit works REALLY well!!
i do have cal/mg actually, but my problem is my water is really hard, which means it has to much calcium in it, which i had to learn the hard way, what happens is the excessive calcium locks out the phosphorus and causes it to look like a cal/mg deficiency at first, i think i have it corrected now, if you look at the newer growth its lush n shiny


Well-Known Member
when im near them i can smell them for sure, but when i get up close, they are strong, droopy has this sweet citrus smell, and deuce, the more sugary one has this skunkier grassier smell right now


Active Member
We certainly have far different phenotypes then. I can't smell mine at all even when I'm a few inches away. The buds look incredibly caked though so I'm hoping smell doesn't always have to relate with potency.


Well-Known Member
small update

got my new Attitude order in today, took 10 days on the dot again. Got a DNA Sharksbreath, Barney's Blue Cheese, and a DNA Sour Cream as a freebie, once the NL autos are done, i have the industrial plant going right now, im going to let it veg until the autos are finished then im going to scrog it out, if i think it grew nice and the buds look good, the smells nice, im going to harvest it for reveg, then do a coin toss on one of the new strains, sprout it, then take clones of the indy plant, grow them along side the other strain and probably set the indy plant up as a mother in a new "low cost/upkeep" box, probably with just CFLs or a few T5s. Planning on getting a perpetual grow cycle going so i dont have to order anymore seeds unless i want a new strain, but i figure rolling with 4 strains for the first year or two will suit me fine, should have some variety and different types of smoke to enjoy from those 4


Active Member
small update

got my new Attitude order in today, took 10 days on the dot again. Got a DNA Sharksbreath, Barney's Blue Cheese, and a DNA Sour Cream as a freebie, once the NL autos are done, i have the industrial plant going right now, im going to let it veg until the autos are finished then im going to scrog it out, if i think it grew nice and the buds look good, the smells nice, im going to harvest it for reveg, then do a coin toss on one of the new strains, sprout it, then take clones of the indy plant, grow them along side the other strain and probably set the indy plant up as a mother in a new "low cost/upkeep" box, probably with just CFLs or a few T5s. Planning on getting a perpetual grow cycle going so i dont have to order anymore seeds unless i want a new strain, but i figure rolling with 4 strains for the first year or two will suit me fine, should have some variety and different types of smoke to enjoy from those 4
Great choices. My buddy grows Blue Cheese regularly, I don't know if its Barney's genetics or not but I do know it's one of the best smokes I've ever had!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment on my choices good sir, speaking of good...
Heres some underage nug porn for all you pervs out there!

Droopy day 35 flower - Will probably end up turning her into hash, she smells great though

And Deuce day 30 flower- Shes looking so sweet for being so small and look at those crystals