hanging lights on nothing


Well-Known Member
My rooms built all studd walls 2meter x2meter

The cieling isnt strong as such so dont wana mount it there thinking to run 2x4s across the roof attatched to walls . Will reduce my movement of lights though
Honestly I am unsure how any sort of roof wouldn't hold the lights and extras. If not, I wouldn't walk under that ceiling anyways.

If you can't find boards in the cieling, make new studs.

Wood prices are outrageous. Buy some 2x3s(they are PLENTY strong enough. I PROMISE YOU THAT) and run them across the top. They are gonna be 3 or 4 dollars cheaper than a 2x4. Just make sure to pre drill the holes cause you're gonna be toe nailing the wood in.
If you want some simple maneuverability... is that a word?

Use flanges and a steel rod so you can slide the light left left to right or front to back.

For example.. home depot will cut and thread your pipe to fit the flanges.. prob run you about 5-10$ per flange.. about 10 bucks for the pipe, which they will cut as I said.Screenshot_20210513-235527_Chrome.jpg

Point being. These are all options strong enough to be monkey bars. You won't need to worry about stability and can put your thoughts into actually growing.
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