

Well-Known Member
The people who can "legally" own and carry a firearm are generally the most responsible people in society. You have to have a clean record, take a training class, and fork over a lot of money just to be able to carry (let alone the price of the weapon itself and ammunition). The people who legally own a firearm aren't typically the people going out shooting people and causing crimes. The gun is only used to defend yourself in a life/death situation and it is to be used only as a means of protection. The murders are generally committed by people who are illegally obtaining the guns on the streets and up to no good. which is exactly why I want to have one LOL, to defend myself from those clowns!


Well-Known Member
I got a glock 21, fucking sucks though, i cant find any fucking paddle holster for when we go hog hunting... its a bad fucking gun, i havent cleaned since i bought and it still delivers...

i paid 540$ gen 3


Well-Known Member
should be mental health checks,ever 6 months. 2-4 week training for a license. Each type of gun requires separate training

I find that extremely excessive. I would not want to do a mental health check after I have already been approved to carry a firearm. In my state you must renew your permit every 5 years. When renewing a permit, applicants must present evidence that they have received approved training in the safe use of a pistol within one year prior to the date of the renewal application.


Well-Known Member
I got a glock 21, fucking sucks though, i cant find any fucking paddle holster for when we go hog hunting... its a bad fucking gun, i havent cleaned since i bought and it still delivers...

i paid 540$ gen 3
What don't you like about it? the holster part or the gun itself and how it shoots? And I always suggest cleaning your gun after shooting it (it takes 2 minutes)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
What don't you like about it? the holster part or the gun itself and how it shoots? And I always suggest cleaning your gun after shooting it (it takes 2 minutes)
its the age old thing , like one guy like sblondes one guy likes redheads lol ... i find Baretta 92's awkward and uncomfortable so id never buy one, great weapon tho....the Glock is adaptable easy to shoot and any rifle oor pistol made in Austria or Germany will perform for years...outa all of em i like Walthers the most


New Member
I find that extremely excessive. I would not want to do a mental health check after I have already been approved to carry a firearm. In my state you must renew your permit every 5 years. When renewing a permit, applicants must present evidence that they have received approved training in the safe use of a pistol within one year prior to the date of the renewal application.
thats the point, its excessive. If you are a paranoid schizo/bipolar, you shouldn't own a gun. If you're clinically depressed, you shouldn't own a gun. These things can pop up randomly during your life and could cause you to hurt your self or others with a gun. They can still hurt other or them selves with something like a knife, but being able to kill something from far away is pretty dangerous.

Look at Dimebag Darrel, he was shot by a complete mental case who was shown how to kill by the military and then thrown out because of his mental problems. If he wasn't allowed to have a gun, we'd still have a few awesome bands, and PanterA would do the occasional concert when they need drug money. But no, the fucker had to run up stage and shoot him like 10 times just because PanterA disbanded.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thats the point, its excessive. If you are a paranoid schizo/bipolar, you shouldn't own a gun. If you're clinically depressed, you shouldn't own a gun. These things can pop up randomly during your life and could cause you to hurt your self or others with a gun. They can still hurt other or them selves with something like a knife, but being able to kill something from far away is pretty dangerous.
so yur gonna deny some returning servicemen of a weapon if they suffer from PTSD?....thats rediculous


New Member
so yur gonna deny some returning servicemen of a weapon if they suffer from PTSD?....thats rediculous
yes, because they are a threat to others and to them selves. I've been depressed as a kid, I seriously would have shot my self dead if my parent's owned a gun. But they don't and then I grew out of it.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yes, because they are a threat to others and to them selves. I've been depressed as a kid, I seriously would have shot my self dead if my parent's owned a gun.
you should move to canada or england then ..they dont have a carry permit lol

You could easily kill yourself and others with a hammer or an axe to...but home depot doesnt do a b/g check to buy tools lol.....jus sayin


Well-Known Member
thats the point, its excessive. If you are a paranoid schizo/bipolar, you shouldn't own a gun. If you're clinically depressed, you shouldn't own a gun. These things can pop up randomly during your life and could cause you to hurt your self or others with a gun. They can still hurt other or them selves with something like a knife, but being able to kill something from far away is pretty dangerous.
So lets nerf the world right? How about regulating the illegal guns which makes me want to purchase a handgun in the first place? Ever heard of operation fast and furious?

There are already regulations to prevent people with mental health problems from purchasing their own guns. But lets say we do regulate it how you want it to be, what's to prevent someone who is mentally ill to simply take the firearm from a family member/friend to complete their task?


Well-Known Member
you should move to canada or england then ..they dont have a carry permit lol

You could easily kill yourself and others with a hammer or an axe to...but home depot doesnt do a b/g check to buy tools lol.....jus sayin
Good point. And in my state anyone can buy a long gun without a permit or anything.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
So lets nerf the world right? How about regulating the illegal guns which makes me want to purchase a handgun in the first place? Ever heard of operation fast and furious?

There are already regulations to prevent people with mental health problems from purchasing their own guns. But lets say we do regulate it how you want it to be, what's to prevent someone who is mentally ill to simply take the firearm from a family member/friend to complete their task?
good point, id think the majority of crimes are commited with numberless guns, yeah sometimes legal owners go off the deepend but id also venture to say more civies are killed by drunk drivers each year than responsible gun owners


New Member
So lets nerf the world right? How about regulating the illegal guns which makes me want to purchase a handgun in the first place? Ever heard of operation fast and furious?

There are already regulations to prevent people with mental health problems from purchasing their own guns. But lets say we do regulate it how you want it to be, what's to prevent someone who is mentally ill to simply take the firearm from a family member/friend to complete their task?
proper training of that family member, the gun would be locked both in a cabinet and have a gun lock on it.

Dizzle Frost, I am Canadian.

As for illegal fire arms, you have to know someone who sells them. I'm betting the average citizen doesn't know someone who sells illegal fire arms.


New Member
I already talked about things like knives etc. The danger of a gun is that you can shoot someone from FAR away. Where as with an axe you have to get up close to use it. Most men kill themselves by guns because it's the easiest less painful way out, if you don't survive that is.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
proper training of that family member, the gun would be locked both in a cabinet and have a gun lock on it.

Dizzle Frost, I am Canadian.

As for illegal fire arms, you have to know someone who sells them. I'm betting the average citizen doesn't know someone who sells illegal fire arms.
It boils down to responsibilty, if your gonna leave your peice around then one day something shitty will prolly happen.

Guns arnt that hard to find on the street, money talks...go to toronto , i bet you score apeice within a few hours jus by asking hood rats


Well-Known Member
proper training of that family member, the gun would be locked both in a cabinet and have a gun lock on it.

Dizzle Frost, I am Canadian.

As for illegal fire arms, you have to know someone who sells them. I'm betting the average citizen doesn't know someone who sells illegal fire arms.
Ok first off, I don't carry a handgun to keep it locked in a cabinet. I carry to defend myself because that is my right. I would be convinced that over 99% of people or even more who carry a firearm are going to be the people not committing the crimes., I'm not sure you're aware that you must go through training and pay a ton of money for it. On top of that you must be approved by the sherriff in your county, after an extremely thorough background check. You are trained man, they don't just say "ok thanks for the money here is your gun".