

Well-Known Member
Recently purchased a new handgun. I really liked the Glock 23 when I shot it at the range so I decided to buy one (3rd generation). On Saturday I'm going to pick up a new metal guide rod and go test the gun out.

Anyone else on here "rockin a glock"? If not.. what's in your holster??

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
personally i hate the glock....not sure y....just every time i see one i turn away............that being said, id like to see a pic of it ;)


Well-Known Member
9mm high point, .38 S&W revolver, .38 Dillinger.

Trying to get some better shit, silenced pistols, silenced assault weapons, nigh vision rifle - basically anything I can quietly kill groups of people with.
9mm high point, .38 S&W revolver, .38 Dillinger.

Trying to get some better shit, silenced pistols, silenced assault weapons, nigh vision rifle - basically anything I can quietly kill groups of people with.
violence should not be somthing we seek, will end up bad for everyone


Well-Known Member
Occasionally when I want to feel like a real badd ass I can toss the AR slung under my trench coat... then grocery shopping lol. just Kidding on that.

And nice buy on the glock. peeps can say what they want about your glock, but my buddy's goes bang, every time. I just like the XD feel a little better. And i like the way a beretta feels in the hand also. super comfortable.

Oh wait, yeah, I sold all my guns at a lawn sale earlier this year......

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
9mm high point, .38 S&W revolver, .38 Dillinger.

Trying to get some better shit, silenced pistols, silenced assault weapons, nigh vision rifle - basically anything I can quietly kill groups of people with.
hi-point is bomb for the price!!!!! shoots pretty acurate and rarely jams..those are so underrated

i like Walthers and Colts , P-99 .40 sw and .45 Colt Combat Commander


Well-Known Member
hi-point is bomb for the price!!!!! shoots pretty accurate and rarely jams..those are so underrated
And if you run out of ammo, you can beat someone to death with it. Clunky, heavy as hell, but yes. they do fire a bullet.

Hotsauce: Yeah I love my 45. we just got a shitload of ammo from an auction, so iv been able to get out more with it lately. I have almost all the stuff to reload my own ammo. Need a few more pieces of equipment, and then supplies. I cant wait.

Cam 004 (Custom).JPG

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
And if you run out of ammo, you can beat someone to death with it. Clunky, heavy as hell, but yes. they do fire a bullet.
haha thats so true, they are a lil black brick lol.....only gripe a guy could have is the sights are fixed...but what do you want for $85 lol


Well-Known Member
i do not like guns at all, but totally down with our second amendment rights, that is, within reason. idk, what do you guys think? should there be greater restrictions on guns, should the policy remain the same, or should it be a free for all?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i do not like guns at all, but totally down with our second amendment rights, that is, within reason. idk, what do you guys think? should there be greater restrictions on guns, should the policy remain the same, or should it be a free for all?
i think every person thats sane should own a gun


Well-Known Member
idk, i think there should be some kind of profinency test before they let you buy a gun, and nothing automatic


New Member
idk, i think there should be some kind of profinency test before they let you buy a gun, and nothing automatic
should be mental health checks,ever 6 months. 2-4 week training for a license. Each type of gun requires separate training


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you, But I'm sure that by carrying one, I have afforded myself the greatest reasonable chance to defend myself should the situation arise.

Avg police response time in an emergency is what, 7-15 min, if you lucky enough to live in a good neighborhood?

And, yes, the second amendment is designed to let the people know that "we the people" should expect the government to get out of control, and there is nothing they can do to us if we think it needs to end. So, yeah, if they got it that means we can have it. body armor, full auto, sbr, grenades, tanks oh my.

of course you gotta afford that shit first.

All we have done, is allow mommy gov, to punish all the kids, because little johnny got caught in the cookie jar. seems kinda stupid, dont it?
The doucebag down the streets pitbull bit some kid poking it with a stick, so let make sure we destroy all pitbuls in town. One stupid fukr blows his thumb off with an M80, and what? now no one can? We all are responsible for our own actions. Im so tired of not being ALLOWED to do something just because it dangerous. Im pretty sure bathtubs kill more people every year than say a good acid trip, but where the call to ban bathtubs huh?

Come on, I wish to PROTECT us all, we must call out to congress, the president must do something about this tragedy that has overtaken this great country.


Sorry guy's, smoke one little bowl, and the whole world goes to hell.......... That reminds me, I gotta clean my imaginary guns.....

No auto's ?? thats just plain stupid, banning automatics did nothing for crime. If anything a semi is quite a bit deadlier. Autos are mostly for wasting a bunch of money really fast.

You fuking liberals think the gov has the authority to tell the people how to live, and your the type of people that should gtfo of this country. we dont need people like you. your are the exact type of people our founding fathers were trying to get away from.


Well-Known Member
you're putting too much faith in people. all i said was there should be more criteria, because its too easy to get a gun. you're not the one who had to watch a little boy die because his uncle left the handgun on the table.


Well-Known Member
I don't think young, attractive women who live alone should own guns, or at least they should be require them to put up a warning sign.