Hamas offensive against Israel

Do you think they care what the ex-president as to say?

Trump warns US enemies: spill ‘drop of American blood’ and we’ll spill ‘gallon of yours’
Former President Trump gave a stark warning to enemies of the U.S. at the Republican Jewish Coalition Conference Saturday.
“If you spill a drop of American blood, we will spill a gallon of yours,” the former president said during remarks.

Trump spoke at length about the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, which is escalating as Israel expanded its ground operation into the Gaza Strip Saturday. Concerns about civilians in Gaza, who have already been struggling with Israeli airstrikes and blackouts, among other difficulties, and what could happen to them amidst the Israeli incursion into Gaza, have been heightened.

“We have set two goals for this war: To eliminate Hamas by destroying its military and governing abilities and to do everything possible to bring our captives home. All Hamas terrorists are dead men walking — above ground, below ground, outside Gaza,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech earlier this week.

Trump also turned his verbal fire towards international college students and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), the only two Muslim women in Congress, for their pro-Palestinian views. He pledged to cancel the student visas of “Hamas sympathizers” on college campuses if reelected as president.

“I will cancel the student visas of Hamas sympathizers on college campuses,
Trump said. “The college campuses are being taken over.”

The United Nations (U.N.) Secretary-General called for a cease-fire in the conflict Saturday over the humanitarian concerns in Gaza.
“This situation must be reversed. I reiterate my strong appeal for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, together with the unconditional release of hostages and a delivery of humanitarian relief at the level that corresponds to the dramatic needs of the people in Gaza, where a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in front of our eyes,” António Guterres said.

Do you think they care what the ex-president as to say?

Trump warns US enemies: spill ‘drop of American blood’ and we’ll spill ‘gallon of yours’
Former President Trump gave a stark warning to enemies of the U.S. at the Republican Jewish Coalition Conference Saturday.
“If you spill a drop of American blood, we will spill a gallon of yours,” the former president said during remarks.

Trump spoke at length about the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, which is escalating as Israel expanded its ground operation into the Gaza Strip Saturday. Concerns about civilians in Gaza, who have already been struggling with Israeli airstrikes and blackouts, among other difficulties, and what could happen to them amidst the Israeli incursion into Gaza, have been heightened.

“We have set two goals for this war: To eliminate Hamas by destroying its military and governing abilities and to do everything possible to bring our captives home. All Hamas terrorists are dead men walking — above ground, below ground, outside Gaza,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech earlier this week.

Trump also turned his verbal fire towards international college students and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), the only two Muslim women in Congress, for their pro-Palestinian views. He pledged to cancel the student visas of “Hamas sympathizers” on college campuses if reelected as president.

“I will cancel the student visas of Hamas sympathizers on college campuses,
Trump said. “The college campuses are being taken over.”

The United Nations (U.N.) Secretary-General called for a cease-fire in the conflict Saturday over the humanitarian concerns in Gaza.
“This situation must be reversed. I reiterate my strong appeal for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, together with the unconditional release of hostages and a delivery of humanitarian relief at the level that corresponds to the dramatic needs of the people in Gaza, where a humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in front of our eyes,” António Guterres said.


Oooooh tough talk from bone spurs. Students from ME countries are potential allies. Dumb ass just sees them as political targets. That eagle is a good judge of character.
I wouldn't want to be the person in control of the water supply shutoff valve. Sounds like over the next week is going to get really bad if water and fuel/electricity continue to be blocked.

In an unclassified diplomatic cable, exclusively seen by VICE News, the U.S. Office for Palestinians affairs in Jerusalem, which reports directly to the State Department on Palestinian issues, warned the White House of the dire situation facing Palestinians in Gaza and impressed upon it the need to take immediate action in order to “save the lives of tens of thousands of people.”

They couldn't have mentioned this a few weeks ago?

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan said that the ICC has “active investigations ongoing” into alleged war crimes in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. The prosecutor added: “There should not be any impediment to humanitarian relief supplies going to … civilians.”

The number of children killed in Gaza in last three weeks surpassed annual number of children killed in war zones since 2019, Save the Children said on Sunday. “With a further 1,000 children reported missing in Gaza assumed buried under the rubble, the death toll is likely much higher,” it added.

I wouldn't want to be the person in control of the water supply shutoff valve. Sounds like over the next week is going to get really bad if water and fuel/electricity continue to be blocked.

In an unclassified diplomatic cable, exclusively seen by VICE News, the U.S. Office for Palestinians affairs in Jerusalem, which reports directly to the State Department on Palestinian issues, warned the White House of the dire situation facing Palestinians in Gaza and impressed upon it the need to take immediate action in order to “save the lives of tens of thousands of people.”

They couldn't have mentioned this a few weeks ago?

International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan said that the ICC has “active investigations ongoing” into alleged war crimes in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. The prosecutor added: “There should not be any impediment to humanitarian relief supplies going to … civilians.”

The number of children killed in Gaza in last three weeks surpassed annual number of children killed in war zones since 2019, Save the Children said on Sunday. “With a further 1,000 children reported missing in Gaza assumed buried under the rubble, the death toll is likely much higher,” it added.

IMO the ICC is the only way forward and all national leaders and governments should be in fear of it. How can America stand with Israel when so many civilians are being killed and the body count exceeds the Russian caused civilian death in Ukraine? Justice and respect for it will not stand a double standard, it is absolutely destructive to the process of international law and order. One only has to look at America to see how legal double standards and passes for elites work out for liberal democracies and the rule of law. Indicting Vlad was a good thing and gave the Russian's pause, putting the mark of Cain on the bastard. In order for more nations to respect the court, especially poorer ones, justice must be blind and equally applied as must international law. If not, we will continue to have such wars as despots arise in various countries and look to revive old dreams of empires past.

Most countries suffer from internal division and strife, something the UN was not really designed to address, flawed as it was at its inception and continues to be with an antiquated security council that has a veto. I think we must address issues with the UN moving forward and only those who qualify as democracies (they need not be liberal in the western sense) by the UNs own standards can vote on matters of substance or vote at all. We as a global civilization face too many challenges from climate change to be bogged down in self-destructive stupidity. The way we solved living in larger groups as civilizations was by the use of the rule of law and that is the only way forward as our technological power increases in lock step with our capacity for self-destruction.
The allies of nazis Germany are rising. As we were warned after WW2.
But, we forgot who was allied with them ..apart from Japan and Italy (who both changed after, unlike most of the rest).

German nazis 'words' have been coming from the current uk demonstrations too. Even old Nazis propoganda as well.
And attacks on innocent Jewish homes, work (even people perceived to look Jewish) go on. Just because, they are 'jew'?
And, the media are again downplaying it ..just like they did in the lead up to WW2

Russia has always had a nazis problem, going back to the revolution. And, were allied with nazis Germany at the start of WW2.
They also invaded Poland, with nazis Germany, and did war crimes there with them.
And only became 'fake neutral', when the UK declared war on Germany. Remember how they then tried to take the whole of europe (including the UK). But, where stopped by a truly great generation (stopped in Berlin).

As for the Middle East, those that allied with Nazis Germany (the majority and the religion itself) never did un-ally with them.
Allowing german nazis's safe haven ..all the way until today. And absorbed a lot of their hate too.
They really liked all the Jewish hate stuff. The Nazis German documents, of the time, give a great insight into how the middle east felt about 'the Jewish Problem'. Read their own words of that time.
Kind of similar, to some South American nazis allied countries ..Argentina anyone?
There is a population of over 400.000 nazis just in .Argentina today (4 generations to be accurate). And, they dont think they lost WW2. Crazy eh.

And Today, in the countries that fought against this, there are teachers who don't teach 'certain' things, about WW2 (like Russia being allied with Germany etc). They, need to be pulled to account for that.
As, they often share political ideas with the area of Politics that spawned communisum and national socialism. Even supporting socialism! (there is a 'communist light' joke, in there somewhere). And are guilty of helping to stir things up today. Like they did in Germany, before WW2.


Today, those allying behind China are the Nazis allies of the past.
And China, is the biggest Nazis country out there.
Believing the Han people to be a superior race to all others, actively use concentration camps on minorities, political dissidents, anyone that they don't like really. They tend to liquidate inferior genetics, like the profoundly disabled. Actively boasting about trying to create a race of super humans (through DNA research). Socialist and fiercely Nationalistic. national socialism at its best. I could go on.

But some racists, around the world today, thought/think ..that to be Nazis, means you need blonde hair, blue eyes and a Versace uniform.
Ironically, that has never truly been the case. And today, is well off the mark.
Oh did i mention, in the minds of some groups ...Europeans are Jews too. Just less Jewish than others. But, still must be exterminated.
After you wipe out the 100% Jewish blood. And all the enemy, are already inside your gates (Russia, China, Middle East). As you will find.

Fun times, eh
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IMO the ICC is the only way forward and all national leaders and governments should be in fear of it. How can America stand with Israel when so many civilians are being killed and the body count exceeds the Russian caused civilian death in Ukraine? Justice and respect for it will not stand a double standard, it is absolutely destructive to the process of international law and order. One only has to look at America to see how legal double standards and passes for elites work out for liberal democracies and the rule of law. Indicting Vlad was a good thing and gave the Russian's pause, putting the mark of Cain on the bastard. In order for more nations to respect the court, especially poorer ones, justice must be blind and equally applied as must international law. If not, we will continue to have such wars as despots arise in various countries and look to revive old dreams of empires past.

Most countries suffer from internal division and strife, something the UN was not really designed to address, flawed as it was at its inception and continues to be with an antiquated security council that has a veto. I think we must address issues with the UN moving forward and only those who qualify as democracies (they need not be liberal in the western sense) by the UNs own standards can vote on matters of substance or vote at all. We as a global civilization face too many challenges from climate change to be bogged down in self-destructive stupidity. The way we solved living in larger groups as civilizations was by the use of the rule of law and that is the only way forward as our technological power increases in lock step with our capacity for self-destruction.
I'm not sure how effective a deterrent the ICC is anymore to be honest, maybe it never really was? The UN is needed to allow continued discussion but it really is not anything more than that with how it is currently structured as you stated. Maybe that entire region is always going to be a place of war and death. All because of the Stan Lee's from thousands of years ago.

This is a pretty accurate description of the times:

The allies of nazis Germany are rising. As we were warned after WW2.
But, we forgot who was allied with them ..apart from Japan and Italy (who both changed after, unlike most of the rest).

German nazis 'words' have been coming from the current uk demonstrations too. Even old Nazis propoganda as well.
And attacks on innocent Jewish homes, work (even people perceived to look Jewish) go on. Just because, they are 'jew'?
And, the media are again downplaying it ..just like they did in the lead up to WW2

Russia has always had a nazis problem, going back to the revolution. And, were allied with nazis Germany at the start of WW2.
They also invaded Poland, with nazis Germany, and did war crimes there with them.
And only became 'fake neutral', when the UK declared war on Germany. Remember how they then tried to take the whole of europe (including the UK). But, where stopped by a truly great generation (stopped in Berlin).

As for the Middle East, those that allied with Nazis Germany (the majority and the religion itself) never did un-ally with them.
Allowing german nazis's safe haven ..all the way until today. And absorbed a lot of their hate too.
They really liked all the Jewish hate stuff. The Nazis German documents, of the time, give a great insight into how the middle east felt about 'the Jewish Problem'. Read their own words of that time.
Kind of similar, to some South American nazis allied countries ..Argentina anyone?
There is a population of over 400.000 nazis just in .Argentina today (4 generations to be accurate). And, they dont think they lost WW2. Crazy eh.

And Today, in the countries that fought against this, there are teachers who don't teach 'certain' things, about WW2 (like Russia being allied with Germany etc). They, need to be pulled to account for that.
As, they often share political ideas with the area of Politics that spawned communisum and national socialism. Even supporting socialism! (there is a 'communist light' joke, in there somewhere). And are guilty of helping to stir things up today. Like they did in Germany, before WW2.


Today, those allying behind China are the Nazis allies of the past.
And China, is the biggest Nazis country out there.
Believing the Han people to be a superior race to all others, actively use concentration camps on minorities, political dissidents, anyone that they don't like really. They tend to liquidate inferior genetics, like the profoundly disabled. Actively boasting about trying to create a race of super humans (through DNA research). Socialist and fiercely Nationalistic. national socialism at its best. I could go on.

But some racists, around the world today, thought/think ..that to be Nazis, means you need blonde hair, blue eyes and a Versace uniform.
Ironically, that has never truly been the case. And today, is well off the mark.
Oh did i mention, in the minds of some groups ...Europeans are Jews too. Just less Jewish than others. But, still must be exterminated.
After you wipe out the 100% Jewish blood. And all the enemy, are already inside your gates (Russia, China, Middle East). As you will find.

Fun times, eh
No disagreement other than you mis-use the term "Nazi" to mean more than it is. We are struggling against authoritarian governments, not the people of entire nations such as China. To characterize the Han Chinese as Nazi is not only false but racist. It is the government of China that is the problem, not the people of China. Also your focus on anti-Semitism is too narrow. Anti-Islam, racism against people with black or brown skin, religious zealots and radical nationalism also contribute, though these various forms of ignorance are just tools used by authoritarian rulers. Every country has its niche population of racists and bigots who most often prefer and support authoritarian leadership but they typically don't amount to more than 25% of the population. It is the wealthy and powerful elite who use these people that are the problem. It is people like Putin, his oligarchs, Xi, Maduro, Modi, Netanyahu, his Zionist elite, that Saudi king, the Iranian theocrat and radical right wing billionaires in the US who are the source of today's upheaval in war and terrorism.

Democracy must survive or those people and those like them will rule over corrupt absolutist authoritarian governments and they will continue to use bigoted, racist authoritarian followers as tools.
I'm not sure how effective a deterrent the ICC is anymore to be honest, maybe it never really was? The UN is needed to allow continued discussion but it really is not anything more than that with how it is currently structured as you stated. Maybe that entire region is always going to be a place of war and death. All because of the Stan Lee's from thousands of years ago.

This is a pretty accurate description of the times:

Maybe it should start as a union of liberal democracies who recognize that authoritarian governments are the issue and a very serious one. As Lincoln said long ago, we cannot have one part free and the other not. Living up to our ideals might not be a luxury but an imperative in the future as it was in the past. We didn't quite make it then but took practical steps to a global system in a post-colonial, cold war situation with an adversary in Stalin who was every bit as bad as Hitler and then his heirs. It might be time for a different approach to international affairs and IMO, the only countries who can enforce international law are those countries that live by the rule of law. Eventually that domestic rule of law must be subordinate to international law, but those laws must be made by liberal democratic countries who live by the rule of law and authoritarians who have no real rule of law should have no say at all about it.