halogen question


Well-Known Member
No No No No, I tried as a beginner and learned that they will grow a plant slow skinny small just shittie if you can keep it cool.


Well-Known Member
did you read my post,
The plant will be so shittie and won't really look like weed and it won't produce anything, so NO NO NO NO NO NO NO


Well-Known Member
All you need to know is that the light it puts out does not benefit the plant and the plant doesn't use it.

Not to mention the incredibly insane heat that comes along with it.


Well-Known Member
It's true but misleading that you shouldn't grow under halogen. You can most certainly do it if you want mediocre buds, but when I first started indoors I used two 100w halogens on two plants, kept the door to the closet open at all times and had a small fan blowing into the closet. Each grew about 4 feet and had a yield of about 30g. Not very tasty buds though.


Well-Known Member
i started with 500 watt halogens,,,my plants wilted and died ;-(

Keep on Growin
