Halloween Regalia


Ursus marijanus
Ohhh ohhhh ohhhh ~grips sides; tries to breathe~
the ultimate indignity. "I think I'd rather be back with Cruella ..." cn


Well-Known Member
I'm going as a TGA Weed Nerd: SubCool!


I'll be signing shit up at the G3C clubhouse, stop by!

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
After last night I'm rethinking the outfit (or lack thereof). I've had enough exposure for one year.
Awww.... Come on. Just wear a sock and carry around a bass guitar and you could go as Flea.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Naw, that was Destiny getting you mentally ready, Señor Squarepanties. ;) cn
You know... I had my suspicions. I asked her if she got mixed up and bought me some female underwear. She had a twinkle in her eye. But she assured me men wore them all the time. We had a long talk this morning. It was long because:

1. She was laughing too hard to listen
2. She kept erupting into fresh laughter every time I brought it up
3. She wanted me to drop my pants and wiggle my butt to make Spongebob dance (I burned them after I showered this morning).

She has been banned from dinner for a month. Her eating privileges have been revoked.

Awww.... Come on. Just wear a sock and carry around a bass guitar and you could go as Flea.
Oh that would be fun. I would have my very own profile on the New Mexico Sex Offender site.


Ursus marijanus
I wasn't even thinking anything sexist in re panties. When i was married, we used "panties" as a generic for underwear. My kids spoke of Daddy Panties. cn


Ursus marijanus
I would not be surprised if he's somewhere on Youtube, putting the moves on that balloon. He's plainly horny. cn


Well-Known Member
My GF and I are going as the big bad wolf and little red riding hard. Now if only I could get the kids to agree to wear little pig costumes. Maybe just the dog... lol