haha what a dumbfuck

This one came in at just under five, and that was after the kid up the street stole a few colas.


LOL whatt!? swear to god he did lmao man i wouldnt fuck with a mans plants,get myself shot

I'm astounded at his insult to your intelligence, or perhaps he simply meant ounces. Even still... 0_0

My, wouldn't a 6 lb per plant yield be wonderful though :3
If nobody on this website is coming here talking about 6 lbs indoor grows I don`t know whos going to grow that sort of gear! Not a guy boasting at a party to random people for sure lol
well he meant:
I cannot believe he fucked with your plants. I would probably get myself shot if I did that.

what i gathered from the his original post:
I'm a fucking moron.
oh ok i just stopped reading after 1000 watt cuz i just give a fuck about the weed talk not about ur story. well per 1 plant,hes a moron then like most of these people on here hahaha. now u can get 6 pounds per 1000watt

Lol just stop, no one is going to take a 18 year old kid that lives with his mom serious about anything to do with growing weed.

Btw you're saying you can get 6 pounds off a 1000watt? Point made

I'm astounded at his insult to your intelligence, or perhaps he simply meant ounces. Even still... 0_0

My, wouldn't a 6 lb per plant yield be wonderful though :3

sure if u weigh dirt and and stalks and bucket its in and hold your thumb the on scale 6 pounds a plant is possible
Who told you you could?

I've seen pics of a dude with a 12 lb. O.D. plant.

The buds are thicker than his skull and the plant stands as tall as a typical two story home.

Very possible outdoor. Indoor................no. Anyone who claims 6 lb a plant indoor is full of shit. Especially with only a 1000W. The light distribution/pentration math just doesn't add up.

I ran a stellar flood/drain setup years ago, that yielded just over a gram per watt.
Pulled 16+ to 17+ lb every 2.5 months or so. And that room was PACKED with HUGE 2-2.5 foot long donkey dicks, easily thicker than pop cans, some approaching 2 litre bottle thick. Could have yielded more with CO2, but still wouldn't touch the claims made here.

Don't believe it, not one bit.
This one came in at just under five, and that was after the kid up the street stole a few colas.


Wow very nice.

Sad to hear about your little problem , atleast he wasn't a greedy fuk.

As bad as it was , if you knew the kid who took it , I would of gave him an extra bit just for not being an uber dick and toping the lot , or takeing the whole plant.
fuck that shit, if anyone ever stole from me and i knew who it was, they'd hear about it. some black guys who were hella ghetto made friends with my sister, they seemed cool, then they brought over their little mayate cousin, who tried to get my sister to fuck, rolled a blunt in my bathroom and left the mess for my mom, raided my fridge and drank all the tampico, then, when my sister went to pick up my mom from work, and i was in my room, he snuck in our house and stole her laptop, which he had seen and used the whole time, little greedy bastard... swear to god if he ever comes back around my sister, she will have his ass taken care of.
It was a high school kid, and he just couldn't resist the temptation. And it was probably just my karma coming back for doing the exact same thing when I was his age, only I took more than just the top colas.

Anyway, we had a nice little talk with his mom, which made things quite unpleasant at home for him, and he's since joined the Marines. Security in the back yard has also been improved this year.