haha what a dumbfuck


Well-Known Member
hahaha stupid dumb fucker at a party tonight was claiming him and his "familia" grow 6 FUCKING POUNDS per 1000watt YES i said 6 POUNDS one PLANT 1000watts.

Wow didn't even bother to argue with this dumb shit..

Sorry just had to vent.. pretty trashed NIGHT....
I hope if your in a state that its not legal, that you kept your mouth shut and didnt tell the "mobster" you know for a fact cause you grow. Loose lips sink ships. Thats the guy thats gonna be busted within a year if he really is growing. DONT TELL ANYONE!!!! But all in all, that is kinda funny... If I heard someone saying that it would take everything i had in me not to slap him!
I hope if your in a state that its not legal, that you kept your mouth shut and didnt tell the "mobster" you know for a fact cause you grow. Loose lips sink ships. Thats the guy thats gonna be busted within a year if he really is growing. DONT TELL ANYONE!!!! But all in all, that is kinda funny... If I heard someone saying that it would take everything i had in me not to slap him!

blah blah blah i know . I live in cali, got a med card, non of those fucks know i grow ;), just fucking hilarious to heard stupid shit is kinda the point makingng here. Not really a subject to discuss YAAA DIGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! PIGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
hahaha stupid dumb fucker at a party tonight was claiming him and his "familia" grow 6 FUCKING POUNDS per 1000watt YES i said 6 POUNDS one PLANT 1000watts.

Wow didn't even bother to argue with this dumb shit..

Sorry just had to vent.. pretty trashed NIGHT....

yeah he can have plenty of plants n know how to reach em to their max yield potential

the natural genius strikes again.

Lmao that kid is really slow. He swears he knows what he's talkin bout but I seen him begging for help off his burnt to shit seedlings
Absolutely, positively, unmistakably, undeniably, 100% bull shit. Idk if you could get that from an outdoor grow.
lol i used to get jokers in my dispensary like that when i was bored i would budtend and randomly kids would talk growing with me not knowing i was the owner and had 60 lights going lol telling me wild harvest stories i would just laugh at them hahaha
Its hard having grow talks with friends without letting them know I (you) grow. I have a few friends who will not let some things go even after I prove them wrong. They swear they know what they're doing, but in reality.... couldn't grow yard weeds.
Confused u 2 retarded or just plain stupid? go reread the main post ;)

oh ok i just stopped reading after 1000 watt cuz i just give a fuck about the weed talk not about ur story. well per 1 plant,hes a moron then like most of these people on here hahaha. now u can get 6 pounds per 1000watt
This one came in at just under five, and that was after the kid up the street stole a few colas.
