H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's


Well-Known Member
The NL got a soaking and the run-off ppm was in the 2000's so RO again next time.
IMG_1092.JPG And the babies each got a quart.
Also got my next batch in pots, so in 3 days everything should need something. They are in root-pods, but I made sure everything was covered with soil. Some of the holes were rather large, and I didn't want air getting them.IMG_1082.JPG


Well-Known Member
I just realized that the manifold thing might be hurting more than helping the way I'm doing it, considering my end goal only has 4 cola that can be spread even after flower. I also have no height restrictions to make me want to keep them shorter.

So I am leaning towards the manifold pruning, without making the plant fight against the LST. The first part is done already on the RM, but not the BW. So I can try both this grow and see if one is better. I think just pruning, then spreading the 4 branches as they get big might help cycle plants quicker.


Well-Known Member

I love the two-tone pistils you get with foxtails :)
And 97g total for the late chop, no stems except what's in the tops. Based on the 20% weight I figured I should still lose another 5-10g. I have it under vacuum with Boveda packs for a few hours then I'll let it air out and re-weigh it. Everything was dry to the touch with "breaky" stems, but those fatties aren't dry. I think the vacuum opens up the pores (like marinating chicken) and lets some of that moisture get out.

After that, it'll probably be back to the drying closet on a rack for a day, then check again tomorrow.

I'll end up with over 4oz total. And having the 2 harvests helps me decide what to decarb and eat ;) This chop is definitely the smokin' part.
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Well-Known Member
This is day 32 for the BW. If I hadn't had issues with dry plants early, I think about 1 month for the first topping is a good target. Also roughly when feeding starts. Two to four weeks of veg-feed until the 4-prong is ready, then flip.

So if I just count on a 2 month veg and 2 month flower, the rotation thing could happen.

1st month in the tent,
2nd in the veg room.
Culling needs to happen before the flower room, so I think I'll have to flip the veg room just until they show sex to protect the flower room from idiot mistakes.

Unless they are ready to flip at about week 2 in the veg-room, the veg-room will clog up the works waiting on sex - and I can't just put the tent plants in until I can 18/6 it.

Damn. I guess that I won't be able to drop seeds on a schedule. It'll be based on when the veg-room/tent clear. Glad I got the extra light for the tent. I can keep them there for a bit now if needed.


Well-Known Member
Dropped the seeds about noon on 8/7. Had it on my schedule to put a light on today at noon.
I peeked at them and the GDP already popped, so they now have an electric bill ;)


Well-Known Member
I may have to do surgery on that seed hull though. If it hasn't popped off by tomorrow I'm getting in there. The only thing sneaking out is the taproot.

I held a bamboo skewer between tweezers to keep them from closing too far and gave it a squeeze to make sure it was cracked good.
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Well-Known Member
I may have to do surgery on that seed hull though. If it hasn't popped off by tomorrow I'm getting in there. The only thing sneaking out is the taproot.

I held a bamboo skewer between tweezers to keep them from closing too far and gave it a squeeze to make sure it was cracked good.
Use an eyedropper & spray bottle to keep the seed hull wet, Nature will handle the rest. Normally in high humidity (70 to 80 percent), this issue will correct itself naturally. More often then not we do more harm than good because pulling it off too early can damage the entire plant and stunt its growth indefinitely. Would hate for you to lose your Fem seed

How long did you soak the seeds before planting them?


Well-Known Member
Use an eyedropper & spray bottle to keep the seed hull wet, Nature will handle the rest. Normally in high humidity (70 to 80 percent), this issue will correct itself naturally. More often then not we do more harm than good because pulling it off too early can damage the entire plant and stunt its growth indefinitely. Would hate for you to lose your Fem seed

How long did you soak the seeds before planting them?
It's already off. I did have to crack it a little like I mentioned. I could see the yellow swelling inside the seed so I helped it along. I wet it too from your last mention of it. Last discussion was about that inner skin sticking the leaves together, but I figured it couldn't hurt.

We'll see as far as damage, but running one or two at a time I still have fem seeds for a few years.

I soak them for 24hrs, with a 1:30 h2o2 mix. I use to wait for tails to pop, but I don't think it's necessary. If I have to wait an extra day or so in the soil that's fine.
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Well-Known Member
@J.James Two of the RM are getting a little stretch, And I untied everything for now.
The one that isn't stretching deserved a closer look, check this shit out!
IMG_1132.JPGIt is putting out a new shoot at the base of each of the 4 keeper shoots.
I was going to prune them, but crazy stuff like this makes growing more interesting. If you were going for something with massive growth, this has a trait...


Well-Known Member
The reason I'm not pruning yet, is that the red lines show where the next topping would be if I did an 8-top, and they are already bigger than those shoots are. They are showing uniformity and the fact that it wasn't just one or two makes me hesitate. If they start getting fatter stems to rival their twins, instead of just being nute-suckers, I'll keep them.

I may prune that extra leaf I left on this one so it forms a fat knuckle right where they all originate.

On other manifolds, I left some inner shoots, and they fattened up as I kept pruning shoots on the main cola. But those were actual node-shoots, not secondary stuff like this. If I keep all 4, I'll reinforce the junction with grafting wax, because those have a high probability of breaking with LST.


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Day 28 12/12
They weren't dry, but close so instead of soaking them I gave roughly a half gallon to each, just RO treated with calmag. Some got more, some got less, But all felt about the same when I was done.IMG_1136.JPG
Since none are level, I think I finally found an arrangement that gives most of the cola light. I tried keeping the taller stuff to the outside, and the runt is pretty much a novelty, she can stay by the intake vent so none of the others have to deal with it. Might help the smaller pot get dry closer to the same time as the others.


Well-Known Member
So far the GDP is the only popper. At least I know that I didn't screw everything up since one popped. That makes the waiting a little easier. The GDP popping in about 48hrs probably makes the others seem slow.

She is starting out with a purple stem - maybe I can grow her long enough to see purple in the buds.


Well-Known Member
Only thing I did on these was what I planned, the extra leaf and stem is gone on the upper right one, so the all match now except for those 4 extra little shoots.IMG_1134.JPG The BW is almost ready for her final topping. Usually, as soon as that next set of leaves facing each other start being a problem it can all go. She's a true hybrid, so there should be a decent amount of stretch.


Well-Known Member
Day 35 for the BW, 46 for the RM's. They're close enough in size that I have them on the same light feeding schedule.


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For whatever reason, the first 6 were duds. Probably me, but whatever. After about 22hrs one of the Crown Jewel had a tail, so they all got podded
This pod-tray is much better, it's shorter so the bottom of the pods actually reach bottom.
And I shifted the heat mats so the little one is keeping the dome warm, and the big one is germing the seeds. Only one light on, and the vents are open giving the GDP some air. I only have the exhaust fan on, so I moved it near the intake.