H.A.F. growing stink-flowers in dirt with QB's


Well-Known Member
Got the room cleaned out, re-rigged the light-hanger system to gain some height. I should be able to get everything done for the flower room without actually going in there, except for hollowing out the carbon filter - or not.

I may rig the inner part of the carbon filter for the veg-room, and the shell for the flower-room. One fan was sucking through both filters plus the carbon gravel, so sticking with the carbon paper already in there might be best.
Attic is hotter than Hell until after dark anyway so I have time.
IMG_1036.JPG The seedlings have had a full 18hrs under the lights after the manifolding with no ill effect, so as soon as the room's done they can shift in here with the light high, and dimmed.
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Well-Known Member
So you’re not worried about the attic permanently smelling like a dispensary?
That last pic, is that your veg space?


Well-Known Member
So you’re not worried about the attic permanently smelling like a dispensary?
That last pic, is that your veg space?
Yeah, just a regular 3x3 closet. For the veg room I am not worried at all about smell. My seed-tent just vents into the room. The filter that was there was more to protect the exhaust fan than for smell.

And as far as the attic smelling better, hell yeah! :) I still have the homemade carbon filter rig I'm putting in the attic. the air will just be dumped into a large carbon-filter box instead of getting sucked though 10 pounds of gravel.

Oh, so far it looks like about a 6 degree difference in temp. I'll be able to blast the lights as much as the plant can take.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the difference would be just shifting the filter on the flower room to the exhaust side in the attic. Right now with the lights on high the temps go from 80-84. All I want is another few degrees to play with. I can't have too much fan on the plants because it 'shuffles' the air too much and brings the heat down before it gets sucked out. Probably another contributing factor to the gnats being able to hang out.

The Northern lights are not loud yet, so I'm gonna try the new set-up first. I'll check the attic after they start stinking, but I think this will be fine.


Well-Known Member
That’s some cool diy man, nice work!
Thanks. My main concern is airflow, and this was the ticket. I have to get the flower room done now, and climb around in the attic still, but the veg room is killing it.

This is just that inner part of the filterIMG_1042.JPG
And I had to dial back the exhaust from 5 (out of 6 speeds) to 2 to get the temp up to 75, but that will go up as I lower the lights - they're over 3 feet away now.


Well-Known Member
But everything can wait until morning now. Side by side now, with relatively the same wattage of lights, the veg room is 75 and the flower room is 82.


Well-Known Member
Got the attic done and the flower room changed over before the lights went off and the attic became an oven. Also noticed that I forgot to dim the lights when I moved the plants. I guess with it that high it doesn't matter because they seem fine.

The Hulk is living up to it's name. 3 days and I'm surprised there's not more shrinkage.
IMG_1044.JPG IMG_1045.JPG
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Well-Known Member
No pics of wet seeds, but I have a new crop getting started. I have 7 seed wet. 3 The Crown Jewel, 3 Bison Breath and one GDP.

I want to try the GDP again with my newfound skills and see if I can get some actual purple.

I am going to try a blend of the techniques for seeding. I think I can stick with the square pots instead of solo-cups, keeping the bottom-feed thing in mind. Also the fact that 7 square pots will fit in my dome with an empty spot to add water if needed.

I want to go back to the rooting pods in the fine soil though. I think the moisture visible (or not) in the top of the root-riot are a good indication of the moisture left in the soil.

It'll be 10% by weight soil-to-water, the root-riots are soaping in Rhize-up water, and tomorrow at noon they go into the pods and the pods into the soil, tails or not. Then dark until the first sprout.


Well-Known Member
And after I let @J.James know I dropped more of his seeds, I had a thought that will generate another "construction" project.

With his experience running reggies, he helped me figure out a tentative system for my needs. I'll be dropping 6 seeds to keep two, and may even cull a female if I have to.

I'm also dropping one fem seed each time so they don't lose vitality due to age. if it doesn't pop oh well - if enough don't pop I'll talk to ILGM and get more.

SO to save time and soil I need an unobtrusive shelf in my flower room that will hold 6 cuttings in small pots. Instead of pruning early like on the Royal Mystery, I'll let at least one lower shoot grow out enough to clone and sex. May cull some males before I even manifold. So instead of aggressively training them to do what I want, I'll save effort by letting them go to the 6th node or so, and hopefully have them sexed by then.


Well-Known Member
The simple fact is that I can only fit six 3gal pots in my flower room, and I would like to harvest 3/mo. 1 month in the tent, one month in the veg room, and roughly 2 in the flower room. Looks good on paper, but I think sticking with 4-prong manifolds will make it work. even if they get tall, they won't take up any more square-footage than the pot they are in.

And it seems the 7th will be my "drop-day"


Well-Known Member
Since I had to mix and pH water with the Rhize-up in it for the pods, I made extra and put the leftover around these. The Black Widow looks to be a beast. And my official newbie-to-reggie guess is that the upper right and lower left will be male, upper left female on the Royal Mystery.
In one month this room should have up to 7 plants in smaller (2gal) pots waiting on sex. The GDP if it pops, then one each CJ and BBr and if the GDP doesn't grow one of the others if available will move to flower.

Depending on the NL flower clones progress it may take some adjustment at first, but I can start sexing the plants while they are still in the tent and make room to keep them there if needed.
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Well-Known Member
Other things I'm considering is that I have a 'known' flower time for the fems. The NL and GDP are 60, and the others 56. After a few runs I'll whittle it down for the reggies and see which are similar to the fems. But I have over 100 reggies to run, and I need to get a system down.


Well-Known Member
My drying closet smells like strawberries and oranges - marinated in jet fuel :)

I like seeing what I think before I go back and see what the lineage is.

Bruce Banner is Strawberry Diesel and OG Kush. And 3-4 days made a helluva difference in profile. The 8/1 chop has a slight citrus and diesel smell, but nothing like the 8/4 chop.

But I think that says I didn't chop the first run way too early. They were mature 'enough', but like picking a pink tomato. Almost as good, but the flavor hasn't developed.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, the woodchuck is cute - but destructive. Undermining foundations and whatnot. So while I like wildlife, the decision now is hat for me, or a purse for a gift... :)